Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Thiruvathira !

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Thiruvathira Festival

The asterism Aridra or Thiruvathira ( Alpha Orionis ) coincides with Full Moon and we have the Festival Of Thiruvathira in Dhanus ( sidereal Sagittarius ), hailed by some as the Birth Day of the Lord ! ( Today, 25 December, Moon in Aridra opposes the Sun in sidereal Sagittarius ).

Thiruvathira is celebrated in Kerala and T N. In T N, the day is known as Ardra Darshan.

More info at

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Hindu Secularism and Socialism !

The PM's visit to Trichur marked the Rise of the Third Front in Kerala.

The Pooram ground became a virtual sea of people. The PM spoke for almost one hour. Once the ceremony was over, it rained heavily for one hour.

Now Pseudo Secularism will be replaced by Hindu Secularism. India is secular, because 72% are believers in Hindu Secularism. If 72% belonged to an evangelist, proselytising community, India wont be secular. Secularism is an Upanishadic concept, as we look on all as brothers and sisters, irrespective of caste, creed or religion ( Vasudha eva Kudumbakam )  !

Pseudo Socialism will be replaced by Hindu Socialism. The majority community in India have compassion for the have nots and the Nationalist Govt has announced many schemes for the downtrodden.

Chathopadyaya's book " The Marxist Brahman" is worth reading ! It integrates Marxism and Vedanta ! Socialism is also an Indian concept, as the Rishies declared  that "Annam Brahma"  or "Padartham Brahma", Matter is Brahman and that the materialistic life is not to be shunned. Doesnt the Upanishadic equation, Samathvam Yoga Uchyathe ( or Samam Brahma ) smack of Socialism ?

Aurobindo integrated both Dialectial Materialism of Marx and the Dialectical Idealism of Hegel and formulated Dialectical Integralism !

I reached Pooram ground at 0330 PM and left when the PM's speech concluded. A good experience !

Monday, December 7, 2015

Happy Tiv's Day

Happy Tiv's Day

Saturday, December 5, 2015

We started, as we felt that an astro matrimonial site can do better service than a non astro one.

We differentiate horoscopes into 3 categories

C - Chova ( Mars in the 7th or 8th )
S - Shuddha
M - Madhya with some slight affliction.

We send Chova horoscopes to Chova people, Shuddha to Shuddha 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Symbolism of Lord Parjanya

What is the symbolism of Lord Parjanya ? He is the Twelfth Sun, amongst the Dwadasa Adityas, mythologically the sons of Aditi, the Heavenly Mother.

The Sun in Mesha is Vidhatha and the Sun in Pisces is Parjanya.It should be noted that when He transited Meena, precipitaton occurred. It started raining here from March onwards !

The Four Seasons of Western Astronomy are created by Him, Sol or Ravi. He also creates the Six Seasons, the Six Rithus, that is His passage through the Twelve Major Signs creates the Seasons ! The lunar months of Chaitra and Vaishakha constitute the First Rithu, the First Indian Season, Vasantha. He also creates the Twenty Seven Njattuvelas !

His passage through the 27 constellations, the 27 Jnattuvelas,, causes Rainfall and vegetation, from which cometh food, Adityath Jayathe Vrishti / Vrishter Annam Thada Praja.

468 deaths have been reported due to Sunstroke. 302 of them in the Andhra Telegana Region.102 in the last 24 hours. Effects due to El Nino, they say. 2015 has been declared as the Year of the Christ Child.

In such adverse circumstances, we need Lord Parjanya's help. May He make the Njattuvelas rain heavily, not only on the 825 km long Malabar Coast, but other places as well !

Thursday, April 9, 2015

7 Adhi Masas

7 Adhi Masas or Intercalary Months had to be inserted, as 235 lunar or synodic months = 228 solar months !

Satellites like Dhooma

Satellites like Dhooma are considered bad if they are in Trika ( 6,8,12) houses, Dhoomadi Rimphari Mritheesa Papai !

Thuga Kala

Thuga Kala is defined as the time taken by a planet to move from its Ascending Node Point to the same point.

Sheegrocha Kala

Sheegrocha Kala is defined as the time taken by a celestial body to move from its Perihelion point to the same point. In the case of Moon, its Perigee Point.

Vikram Samvat

The Rishies gave different names starting from Prabhava for the Jovian Cycle of 60 years !

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Maxwell pulls Kangaroos to victory

Great batting by Glenn Maxwell and co saw Aussies score 376. SL started well, with a century by Sangakara, but could only muster 312. 

Aussies' formidable batting line up, displayed its wonders today, as they amassed 376 off the hapless Sri Lankans. A blistering 102 off 53 balls by Maxwell and half centuries by Clarke, Smith and Watson saw them amass 376, pushing the match away from SL.

Despite Sanga's spirited 100 ( his third consecutive 100 ), SL could not make it. Dilshan's 62 and Chandimal's 62 went in vain !

A great match, with both sides scoring over 300 and the better side winning !

Monday, March 2, 2015

Strategies for India !

Gayle and Bram Villiers are impact batsmen, who can change the complexion of the game.

In one WC match, Pat Symcox, the offspinner bowled the first over to Gayle. The ball pitched on the middle stump, turned and took the edge of the bat and went to slips. Gayle out for a blob ! That is how the South Africans took Gayle !

We advocate the same method. Let Ashwin bowl the first over to Gayle . The ideal combination, off spinner to left hander !

Hope Ind beat WI on 6th.

Regarding Bram Villiers, his Achilles heel is getting himself run out. Just tighten the fielding when he comes.

Another impact player is Shahid Afridi. He can be a huge threat to any side. He is vulnerable in the initial stages. He has a habit of trying to hit the first ball for six. Highly praiseworthy, but risky. So tempt him with spin !

Watch live streaming at

Friday, February 27, 2015

Of Simsumara Swaroopa in Vedas !

Simsumar refers to the constellations of Capricornus, Delphinus and Draco

Of Mars

Mars is the son of Earth, according to Indian Mythology, Bhoomi Putra.

Bhoomi Putro Maha Thejo
Jagatam Bhayakrit Sada
Vishti hrit Vishti harta cha
Peedam Harathu me Kuja !

Astronomy of Ancient India

Early Indian Astronomy

The practices of astronomy and astrology in ancient India had their roots almost four thousand years ago. Much of what we know about Indian astronomy comes from the Sanskrit sacred books called the Vedas. These religious texts were a series of hymns composed over several hundred years, and offer intriguing insights into the way Indians of the time viewed the sky. As in most ancient cultures, events in the heavens were believed to have direct effects on people. The practice of astrology, of divining a person's future based on physical phenomena, was a driving force in the advancement of astronomy as a science.
In the Veda texts, the gods were called Devas, which means 'bright' and refers to the luminous nature of the sun and stars. The Sun, comets, the sky, dawn, and the horizon were all deified based on their attributes. To the ancient Indians, the horizon held an immense amount of mystique: it was there that the question 'Will the sun rise again?' was answered every day. A beautiful verse from a Veda mentioning the Indian affinity for dawn says:

'Thou art a blessing when thou art near
Raise up wealth to the worshipper, thou mighty Dawn
Shine for us with thy best rays, thou bright Dawn
Thou daughter of the sky, thou high-born Dawn.'

The earliest Veda text mentioning astronomy is called the Rig Veda, and was written around 2000 B.C. At that time, the earth was considered to be a shell supported by elephants, which represented strength, and were themselves supported by a tortoise, representing infinite slowness.

Indian Astronomy in the First Millenium

As time progressed, Indian astronomy became more scientific and less spiritual. Beginning in the first century, it seems clear that Indian astronomers recognized that the stars are the same as the Sun, only farther away. Verses mention that the night sky is full of suns, and that when our Sun goes below the horizon, a thousand suns take its place. This is an incredible scientific leap in thought. The Earth was at this time considered to be spherical, and various astronomers attempted to measure its circumference. Interestingly enough, the Sun was widely believed to be the center of the universe, an idea which pre-dates western science (with the exception of a few Greek believers) by about 1100 years. However, this idea may be much older: vague references to the sun being in the center of the universe exist in Vedic writings from as early as 3000 B.C.

In the 5th century, a great Indian astronomer and mathematician named Aryabhatta advanced this heliocentric theory and also discussed his idea that the Sun is the source of moonlight. He also studied how to forecast eclipses (see photo below). His books and others were translated into Latin in the 13th century, and profoundly influenced European mathematicians and astronomers.

Several Indian scientists of the 6th century also were the first to advance the idea of gravity. They noticed that a special force keeps objects stuck to the earth, and hypothesized that the same force might be responsible for holding heavenly bodies in their place. The idea pre-dates Newton's conception of gravity by about 1100 years.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chyuthi Samskaram

Chyuthi is Orbital Eccentricity. If the motion of the planet is circular, there wont be any eccentricity. As it is elliptical, eccentricty has to be computed. Its values range from 0 to 1 at Ellipse, 0 at Circle and 1 at Parabola ! Chyuthi Samskaram
 in Indian Astronomy means to compute the eccentricity of the planet and reduce the Mean Longitude of the Planet to its Heliocentric Longitude ( Vikshepa Vritteeya Manda Sphuta ).

Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy Siva Ratri !

Happy Siva Ratri !

The Night of Siva occurs when the Moon is in between 156 and 168 degrees from the Sun ( Chaturdasi) in the lunar month of Maagha, in the Waning Moon Fortnight ( Krishna Paksha ).

This is a very sacred day for the Eternians. 
Esoteric, scientifc aspects of this Grand Night, vIdeos and photos of the famous Aluva Siva Ratri at

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The FIducial Star !

The Fiducial Star of Hindu Astronomy. It is line with the Galactic Center, the Vishnu Nabhi.
It lies in Sagittarius. To the Eternians, Sagittarius or Dhanus month is very sacred because at Sunrise, when one prays facing the East and the Rising Sun, they are praying facing Vaikuntam or Heaven !

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How Old is the Vedic Civilization?

Using Astronomy and Maths, we have computed the Age of the Vedic Civilization at 5567 years

Read at

The Fiducial Star, Moola

Lambda Scorpi was called Moola by the Indian astronomers. Moola stands for Moola Adhaar, the Base, the Root. The Rishies meant that this Star is the Base of the Zodiac, its Root !
There are reasons for this
Moola is in line with the Galactic Center, Sagittarius A*.
At that time, Moola was the First Star and Jyeshta was the last.
The Arabs called it Shaula, the Scorpion's Tail.
We feel that ISRO should provide more photos of the 27 constellations of the Indian Zodiac.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Tharavad Ayurvedic Resort !

We went to an Ayurvedic Resort near Bharata Puzha, for my sister-in-law. I found the Retreat to be marvellous. There is special treatment for Parkinson's disease,Osteoporosis, Arthritis etc.

Monday, January 19, 2015

First Tuesday in Capricorn, Makara Chova

Today is the First Tuesday in the sidereal month of Capricorn, celebrated in all Devi Temples as Makara Chova.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

International Yoga Day !

Q & As about International Yoga Day

Q - Why is June 21 declared as IYD ?
A - Because it is the Day of Summer Solstice, Sayana Karkyadi.

Q - What is the significance of that day ?
a -  On that day, the gross RA of the Sun touches 90 degrees and the
Sun initiates the Southern Solstice, Sayana Dakshinayana.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Our Mobile Sites.

The Mobile Web population in India has gone upto 173 million. Total Net population is 302 million.

We created mobile versions of main sites. We have uploaded a lot of articles in these sites.

Articles about the Fourth largest pilgrim center in the world and others.

Artiicles about Financial Astrology

Articles about the 18 sciences of Indian Philosophy

Offers from the Kerala Real Estate /

Happy reading !