Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Powerful Narayaneeyam Shloka - Happiness Mantra - Yogeendranam Thvadange...

Yogeendranam Thvadangeshvadhikasumadhuram Mukthi bhajam nivaso
Bhakthanam kamavarshdvitharuki salayam Nadtha The  pada moolam
Nithyam chithasthitham me Pavanapurapathe krishna karunyasindho
Hrithva Nisseshathapan prathishathu paramananda sandoha Lakshmeem.

May Thy Lotus Feet
Stay forever in my mind
May my sorrow be destroyed by Thee
And may Kaivalya Lakshmi take over !

Ninth Prosperity Hypothesis - The Concept of Kaivalya Lakshmi

One mystic Poet prayed

May Thy Lotus Feet
Stay forever in my mind
May my sorrow be destroyed by Thee
And may Kaivalya Lakshmi take over !

What is this Kaivalya Lakshmi ? Prosperity No 9?

Aishwarya has been defined,
As Eeshwareeya Bhava, Bliss Absolute.
Not mere wealth, but Fortune,
Which maketh all the difference.

The First  Prosperity,Adi Lakshmi,
Is Her Original State as Power,
Power Aspect of  Consciousness,
Capable of  conferring Power.

Wisdom has been defined,
As veiled Wealth and so Wisdom is Prosperity.
This is the second Prosperity, Vidya Lakshmi,
Capable of  conferring Wisdom.

The Third Lakshmi, Gaja,
Represents the Power of Royalty.
She can bless Her devotees with boons,
Capable of  conferring Royal Power.

The Fourth Lakshmi, Santhana,
Is vital to worldly life.
Without children, none is fortunate,
Aspect capable of  conferring Santhana..

The Fifth Lakshmi, Dhana,
Is god of the world, Mammon.
Wealth is the Soul of Outer Life,
Aspect capable of  conferring Wealth.

The Sixth Lakshmi, Dhanya,
Symbolises Agri Abundance.
Only productive vocation is Agri,
Aspect capable of  conferring Agri Prosperity.

The Seventh Lakshmi, Dhairya,,
Is emblematic of  Courage.
Courage is the basis of Victory,
Aspect capable of  conferring Courage.

The Eighth Lakshmi, Vijaya,
Allegorically represents Victory.
Nothing succeeds like succcess,
Aspect capable of  conferring Victory.

The  Ninth Lakshmi, Kaivalya,
Samadhi, Cosmic Consciousness.
Is a State  of Bliss Infinite,
And Evolutionary Goal of Life !

Eightfold Prosperity became Ninefold,
Ashta Lakshmi became Nava Lakshmi.
She is the principle behind our Ascent,
And the Conferror of Crown  Divine !

HIndu Numerology Lesson 8

Manifestations of the Divine - Sastra Teachers

He manifested as different Sastra Teachers,
To teach a benighted humanity about Sciences Intuitive.
Study of the Sastras, Sound Symbols of the Absolute,
Can pave the way for Transformation or Transfiguration

"Live according to the Sastras, tasmat sastram pramanam te,
He who contravenes its commands, gaineth not Earth or Heaven ".
Wisdom is His Quality, Wisdom supreme is He,
And it is His Dharma to protect and preserve Wisdom Divine".

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Gautama,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Nyaya Sastra.
Nyaya was founded initially to defend Vedic concepts,
And to promote the Science of Thought's regulative principles !

In Thy Incarnation as Bhagavan Yaska,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Nirukta Sastra.
Definions are badly needed in debate,
And the Indefinable Thou providest all definitions.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Varaha,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Jyotis Sastra.
Thou preserved Astronomy, Maths and Astrology,
Thri Skanda Jyotis of Siddhanta, Samhita and Hora.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Ramana,,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Pure Yoga Sastra.
Thy technique from "Who am I" to "He am I",
Is simple, conducive to Self Actualisation !

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Madhava,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Dvaita Vedanta Sastra.
This is the First Mystic Stage of JnanaYoga,
The aspirant is different from Deity.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Ramanuja,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Vishishta Advaita Vedanta.
Qualified Non-Dualism, It asserts that waves belong to Ocean,
But the Ocean does not belong to the Wave.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Different Aspects of Absolute Being

One person asked an Eternian,
"Why do you worship many Gods?"
Pat came the bewildering answer,
" I worship One, which manifests as Many".

I am a husband, brother, son,
Uncle, teacher and social worker.
I have many aspects,
So too, the Divine has many aspects !

For sheer Delight of Being, Rasa,
The Pure Existent multiplied Itself.
And became billions of forms,
So that it could actualise itself multitudinously.

The 33 Deities of the Eternal Law,
Are 33 esoteric principles.
Twelve Suns, Rudras Eleven,
Eight Vasus and two Physicians !

In Thy Aspect as Time,
Thou Art known as Kalapurusha !
Time is not only the Destroyer, the All Devourer,
But also the Great Healer, Creator & Preserver !

In Thy Aspect as Space,
Thou Art known as Vishwapurusha !
The Fourteen Universes Parallel are Thy Body,
With the Empyrean, Satya Loka, as Thy Head !

In Thy Aspect as Wisdom,
Thou Art known as Vedapurusha !
The Six Auxiliary Sciences are Thy Body,
With Astro Science as Thine Eye.

In Thy Aspect as Love,
Thou Art known as the Lord!
Thou Art Justice Personified,
As the highest Justice is Love !

Hindu Numerology Lesson 7

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Myriad Manifestations of Absolute Truth

In his " Apologia For Poetry ", the noble Sir Philip Sydney,
Defended Poetry against the attack of a critic, Glosson.
Glosson said that Poets are incorrigible liars and pied pipers,
Which Sydney countered saying they were Vates, Diviners !

Averred Sydney " It pleased the Heavenly Deity, through Homer et al,
To bequeath to us all Knowledge - logic, rhetoric, philosophy, natural and moral.
These sciences are called by Indians as Sastras,
Logic is Nyaya Sastra and Natural Philosophy, Sankhya Sastra.

Eighteen such Sastras grace Indian Philosophy,
Indian  Philosophy is a humiliating term given,
To the eighteen methods of gaining Knowledge,
Science of the Absolute and Affiliated Sciences may be a better term.

He who has undergone Divine Transmutation,
And who can transmute others, is Bhagavan !
In Bhakti Yogic terms, they are all Incarnations,
Either Partial or Full, Amsa or Poorna Avatars!

(  Bhavam Nihatya Yogam Dadati iti Bhagah  )

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Sankara,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Advaita Vedanta Sastra.
Thou revived the Wisdom of the Absolute and Relative,
And protected that system that taketh you to Unitive Knowledge.

In Thy Incarnation as Bhagavan Aurobindo,
Thou bestowed the Knowledge of Integral Yoga.
People were arguing about different Yogas,
But Thou integrated them, embracing Him in all.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Kapila,
Thou bequethed the Wisdom of Sankhya Sastra.
Know 24 principles, live in Rhythm with Natural Law,
With  Intellectual Love and be eternally free !

In Thy Incarnation as Bhagavan Satya Sai,
Thou taught us the value of Intellectual Love.
Thou declared " Love is Divine Medicine",
And that Love Universal alone can redeem !

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Dhanvantari,
Thou imparted the Knowledge of Ayurveda Sastra,
Thus medical knowledge was revealed first,
And Thou extolled Continence as a Panacea for all.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Patanjali,
Thou bestowed the Wisdom of Yoga Sastra.,
With a single definition, Thou adumbrated Yoga,
Extirpation of Thought Waves is Yoga.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Secrets of Poetry Revealed !

Western Poets invoke Muses,
( "Sing, Heavenly Muse, how on the top" ),
Indian Poets invoke Deity of Poetry,
( " Dance on my tongue, O Saraswathi ")                                           
Such Yogic methods are mandatory,
For the poetic process to blossom !

This request sent to Poetry Personified,
Sees Inspiration invade his being.
Hippocrene, the Fountain of Poesy, floweth,
Out of him, bewildering all !

( Padmapeedathil Irikkum Devee
  Pattada Bhangi Charthum Devee
  Nityamai ennude Navinmel
  Nrithamadanam Saraswatee  )

Poetry is the generatrix of Music,
Lyrics is nothing but Lyric Poetry.
Even though Music differs from Poetry,
Poetry is present in Music as Lyrics.

 Overmind has been defined,
As an Ocean of  Stable Lightnings.
With its brilliant, golden lid,
It hides the Truth Supramental.

Higher than the Intuitive Mind,
Higher than the Higher Mind,
Higher than the Illumined Mind,
Lies the Overmind, Vijnanam Brahma !

Overmind Poetry need not be mystic
Some mundane  poems do stir us.
Overmind Aesthesis should be present,
For a poem to be accepted as Overmind Poetry.

Nature was defined by Poets,
As an enigmatic Poesy.
Let us understand Prakriti,
To comprehend Purusha better.

As a result  of new yogic methods,
Aurobindo's mind hit the Ground State.
The Divine instructed him to write,
And the results were Savitri and Life Divine.

Poetry should initiate us,
To the higher reaches of  Unitive Knowledge.
On Himalayan heights divinely sang,
She acts propaedeutic to Philosophy.

Poets are aware of the Superconscious Might,
Which uses them as a Centre and lighthouse.
So, for the poetic process to unfold,
Be united with the Self, Yoga Yukto Bhava !

Sreepadam | Malayalam Movie Songs | Devaasuram (1993)

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Science of Overmind Poetry, Atheeta Manas Kavya Sastra

Origin of  Poetry

Pegasus, the winged horse of Grecian Mythology,
Tapped Mount Helicon with his hoof,
And from that exact spot arose,
The Fountain of Poesy, the Hippocrene !

Shelley opined that Francis Bacon,
The Father of English Prose,
Was a Poet inimitable,
Because his prose appeared to be poetic !

Poetry evolved from Sorrow
From Shoka arose Shloka.
The First Poet was pained,
When a bird was struck by an arrow.

Never Kill, Ma Nishada,he cried out,
For, it is against Law of Conscience.
In the Orient, he is the First Poet,
And his poem, Ramayana, First Poem.

Milton was blind and suffered a lot,
Out of his sufferings, came the Paradise Lost.
Dante was a mendicant, with a love tragedy,
And out of his strife, came the Divine Comedy.

Poontanam's son died early,
Out of his sorrow came the Njanapana.
Melpathur was afflicted by Arthritis,
Out of his frustrations, arose the Narayaneeyam.

That is why Adversity has been defined as divine,
And Melancholy as Sage and Holy !
Spiritual development accelerates under Adversity,
Whose positive aspect is unknown to Prosperity !


maanikyaveena - Kaviratna Kalidasa - Dr Rajkumar HIt Songs - Jayapradha

Friday, April 24, 2020

Secret of Overmind Poetry

What is the Secret of  Poetry?
Let us start from basics.
Why is Kavya Sastra, the Science of  Poetry,
Considered as the greatest Science?

Beauty walking celestial is Poetry,
Wisdom's Center and Circumference,
Cent percent divine and Great Healer,
And foreseer of Scientific Knowledge.

My friend once mentioned
Poets had some great experience.
They had transcendental experience,
When Mind hit the Quantum Ground State.

Quantum Ground State has beendefined,
As the Field of All  Possibilities.
As the State of Least Excitation of Consciousness,
And it can transmute men into poets and philosophers !

Aurobindo experienced three of the Four,
Faculties of the Intuitive Reason,
Revealation, Inspiration and Intuition,
Known to Rishies as Ila, Saraswati and Sarama,

Ila is Revealation,
Saraswati is Inspiration,
Sarama is Intuition,
All of them belong  to Psychic Research,

Kalidasa's experience of Transcendence,
Was symbolically depicted as a meeting,
With the Mother of World Poetry, Kali,
Who inscribed greatest mantra on his tongue

Mother  Kali is emblematic of the Ground State,
And Kalidasa, the common man turned poet.
The fountain of Poesy that flowed out of him.
Was due to divination by the Ground State.

The Language of the Philosophers,
Poetry is the Revealation of the Heart !
She can survive Cycles of Time,
And perceive the Celestial Diameter !

The Supra Rational Mystery

Einstein called Universe Finite Unbounded !
Universe, in its aspects, as structure or as Energy,
Appears as an indeterminate determination,
Implying a Supra Rational Mystery at the base.

Beholding the Universe , Sankara exclaimed,
"Wonder of Wonders and indefinable".
As Supra Cosmic Transcendence is suprarational,
So too Mystery of Universe must ultimately be so !

A boundless finite, said one psychic scientist,
At the end of his research   on Consciousness.
Paradoxical, but necessary expressions which tell,
That we are dealing with a Suprarational Mystery.

Man possesses two types of MIND,
Rational Mind and Mind Intuitive.
Science and Technology belong to Mind Rational,
Poetry and Philosophy, to Intuitive Mind.

Behind  phenomenal world is Reality Transcendent,
Which Intuition alone can see.
Absolute Intuition is clearly the way out,
Not Antinomic Reason.

Intuition is defined as the Eye Of Wisdom,
When Reason plays, Intuition is silent.
Intuition has been defined as that faculty of the Absolute,
Which perceives the Absolute, as the Absolute.

As if the Ultimate Verity needs proof !
Omnipotent Being is proof of Itself !
The Lord is the All and more than the All,
Ans that which exceeds and trancends the All !

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Forgive my mistakes !

Forgive my three mistakes, cried the Seer-Poet Vyasa,
First, I defined the Indefinable Thee !
Second, I attributed Form to the Formless Thee,
And I limited the Illimitable Thee within a Temple.

Great minds think alike and Melpathur did the same.
" In my Ignorance, I described the Indescribable !"
The Soul identifying with the body is Ignorance, Avidya,
And Soul identifying with the Self is Wisdom,Vidya.

The Constellations are Thy Teeth, Tharaganascha Radana,
They keep the same distance from one another,
Never coming closer to one another, nor moving furthur asunder,
Showing Thy mathematical precision, O Great Geometer !

From the  Moon, I will learn about Brahman,
Like the Fifteen Lunations, the Becomings of the Moon,
Affecteth not the Moon,in her pristine state,
So also Thy Becomings, affect Thee not, as Pure Being.

From the Sun, I will learn about Thee
Thy Representative and only visible Deity
Myriads of ponds show his many reflections,
But he remains, One and Non-Dual, like Thee !

Thou hast been defined as Time, Kala Ityalapanti,
As Above, So Below, the Terrestrial follows the Celestial !
Electrons and planets revolve in elliptical orbits,
As Thy Mathematical Symbol is the Ellipsoid Linga !

Unaware of Thee, many luxuriate in Sorrow,
All sciences intuitive, Sastras, have been revealed  by Thee,
Who doth emparadise my meditative mind,
Thy Saguna Aspect is greater than Thy Nirguna !

Thou hast been defined as Sound Absolute, Sabda Brahmeti,
Study of Sastras have  been defined as Sabda Brahman.
It is a great preparation for Absolute Actualisation,
The Yogi follows Thine "Let Sastras be your guide ".

Diurnal motion eternally keepeth  Time,
Luminaries and planets obey Thy instructions.
Thou hast been defined as Atom, Anu iti,
And Universe expands, as per Thy Universal Will ! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Aurobindo Hypothesis VII - Everything is Being

In the Beginning, there was One Existence,
The Absolute, the Perfect, the Alone
 In the Middle,there are many existences,
The Relative, the Imperfect, the Multitude.

In the End, there will be the Pure Existent,
The Absolute, the Perfect, the Alone.
For, Purusha is Self-contained Existence,
And an Absolute, which embraces Relativity !

Cause, Effect, Causality are all He,
Absolute Brahman alone exists in se.
Whom even Fourfold Veds cannot define,
As He transcends spatio-temporal language.

When we say, First,the Being and then the Becoming,
Fall we into illusion of  language spatio-temporal !
Everlasting is phenomenon of the Universe,
As everlasting as the Silence beyond Time.

If Matter can neither be created nor destroyed,.
 If Energy can neither be created nor destroyed,
Then Self also cannot be either created or destroyed
As these three fall under the divisions of Being.

If the Law of Conservation of Reality be true,
That Matter, Energy, Self et al are conserved, not destroyed,
It can be deduced by Logic that all are conserved,
Being, Knowledge, Bliss, Supermind, Life, Mind and Matter !

This corroborates the mighty statement of Gita,
"Know That to be Iindestructible,
By which all this is pervaded ",
As Brahman is indestructible, Aksharam Brahma !

( Avinasi tu tat viddhi
  Yena Sarvam idam tatam }

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Bhartri Hari Hypothesiss II - Self Actualisation Priority, Fortune & Wealth ,Secondary & Tertiary.

Bhartri Hari was controversial,
He who said everything is Economics,
And that Fortune is greatest,
Ultimately said Kaivalya is the Goal !

At bottom of Need Hierarchy Scale,
We have the basic physiological needs,
For which wealth is important,
Hence he extolled the virtues of Wealth.

He who has wealth  is aristocratic,
He is the scholar, full of virtue.
He is the silver tongued orator,
As all virtues are based on Wealth.

( Yaasyasthi Vitham sa nara kuleena
Sa Panditha sa Sruthavan gunajna.
Sa eva Vaktha, sa cha Darshaneeya,
Sarve Gunan Kanchanam asrayanti. ).

But Fortune is an invisible Goddess,
Which no Wealth can  court !
Confluence of Health, Wealth and Wisdom,
Is defined as Fortune.

He who has Fortune is aristocratic,
He is the scholar, full of virtue.
He is the silver tongued orator,
All virtues are based on Fortune.

Despite being graced by Lakshmi,
One felt that mental peace is lacking.
So he consulted Yoga and She told him
"There is no happiness under the Sun".

"There is no happiness in Heaven
Even Emperors are unhappy.
Only when Great Enemy, Mind, is won,
Can Happiness or Bliss reign supreme.

The truly fortunate one is the Yogi,
Who had conquered this master enemy..
For the noblest conquest is conquest of mind,
Which is Enlightenment, Kaivalya,itself !".

( Brahmakshraam pavanam ucharanta
Brahmaamasmeethi vibhavayanta
Bhikshashino dikshu paribhramanta
Kaupeenavanta khalu Bhagyavanta. )

Bhartri Hari Hypothesiss II - Self Actualisation Priority, Fortune & Wealth ,Secondary & Tertiary.

Bhartri Hari was controversial,
He who said everything is Economics,
And that Fortune is greatest,
Ultimately said Kaivalya is the Goal !

At bottom of Need Hierarchy Scale,
We have the basic physiological needs,
For which wealth is important,
Hence he extolled the virtues of Wealth.

He who has wealth  is aristocratic,
He is the scholar, full of virtue.
He is the silver tongued orator,
As all virtues are based on Wealth.

( Yaasyasthi Vitham sa nara kuleena
Sa Panditha sa Sruthavan gunajna.
Sa eva Vaktha, sa cha Darshaneeya,
Sarve Gunan Kanchanam asrayanti. ).

But Fortune is an invisible Goddess,
Which no Wealth can  court !
Confluence of Health, Wealth and Wisdom,
Is defined as Fortune.

He who has Fortune is aristocratic,
He is the scholar, full of virtue.
He is the silver tongued orator,
All virtues are based on Fortune.

Despite being graced by Lakshmi,
One felt that mental peace is lacking.
So he consulted Yoga and She told him
"There is no happiness under the Sun".

"There is no happiness in Heaven
Even Emperors are unhappy.
Only when Great Enemy, Mind, is won,
Can Happiness or Bliss reign supreme.

The truly fortunate one is the Yogi,
Who had conquered this master enemy..
For the noblest conquest is conquest of mind,
Which is Enlightenment, Kaivalya,itself !".

( Brahmakshraam pavanam ucharanta
Brahmaamasmeethi vibhavayanta
Bhikshashino dikshu paribhramanta
Kaupeenavanta khalu Bhagyavanta. )

Integral Knowledge

Maitreyi, the Mystic Village

Yogic Diet & Prevention of Cancer

Yogic Diet & Prevention of Cancer

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Mathematical, Absolute Brahman

Any number into Infinity is Infinity,
Any number into Zero is Zero
Then what is Zero into Infinity?
Mathematically, an Indeterminate.

Brahman has been defined as Infinity (Anantam Brahma )
And also as Zero ( Shoonyam ennum chilar )
So, what is He really?
Philosophically, an Indeterminate.

Ganitha Sastra is the Science of magnitude,
The Science of the more or less,
The Science of quantities,
But, is the Science of the Infinite !

Universe has neither Center nor Circumference.
It would have had a Center, if Circumference existed.
Since it cannot be enclosed within any Center or Circumference
It would be unintelligible, without the Absolute , being both.

The Absolute is an Infinite Sphere,
Center everywhere, Circumference nowhere.
This is the second best Definition,
The first being Being-Knowledge-Bliss !

At Infinity, Center and Circumference are one,
Maxima and minima coincide.
Science and Art meet at Infinity,
Past, Present and Future become one.

Maths became Meta Maths,
When Godel declared that Truth,
Cannot be represented by finitude,
As it is non finite and transcendental !

Economics, the 18th Science

The Signal Achievements of Kerala Astronomers - a PDF File uploaded onto the Eighteen Sciences.

Happy Reading !

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Yaska Hypothesis - Science of Definition , Nirukta Sastra

Science of Definition, Nirukta Sastra,
Was well developed by Yaska.
It was started to define Vedic concepts,
And to refute the Non-Vedic.

{ Vasti tasya Niruktam tu
Veda Nirvachanam Sphutam )

What is the Definition of Definition?
It is Genus et differentia.
" Man is a political animal"
Satisfies the condition stated.

( animal is the genus & political , differentia )

But Brahman, the Summum Genus, is Indefinable,
As it has no proximate genus !
How can the One, which became an innumerable multitude,
Sastisfy the condition of genus et differentia?

Best definition  of Absolute Brahman,
Was given by the poet, Aurobindo.
It was defined as the Sevenfold Chord of Being,
With lowest term as Matter and highest, pure Being !

Previous best was Being-Knowledge-Bliss,
The Upanishadic Sat Chit  Anandam Brahma,
Which was extended, incorporating four more,
Life, Mind, Matter and Supermind.

Sages spoke of It negatively, Neti, Neti,
Said It is not this, It is not that.
They also spoke of It positively, Iti, Iti,
They said It is this, It is that, It is all !

Brahman, the Absolute, is Life, is Mind,is Matter,
Is Supermind, is Cosmic Delight, is Sat Chit Ananda.
But then, Absolute Brahman cannot be defined,
Not even by our broadest definition of Sat Chit Ananda.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Twelve Commandments of Lord Dhanvantari

The Twelve Commandments of Lord Dhanwantari

1.Rectify the effects arising from Prajna Aparadha, Fault in Consciousness,
which is the root cause of all diseases.

2.Thou shalt observe Ritucharya, seasonal routine.

3.Thou shalt observe  Dinacharya,    daily routine.

4.Thou shalt observe .Brahmacharya,  continence.

( Controlled Brahmacharya for the married ).

5.Thou shalt consume good amounts  of fruits & vegetables daily.

6.Prakriti is the Sole Healer.

7.Thou shalt consume oñly Sattwic Food.

 8.He who conquers taste , conquers , Jithe Sarve Jithe Rase

9.Thou shalt resort to Oil Massage Therapy, Abhyangam Achareth Nityam

10.Thou shalt follow Usha Paana Chikitsa, Dawn Water Therapy.

11.Indulge in Tejopasana -Sunlight Therapy

12.Fasting Therapy, when one is sick, Lankhanam Param Oushadham

Why is Brahmacharya extolled ?

Seminal energy, Retas, consists of three properties – Heat, 

Light & Electricity,  Tapas, Ojas & Vidyut. This energy is transmuted and stored in the brain as Ojas Shakti and it manifests as Divine Effulgence in the face of the Yogi.


Nithyam Hithahara Vihara Sevi
Sameekshya Karee Vishayaksha Saktha
Dhatha Samasatya Para Kshamavan
Apthopa Sevee cha Bhavath Aroga

He who takes in foods positive,
Aware of the danger of Fault in Consciousness
Who is Patience Personified,
With self-control, conquers all disease!

Trilogy of Books of Ayurveda, the Brihat Trayee

It is said that the Greeks acquired an insight into Medicine, only after Alexander’s invasion of India, only after the secrets of the Atharva Veda were revealed to them. It is said of this Holistic Science of Life that it originated from the Atharva Veda and the Upanishads,  Atharva Vedasu Upanisadsu pragulpannah.

Naturopathy - The Prophylactic Aspect of Ayurveda

Naturopathy or Prakrithi Therapy is the Swastha Vritta ( Prophylactic
Aspect ) of the Science of Life.

The Five Great Elements are the Five Doctors ( Annam Brahma ). Food is
medicine and medicine is food. By food we mean Naturopathic food, the food
that cometh from Nature. The Five Great Elements ( Pancha Maha Bhootas ) are
prior to everything. Hence they are known as the Five Great Doctors ( Annam
Hi Bhoothanam Jyeshtyam Thasmad Sarvoushadhamuchyathe ).

The Five Great Doctors can cure any disease. Exposure to Sunlight is
Thejopasana. The body gets abundance of Vitamin D. Daily at least 10 minutes
one should bathe in the Sun.

The Fivefold Worship of Naturopathy

Thejopasana - Sun bathing. Sunlight is a rich source of Vitamin D

Akasopasana - Fasting, the best medicine. During fasting the digestive
system gets rest and diseases like ulcer are cured by Fasting.

Jalopasana - Water is a universal medicine. At least 12 glasses of water
should be taken in daily and exercises like swimming are excellent.

Vayopasana - Getting fresh air is a must.

Prithyopasana - Fruits and vegetables cometh from Nature and are rich in
vitamins, minerals and proteins. They contain phytochemicals which are
cancer or disease preventing.

The Ayurvedic principle, Lankhanam Param Oushadham is well endorsed by
Paracelsus, " Fasting is the greatest remedy". It is called Fasting Therapy
and has been endorsed by Plato, Aristotle, Tertulian, Plutarch et al.

During Therapeutic Fasting, the Ama ( toxins ) are destroyed. Also
undigested particles are digested. After Fasting, metabolic rate in
increased and the digestive fire is enhanced.

The Dhanvantari Mantra calls for the removal of Ama from the system,
Sarvamaya Vinasanaya Maha Vaishnave Swaha

Of the Immortality of Self Divine

The Eternian knows he is Being, Infinite Sphere,
Self, Center everywhere, Circumference nowhere.
Him the fire cannot burn, Him the water cannot wet,
Him the sword cannot pierce nor wind dry.

What can all these trials and tribulations do,
To the Birthless, Everlasting One,
Whom fire cannot burn nor wind dry?
This Eternal Self knoweth no destruction.

More luminous than all luminaries,
Self shines beyond Nescience.
It is the Substratum .the Base of All,,
Being Knowledge, Knower and Known.

Him the Sun cannot express, nor the Moon,
Nor the Stars, Lightning cannot express Him,
Nor fire, as  through Him they shine,
And Self is His great transparent mirror !

The body-mind-intellect complex, the Ego,
Sows the wind and reaps the whirlwind,
Known as the Law of  Karma,
While the Self remains uninvolved.

This is the Glorious Doctrine,
Of the Self"s Non-responsibility
He is non responsible,
For actions of the Ego !

Aurobindo Hypothesis VI - Mind-Overmind-Supermind Axis

Mind - Overmind - Supermind Axis,
Is the Central Theme in Aurobindo.
Mind belongs to the Lower Trilogy,
The other two belonging to Higher.

Mind is defined as an interlude,
Between subconscient Nature,
And Superconscient Divine,
And as a mediator divinity.

A Still Mind is pure Being,
And is more potent than Mind Active.
Being  is Silence, Nishabdam Brahma,
And Silence is indeed golden!

Upper and Lower Hemispheres,
Of the Unitive Reality,
Are connected by Supermind,
The plane of Perfect Gnosis !

Mind cannot accept
Coincidence of Opposites !
Irreconcilable contrariety,
Is nature of mental reason.

Above Mind is Overmind,
So above limited human vision.
Opposites are coexistent correlatives,
And not opposing contradictories.

That which is contrariety to Mind,
Coexistent correlatives to Overmind,
Is to Supermind an integral Whole,
Its vision being integral, global !

Monday, April 13, 2020

Vishu, the Planting Season of Kerala

We have said that Vishu or the Sun’s entry into the zero degree of sidereal Aries, is the time for the farmers to sow.

Vishu or the solar ingress into Aries, is celebrated all over Kerala. This is the dawn of a good era, as it marks the end of the hot seasons of Kumbha ( Aquarius ) and Meena ( Pisces ). Temperature touching 43 degrees is disconcerting. Vishu is the heralder of the two monsoons, the Kala Varsha and the Thula Varsha.

Hail, Vishu, O Changer of Seasons !
Thou bringest news auspicious,
And relief from the blistering heat,
As the Sidereal Spring equinox.

Read on at

Happy Vishu

Meshadiyude Prathama Vikalayil Sooryan…….

Vishu / Vyshakhi/ Somkran Ashamsakal !

As Thy external Symbol, the Sun,
Enters the First Second of Sidereal Aries,
O Lord Dhanvantari, show Thy Hand,
And redeem us from this life-devouring virus !

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Bharthri Hari Hypothesis - Poets are the Heavenly Winners.

We are here for what?
To gain Earth or Heaven?
If gaining Heaven is the Summum Bonum,
Then Poets are the true winners !

If Self Actualisation is the Goal,
And gaining Heaven is paramount,
Then millionaires will be bewildered,
As they believe in Money's omnipotence !

They are the genuine winners,
The Bliss attained Poets,
As their Fame Body fearest not,
Disease or Death ineluctable !

Jayanthi the Sukruthino
Rasa Siddha Kaveeswara
Nasti tesham Yasakaye
Jara Maranajam Bhayam.

Mundane Man thinks immediate,
Poet thinks about Universal !
This is the main cause,
Of Poet's maladaptations !

Higher ups in society,
Are intellectually poor !
This is the main reason,
For unsociability of Poet.

Women are crticisers & naggers !
Poetic temparament not compatible,
With feminine pugnacity ! Hence,
The enmity of women and poets !

The Brahmagupta Hypothesis, Trgnometric Functions

The first mathematical treatise,
Was the Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta,
Written by the ace mathematician,
Brahmagupta from India.

He called 5 degrees of the Zodiac, Jya,
And so a Zodiacal Sign of 30, has six  Jyas.
He gave Sine Tables for difference of 5 degrees,
And originated concepts of sine and cosine.

As Trikonamithi became Trignometry,
And Jyamithi became Geometry later,
Science of Jyas was highlighted,
As longitudes computation  needed it.

Bow and arrow was best example,
Bow represents the Arc Sine, Chapa,
And the Versine, 1 - cos x, Sara,arrow,
And then, computation became simple.

The rough Sine Table set up,
Was later modified by Aryabhata,
Who gave sine values for differences,
Of three degrees and minutes forty five.

Since it deals with R Sine Differences,
It cannot be called a Sine Table,
But the Table of R Sine Differences,
Of great use to the computing student.

Radius, R, is easy to calculate,
360 by 2 Pi is 57.3 degrees,
Which converted is 206265 seconds,
The Magic Figure of Astronomy.

Monday, April 6, 2020

The Sai Hypothesis - Epic Poetry is allegorical


It so happened, Ithiha Asa, say the poets,
The Seer Poets of the  Vedas,
Who knew that without Allegories,
Spiritual Truths cannot be taught !

Epic Poetry, Ithihasa,is allegorical ,
Symbolic of the Titanic, inner war,
Between the black and white opposites,
Of good and evil, Prosperity and Adversity !

Two major epic Poems here are,
The Majestic Mahabharata, with 100 K verses,
And Righteous Ramayana, with 24000 verses
Written by high calibre mystic poets.

Because of the Overmind  Aesthesis being present,
We can call them as Ovemind Poetry.
Thou shalt find illumination and inspiration there,
As these verses are full of supramundane beauty.

Man  is a composite creature.
Virtue and Vice are mixed
But the ratio is not fifty-fifty,
Either good or evil is more.

Vice more means Man Criminal,
Virtue more means Man Sage.
Half half is Man Common
And cent percent Virtue is Man Divine.

Imperfect principle is Ego,
Perfect principle is Self.
Ego is our negative aspect
And Self, our positive aspect.

King Ravana is emblem of Ego
Lord Rama represents Self.
King Kamsa symbolises Ego
And Lord Krishna, Self.

We are the battleground and place,
Where all parallel universes meet,
Where the Great Battle is fought,
Between Wisdom and Ignorance !

Human compositeness is everywhere.
Man is a dual personality, a paradox !
Asset of Virtues is Daivee Sampath
And Asset of Vices,Asuri Sampath.

Asuri Sampath binds,
Daivee Sampath liberates !
To gain Self Actualisation,
Increase Daivee Sampath.

The Six Enemies  of Man, Ari Shad Varga,
The  Six Deadly Sins of Dante,
Are lust, anger ,pride ,ambition, jealousy, avarice
Kamam, Krodham, Madam ,Mohm, Matsaryam,Lobham.

Along with these six, there are four more,
Blocks to Self Actualisation.
Ego, mind, intellect, processing mind,
These Ten are the barriers to Enlightenment !

These Ten are the Ten Heads of the Ego,
The Ten Heads of King Ravana !
The Law of the Way advocates their destruction
To gain the Divine Crown !

Self Realisation Sri Yantra ( Arthur Avalon, J Woodroffe )

Sir John Woodroffe

Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Crown of Astronomical Treatises, the Siddhanta Siromani

Guruvayur4u Hypothesis - Kundalini Music can arouse the Subtle Fire

Kundalini Music is the perfect blend,
Of two Sastras, Sangeetha and Tantra.
It can arouse the Serpent Power,
And take one to Enlightenment !

Geetha Sastra is the Science of Lyrics,
Vadya Sastra is Science of Music Instrumental.
Nritta Sastra is the Science of Dance
And all these three constitute Sangeetha !

Kundalini is the Serpentine Power,
Coiled in all mortals.
It is the micro Representative
Of the macro Universal Shakti.

( Kundalitha Shakti iti Kundalini ).

Aim of both Sastras, Yoga and Tantra, are same
It is the Unification of Knowledge, Known and Knower.
Relative Ego merges with Absolute Self in Kaivalya,
And this is considered as the Summum Bonum of Life.

( Jnathru Jnana Jneya Abheda Bhavanam
Sree Chakra Poojanam ).

Eternians have been reviled,
For indulging in Snake worship.
External snake they worship not,
But the inner, serpentine power,

Cause of such undeserved criticism,
Is undoubtedly Ignorance !
They know not the Esoteric,
And fail in Literature and Art.

Sir John Woodroffe studied Tantra deeply,
His Meditations, Electro Magnetic and Sri Yantra,
Effectuated Self Actualisation. A Grand Success,
His life was his message !

Read on at

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Aryabhata Hypothess - Mean Longitude Correction Method.


India is not a Colony, but a Nation,
A Civilization, like the mighty West.
India has her Poets, Scientists and Philosophers,
Just like the powerful West.

As scholars, Indian and Western, believe differently
Let us be least controversial
Both are great civilizations
And none plagiarised from the other.
According to Western Learning,
Kepler first postulated Planetary Laws.
According to Indian Learning,
Aryabhata first calculated celestial longitudes !

( Aryabhato Graha Ganitham }

Correct Mean Longitude thrice
ComputIng Anomalies, Manda, Vipata & Sheeghra,
Considering majot perturbations
And you get the true longitude

The Great Guru Shani Karsha,
m = 1187 secs*( Sin ( xyear - 4660) * 360/918)

And four more perturbations are computed
Before the major calculations !

About Computation of Celestial Longitudes

Soorya is the Central Eye
Of the Solar System
Because of his celestial gravity,
All planets revolve.

{ Soorya Jagata Chakshu, Gurutvakarshan }

Correcting the Mean Longitude Method
Is based on the Aryabhatan Model.
Kerala School follows this Model,
Of a  Helio Geo Universe.

Lord of the  Logos is Soorya,
And cause of the Solar system.
Will reveal the Eye of the Vedas,
For it cometh from Universal Mind!

Sooryam na tva Graha patim
Jagaat Utpathi Karanam
Vakshyami Veda Nayanam
Yadha Brahma Mukhasrutham.

Refutation of  charges againstt  Sun Worship

Eternians have been chastised
For worshipping the Sun
They worship not the external Sun,
But the Inner Sun, the Atma Tattva, Divya Tattva !

The Sun is the source of all Energy
Without him, life on Earth not possible
Its thermonuclear fusion reaction
Gives heat to the Logos entire1

Without Him, can humanity exist ?
So He is the only visible Deity !
His longitude creates the Seasons,
And He  is the basis for Time Calculations !

If the pagans are superstitious,
For worshipping a God they have seen
Anti pagans are more superstitious
For worshipping a God they have never seen !

Astronomy is said to be the Science of the Heavens and Astrology, the Wisdom of the Heavens. The subtle difference between physical Science and intuitive science is the only difference between the two, even though some astronomers in their ego will say Astrology is not a science. Without the basic knowledge of Astronomy,  the knowledge of an astrologer is not complete. Ganita  means Astronomy and the mathematical aspect of Astion
rologia Vedica. Gnosis means Knowledge or Wisdom and the true Astro Gnosis is the knowledge  of all the three branches, Astronomy, Mathematics and Astrology, Siddhanta, Samhitha and Hora.  Jyothishastra praveeno graha ganitha padu, so thra daivajna uktha . The Kerala Mathemlanetary longitudes by the triune method of correction of the mean longitude of the planet. The planet on the Mean Circle was brought to the Heliocentric Circle, then to the Ecliptic Circle and finally to the Geocentric Coordinate System !

The planet on the Mean Circle is known as Griha Madhyama and the reduced planet to the Heliocentric Circle is known as Vikshepa Vriteeya Sphuta Griha. Then it is brought ot the Ecliptic Circle and he is known as Kranti Vritteeya Sphuta Griha. Then it is brought to the Geocentric Circle and he is known as Sheegra Vritteeya Sphuta Griha. This is totally different from the Western calculations, propagated by Kepler, Laplace, Schlyter or Keith Burnett, where the True Anomaly of the planet is found and then the Argument of Perihelion added  ! So let no one claim that Indian Astronomy is derived from Greek sources !

We have the Pingree and Van der Werden Hypothesis, the Naugbauer Hypothesis that the multi step algorithms of Indian Astronomy approximated a Greek Planetary Model, an eccentre and epicyclical Model. We have to respect them, as at least they admitted that India had an Astronomy. Not like Thibeau or Whitney who said that the ancient Indians  had no knowledge of Astronomy or Maths, when they saw gigantic calculations like 311.04 trillion year cycles ( Maha Manvantara ) and the Cosmological Cycle (4.32 billion years ). They said these calculations were  plagiarised from the Romans and the Greeks!
Dr Carl Sagan opined that while Christians were calculating in thousands, Hindus were calculating in trillions ! 
The Radius Vector, said Kepler, sweeps out equal areas in equal time. Parameswara in the 15th century and Nilakantha in the 16th talked about Vyasardha Manda Karna. Vyasa is Diameter. Vysardha is Radius and  Vyasardha Mandakarna is nothing but Radius Vector.

Kepler's  Second Law states that
All planets move faster at Perihelion and move slower at Aphelion. That was known to the Indian astronomers. Otherwise they wouldnt have called Aphelion, Mandoccha ( Manda - slow ) and Perihelion, Sheegrocha ( Sheeghra - fast ) !
Let us get the dates of the astronomers
Parameswara - 15th century C E
Nilakanta - 16th
Kepler - 17th
Laplace - 18th
These are the  Nine Orbital Elements of the Kerala School of Astronomy and Maths, from which planetary longitudes are computed.  

Mean longitude of Planet, Graha Madhyama , M 
Daily Motion of the Mean Longitude, Madhyama Dina Gathi, Md 
Aphelion, Mandoccha, Ap 
Daily Motion of Aphelion, Mandoccha Dina Gathi, Apd 
Ascending Node, Patha, N 
Daily Motion of Ascending Node, Patha Dina Gathi, Nd 
Heliocentric Distance, Manda Karna, radius vector, mndk 
Maximum Latitude, L, Parama Vikshepa 
Eccentricity, Chyuthi,e 

In Western Astronomy, we have six orbital elements 

Mean Anomaly, m 
Argument of Perihelion, w 
Eccentricity, e 
Ascending Node, N 
Inclination, i, inclinent of orbit 
Semi Major Axis, a 

This is the Longitude corrected thrice Method of Kerala Astronomy
While the Western method is brilliant, finding out the True Anomaly of the Planet ( Theta = v + w ) and then converting it into Cartesian coordinates, x,y and z and then converting them into Spherical Coordinates, r, Theta and Phi ( vide Paul Schlyter, Computing Planetary Positions.htm ), the Kerala Method is no less effective.

In the Kerala Method, after computing the Mean Longitude of the planet, Graha Madhyamam, the Manda Anomaly, the angle between Position ( of the planet ) and Aphelion is computed.  The formula used is Manda Anomaly = Mean Longitude of the Planet - Aphelion. Then Manda jya phalam, x, the angle between the planet on the Mean Circle and the planet on the Heliocentric circle, is computed by the formula x = R e Sin M and x is then added ( if long > 180 ) or subtracted ( if long <180 ) to the Mean Longitude of the planetg.
Then Vipata Kendra, the angle between Position and the Node is computed ( Vipata Kendra = Ecliptic longitude - Ascending Node ) and h, the Parinathi Phalam, the angle between the planet on the Heliocentric Circle and the planet of the Ecliptic is computed and then h is added or subracted ( added if mean longitude is in even signs and subtracted if mean longitude is in odd signs )  to the Mean Longitude of the planet.  And finally the Sheeghra Anomaly, the angle between Position and the Earth Sun Vector ( Sheegra Anomaly = Ecliptic Longitude - Longitude of Sun )  is computed to get the true longitudes of planets and x, the Sheegra phalam, the angle between the planet on the Ecliptic and the Geocentric Circle is added ( if long >180 ) or subtracted ( if long <180 ) to the mean longitude

Friday, April 3, 2020

Aurobindo Hypothesis V, Integral Yoga = Divine Transmutation of Man.

This is the Ultimate Formula of Wisdom
The Divine Transmutation of Man !
Man is transmuted into something rich and strange
Into Absolute Being, Knowledge and Bliss !

Philosophers were arguing before,
Whether this or that Aspect of His is greater.
By integrating all Four into Integral Yoga,.
Sri Aurobindo solved the problem thus.

The aim of the Integral Yoga, Poorna Yoga,
Is to embrace the Lord in all His Aspects,
And even beyond Aspect ! For, the Lord is the All,
And more than the All ! Stay tuned !

Universal Love is needed in Bhakti Yoga,
Prajna, Discrimination, in Jnana Yoga.
Psychic Control in the Regal, Raja,
Incorporate these three and transcend.

But without His touch nothing can succeed
Only the Touch of That, which is all Becomings,
And yet exceeds all Becomings, can liberate Man,
From the imperfections of his limited .nature.

Transmutation is scientfically possible
Alchemy is the Science dealing with such
Baser metals can be converted into Aurum, Gold
Which is considered as hypothetical now.

Can one element be transmuted into another ?
Yes,by proton bombardment , says Chemistry!
If you add one proton to any element,,
Its Atomic Number changes and becomes another.

Transmutation process is happening in the Sun,
Wherein hydrogen molecules combine to form Helium,
With a tremendous release of energy ,
Which is known as a thermonuclear fusion reaction.

If the ancient Seer Poets of the Vedas
Had not known the secrets of fusions, nuclear and solar,.
They wouldnt have dared to speak of Transmutation,
Transfiguration Divine or Transformation !

Aurobindo underwent Transmutation,
And became Bhagavan Aurobindo.
As Siddhartha became Lord Buddha
And Ramana,Bhagawan Ramana