Sunday, May 31, 2020

Eternal Law is Universal Religion

Religion is derived from Relegere,
Which means going back to the Source.
Go back, go back and go back,
Till you reach the Vibrationless Origin !

Eternal law is a universal religion
Embracing all Religions in its fold.
Prophets of all religions are accepted as Rishies,
And worshipped as Divine personalities !

Jesus was a yogi who declared
Aham brahmasmi as Ego sum Alpha et Omega
The Prophet was another great Yogi,
Who was an epitome of excellence in all !

Lord Buddha occupies a prominent place,
As He is part of the Ten Incarnations.
He renounced Kingdom for Enlightenment,
And imparted Wisdom as the Four Noble Truths !

Eternal law is ecumenical and syncretic,
Incorporating Sarva Dharma Samabhava.
Some are indulging in calumny against her,
Which will be an exercise in futility.

There is only One Religion,,
And that is the religion of humanity,
There is only One Language,,
And that is the Language of the Heart !

There is only One  God
And He is omnipresent.
Quintessence of all Sastras,
Do Good, Never Evil !

This is in line with Shaw,
Who averred Only One Religion,
Even though thousands of interpretations,
Of it exist in the wide world.

Love All and Serve All,
As the greatest is Intellectual Love
Educate All, as Wisdom is Guru,
The Celestial Teacher of Teachers !

Hate None, Help Ever, Hurt Never,
As Man and Self are important.
Forgive Ever, as forgiveness itself,
Is manifestation of Love Intellectual !

Sufism, the Path of Love

Saturday, May 30, 2020

About Advaita Vedanta Sastra

The Philosopher is a rebel,
He is against the outworn fetishes
Of a purblind system social,
And he will fight for Justice.

God is the Second Principle,
In Advaita Vedanta Sastra !
God is partt of the Relative Triad,
Hence, only relatively real !

Absolute Brahman became Cosmic Mind,
Giving rise to Jagat, Jiva and Para.
Absolute became Relative, doing so,
And the Relative cannot be absolutely real !

The Same, the Same, friend and enemy,
Are the Same Substance and the Stuff .
Is such that the variations of form
Are unimportant indeed.

The Non Self isr defined first,
In order to differentiate it from Self.
From the Macrocosm to Microcosm.
All that you see is Non Self.

Absolute Reality and Relative Reality
Are two types of Reality
Maya, Mithya means Relative Reality
And Brahman, Absolute Reality.

Maya means everything is  Mind,
Mind is Substance, Perception is Essence.
Everything is externalised and internalised,
By Mind, the main enemy of Man !

In the Western, the Self,
Has been variously defined.
As Reason in Aristotle
And as Will Power in Nietzsche.

The Adi Sastra defined the Self,
As Attributteless,Actionless, Eternal,
Formless, Verity, Non Dual, Sublime,
Birthless, Deathless and Absolute !

Superconscient Stillness of Yoga

Monday, May 25, 2020

Duty is divine, Work is Worship - Karma Yoga

Doing one's duty itself is Yoga,
Karthvyam Yoga Uchyathe,
This is Rationale of Karma Yoga,
Union via Altruistic Action !

Vice Admiral Nelson's words were,
" England expects every man to do his Duty "
Its meaning was clear to all,
As work is worship and duty, divine.

Result of Karma Yoga is far,
Actualising via It is difficult
Philosophic principles are hard to grasp
Hence, Intellectual Love, Vibhakti, is noblest.

Rugged path to the Unmanifest, Jnana,
Is full of knowledgeable sorrow.
Avyaktahi Gathir Dukham,
So embrace Universal Love.

Intellectuality without Love is madness,
Love without Intellectuality is superstition.
Both integrated will yield Intellectual Love,
Et Amor Iintegrate is an Indian concept.

We have  two types of duties,
Duty unto Caesar and Duty unto Self.
Duties, worldly and divine.
And we have to do both effectively.

The Caesar of the outer world,
Must be given  all that  is lawfully his
At the same time, we have to strive,
Fot Self Actualisation, which is the Goal.

In Silence divine we have to climb,
From our own earths into our heavens,
We should stop ratiocinating,
And go deep within ourselves. 

Life alone is the field of Yoga,
Not a blissful Beyond.
Practical life, with all its dangers,
Is our field,and we are gong to win.

Yoga is the Art of  Self Finding,
An integration at seven levels of Being.
Excellence in Action = Yoga,
So be thou a Yogi, Tasmat Yogi Bhava !

Bhoomi Vandanam | Paris Laxmi | WORLD EARTH DAY |

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Dharma is Not Religion

When Russell attacked the concept of God,
Aurobindo was asked why.
He said " I cannot answer the strictures of Russell,
Because such a Semitic concept was never mine".

Dharma does not mean  Religion,
Dharma means an Enlightenment system,
With Enlightenment as its Goal,
With esoteric instructions how to.

"Through the window of Science", said Mahesh Yogi,
We see the Dawn  of the Age of Enlightenment."
TM is a method of  Scientific  Enlightenment,
And cannot be called a Scientific Religion,

So it is with Buddhism & Hinduism,
Both cannot be called as Religions,
As they are both Enlightenment systems.
With Nirvana as the Goal of Life.

The greatest Bliss is Divya Rathi,
Intercourse with the Absolute Self
Other enjoyments before thisi Supreme Bliss,
Are like light flies before  the Sun

It has to be so, as He is defined
As Rasa Swaroopa, Delight Personified
Why did the One become the  Many ?
For Fun, Rasa, Raso Vai Sahah !

Sanskrit for Enlightenment is Nirvana,
Which in Buddhist terms means Release,
From the Eternal Cycle of Recurrence,
And in Hindu terms, Merger into Brahman !

Equal Vision of Enlightenment Systems,
Is the real Sarva Dharma Samabhava.
Enlightenment systems should be fostered,
For , they alone can save the world !

India is  the Land of Dharma,
This is the land where Vedas and Upanishads,
First saw  the Light and where,
Infinity, Zero and Decimals took birth.

She is the Guru of all nations,
With Her Redeeming Philosophy,
She will lead all nations to World Peace !
And Intellectual Love will reign supreme.

Another Equation, World = Family..

The Precessional Cycle of 25920 years
Has been computed by Great Geometer,
And expressed as Thy Will be done,
As in Heaven, so on Earth.

On Earth,as it is in Heaven,
As Above , so Below,
Is the Law of Correspondences,
As the Celestial influences the Terrestrial.

All are brethren and  all religions,,
Are so many radii of One Circle,
Designed to lead Ṁan from Life's Circumference,
To the Central Light, the Absolute Self !

Ecumenism and Syncretism,
Sarva Dharma Samabhava,
Is the Child of both,
Gnosticism and Indian Philosophy !

The Equation, World = Family,
Vasudha Eva Kudumbakam,
Was voiced in India long ago
That we are all brethren.

When Jews were persecuted all over,
India welcomed them with open arms.
Love and mutual respect hold absolute sway,
As these two nations showed by example !

No Crusades, no Clash of Civilizations,
And Zion became India's close ally.
The Two Mothers of religions,
Have tremendous similarities.

Old Testament are similar to Vedas,
Kabalah is the Western Yoga.
Both are intellectual races,
Science and Philosophy are their forte.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

How Karma shapes Destiny

Man transgresses Eternal laws
And wonders when Fate chastises !
We know evil and resist good,
But the Law always has its way.

When a man performs action,
Positive and Negative effects incur,
In this fight between Conscience
And Expedience, making balancing difficult.

What is Sacred Balance ?
It is Art of Balancing,
Material and Spiritual,
Expedience and Conscience.

Three types of Karma are formed,
Drida, Adrida and Dridadrida,
Represented in Philosophy and Astro
As Sins, Prarabda, Agami and ,Sanchita,

Three Astro Systems of Prediction,
Dasa, Gochara and Ashtaka Varga,
Represent these Three Karmas,
And are diagnostic tools in prognostication.

Dasa system represents Drida,
Gochara system represents Adrida,
Ashtaka Varga system represents Dridadrida,
In the threefold karma classification.

A crime, committed with malice aforethought,
Generates Drida,Prarabda Karma !
Which is shown in horoscope as Dasa,
Which indicates ineluctable results.

So inevitable effects are signified by Dasa,
Its suffering due to premeditated crimes.
The Self within is non responsible,
And the native continues to suffer !

That which cannot be cured
Must be endured !
Showing that even Lord will not forgive,
Cold blooded crimes.

On the contrary, for manslaughter,,
The Law, we know , is not so rigid.
Such crimes are Adrida,
And represented by Gochara / Transit.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What is Fate ?

In order to explain Fate
We should define our terms.
Here are some definitions
Which describe Fate entire !

It is Universal Will,
Which manifests as Fate !
Divine Providence coincides
With operation of natural causes.

Divine Providence does not keep,
Road menders on her highway.
O Destiny display Thy Hand,
That Universally Willed, must be.

That awful and supreme Power,
Which all Poets call Fate,
Who dwells in darkness,
Above Zeus and His  Court.

Neither  the Trinitarian Unity,
Nor the lord of Heaven
Can go against Fate,
Fate is an unchalllenged Deity !

All things are decided by Fate
It was known what each man would be !
Providence protects the righteous,
Even though Its ways are inscrutable !

The Universal Will will not lead you,
Where Universal Grace cannot keep you !
The Law rules all and is all !
Nature and Destiny are one.

Does misfortune befall you ? Good !
It is part of Great Fate of  Universe,
Ordained to you from Beginning.
It is a part of the great web.

The Seer, Who Becomes Everywhere,
Has ordered all, from years sempiternal.
Nothing human can hinder Fate,
As there are no humans without defects.

Understand what you sow you reap,
This is Nature's fundamental Law !
No despotic power is given to humans,
They will have to reap rewards later.

This mighty Law of Cause and Effect,
This glorious Law of Nemesis,Retribution,
Is this Grand Law of Causation,
Known as the Universal Law of Karma !

Justice rules all with weight inexorable,
Though its operations are unknown.
Nemesis, implacable and retributive,
Follows man like a resident spectre.

Who structured this mighty Law?
Who became planets to dispense Karma ?
Who is the Cause of Universal Order ? ,
We need to fly to Providence and Deity !

So Karma shapes Destiny
Karma makes us Architects of Fate !
Karma is greater than even God,
So let us eschew evil and do good.

Absolute Reality became Relative Reality,
Universal Love became planets and Zodiac,
To dispense the Universal Justice of Karma,
And to uphold Universal Justice, which He is !

And He created the Twelve Tribes of Zion,
Emblematic of the Twelve Houses of Zodiac,
The Twelve Solar and Lunar months of Hindu Calendar,
And the Twelve Suns of Indian Astronomy.

The only language in which He speaks to Man,
Is the Language of the Heavens !
So,Science and Wisdom of Heavens, Astronomy and Astrology,
 Assume great importance in superconscient learning.

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Seven Concentric Sheaths, the Sapta Koshas

From where did the controversial Jesus
Get the Kingdom of Heaven concept ?
He came to Kashmir and was initiated,
Into the highest Esoteric Knowledge !

The Absolute Self is enveloped
By Five Concentric Sheaths !
Sheaths material, vital, mental,
Blissful & intellectual !

Two more Sheaths - Being and Knowledge,
Were added to make it Seven,
As Bliss is part of the Absolute Triad,
The Trinity of Being, Knowledge, Bliss !

These are our Seven Sheaths,
Which envelop our Soul, the Self.
Sarvam Avrutha Thishtathi,
It is enveloped by All.

We are active in the outer Sheaths,
And asleep in the inner ones,
Explains our material Consciousness,
And atrophied spiritual consciousness !

If we can move over to the inner sheaths four by Yoga,
We can get access to heavenly, blissful regions !
Jesus called the Intellectual and Bliss Sheaths, near to Self,
As the liberating, luminous Kingdom of Heaven !

The Kingdom of Heaven is within thee,
Know thyself and find It ! So let us move,
Our Consciousness from outer to inner,
And achieve Enlightenment Divine.

Effects of the Sun in Different Houses in Hindu Astrology

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Full application of the Law Of Epistemic Correlation !

Scholars of Indian Philosophy
Report that it is a Grand Mixture,
Of Many Sastras, Sciences Intuitive,
And many Sacred, Eternal Arts.

Science, Philosophy, Literature,
Mythology, Poetry and Art.
Astronomy,Maths, Astrology,
Psychology, Yogic Psychology et al

Full application of the Law,
Of  Epistemic Correlation !
'All Knowledge is One Knowledge',
Was  generated by 'Ekam Tad Sarvam'.

All sciences study Being,
Physics is Science of Being as Matter.
Biology is Science of Being as Life,
And Astronomy is Science of Being, as Heavens.

But First Science, Vedanta Sastra,
Is Science of Being as Being,
In its Pure Existential State,
And it is as Absolute Being.

So we have many sciences,
One Absolute and Many Relatives,
One Para and Many Apara Vidyas,
The True Structure of Knowledge.

Summing up, Sastras are many,
Grasp their quintessential wisdom.
And strive for Self Actualisation,
Under a bona fide Divine Master !

Western concept of Science,
Differs from the Indian slightly.
Indian incorporates Morality,
Which is missing in Western.

( Sasanthi iti Sastram ! )

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Absolute, One Without A Second

The Condition of Infinity stipulates that,
There can only be One Infinite, not two.
If there is a Second Infinite,
It will reduce the Infinite to finity.

So Infinite Being has to be One, Wrrithout a Second,
Without any Duality or Multiplicity.
So this Equation, Being = Unity, Non Duality,
Was revealed as Ekam Eva Adviteeyam Brahma.

Once, a priest had a dream,
The Lord wanted to play Chess.
The priest arranged for everything,
As he wanted it to a Great Event.

The priest's friend told him he is wasting time,
He will play with whom? if He be One Without a Second ?
The priest understood the import of this definition,
And jocularly remarked that He is so helpless !

The Equation, Individual Self = Absolute Self,
Was  revealed as Ayam Atma Brahma.
Says the Quantum Physicist,  Prof Shroedinger,
This Equation has a very deep insight.

The individual souls are not divorced from Brahman,
For it is Brahman itself which became the Relative Triad,
Of Jagat, Jiva and Para.Hence the statement,
Jeevo Brahmaiva Na Apara, is valid philosophically.

Mind is defined as a steady stream of thoughts,
And the first thought that occurs is the I Thought.
On Self Enquiry this I Thought reveals itself as Brahman,
So we have another Equation, I Thought = Being.

Tat Tvam Asi was translated by Huxley as That Art Thou,
As Thou art part and parcel of Being, Thou = Being.
This is a simple equation which many cannot understand,
But which is written on great temples like Sabarimala.

Quantum physicists say Consciousness is Fundamental,
So Consciousness = Being was revealed as Prajnanam Brahma.
Consciousness is the Root, Consciousness is the Substratum,
And  it is Consciousness which had become all this that is.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Intellectual Love,Vibhakti, is the greatest quality

If you know that I and Thou art  One,
Thou art a Philosopher.
Sanskrit words for I and Thou are  Njan and Nee,
So Jnani means a Philosopher.

Philosophy without Love
Is defined as madness.
So Philosophic Love is the answer,
And it is this Love Intellectual.

Philosophy is an intellectual science,
It is the completion of Science,
In the Synthesis of Wisdom,
And is the Science of all sciences.

Vi Bhakti is Vedantic Bhakti,
Bhakti means Love,
Vedanta is Science of Being,
So ViBhakti = Love Intelllectual.

The Lord hath declared
That Jnani is beloved to Me
That Jnani who loveth,
Bird, Man & Beast.

Intellectual Love manifests,
As Love of beauteous Nature,
As Love of Philosophic Deity,
And this should become Universal.

He who worships Sree Chakra,
Worships the external symbol first.
Then worships respectable society
Which is the true Sree Chakra.

Serve the Divine in Man,
Serve the Positive in Man,
For, Jana Seva = Janardhana Seva
And Manava Seva = Madhava Seva

Intellectual Love should expand to National Love
To redeem the nation.
Intellectual Love should expand to Universal Love
To redeem the world.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Another Major Revealed Equation

Truth,Wisdom,Infinity= Being,
Satyam, Jnanam, Anantham Brahma

The best definitions of the Divine are

First,  The Sevenfold Chord of Being ( Aurobindo )
Second  Being, Knowledge, Bliss. ( Upanishads )
Third  Truth,Wisdom,Infinity  ( Upanishads )
Fourth An Infinite Sphere ( Hermes )   
Fifth The Great Geometer ( Plato )
Sixth Infinite Being, One Without A Second ( Upanishads )

Another Equation, Truth = Being,
Was revealed as Satyam Brahma.
Truth is Ineffable to Thought
And to Speech a wonder indefinable.

Truth is indeed omnipotent,
And beyond vicissitudes.
Beyond Contradiction,
Vast, Universal and one.

Truth is Transcendence,
Its Pure Consciousness,
Is manifest in Avastha Traya,
The relative states three.

Another Equation, Wisdom = Being,
Was revealed as Jnanam Brahma.
Wisdom is veiled Wealth,
And the generatrix of   Fame.

Wisdom conferreth  immortality,
And is deemed Eternal.
Wisdom is the only wealth,
And the Teacher of Teachers.

Without her, man is animal,
She is organised life.
She is best Celestial Deity,,
As She is adored by all !

Another Equation, Truth = Infinity,
Was revealed as Anantham Brahma.
Infinity is a numberless number
Which when subtracted from Itself, giveth Iitself.

Infinity is  the beginning of all,
Opposites coincide at Iinfinity.
Infinity postulates the Non Dual,
As a second Infinite will make it finite.

Deity,the Great Geometer, is a great definition,
And is the most popular in the Occident.
The Divine Geometricises, Deus Geometrisat,
As He is playing with Space, Time and Geometry !

Friday, May 8, 2020

Other Revealed Equations.


The Unbounded Energy we are confronted with ,
Of a Spaceless and Timeless Existence,
Which alone sustains Space, Time and Cosmos,
Is an equal and impartiail Mother, Samam Brahma.

This Equality Equation, Equality  = Being,
Which means that Absolute is Equal,
And Equanimous, is the precursor,
To The Marxist Brahman / Divine Communism Book

An egalitarian society was formed,
By this equation glorious.
Another definition, Yoga = Equality,
Added fuel to the fire.

So Socialism was born in India
And all men were deemed equal,
Before the Divine and this Equation,
Did not conflict with Materialism.

Another great equation, Silence = Being,
Was revealed as Nisabdam Brahma.
From this equation arose great Aphorisms,
Like " Speech is Silver, Silence Gold "

Observing Silence is a Yogic Method,
As the Self is the Silence beyond Time.
In Silence, we have to climb,
From our Earth, to Heaven.
Mouna is Sanskrit for Silence,
And the Silent Ones were Munis.
Fixed in calms of Contemplation,
Were the munis of yore.

Munis sit in a state of,
Superconscient Silence.
For, the Self is an utter Being,
And all these, Its Becomings.

Another Equation, Overmind = Being,
Was revealed to Aurobindo as Vijnanam Brahma.
Overmind is the vast Organiser,
Of many potentialities of Existence.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Revealed Equations of Brahman, The Absolute

Many celestial equations were revealed,
In Yogic flashes of heightened Consciousness,
To the psychic researchers , the Seer  Poets,
About the Absolute Nature of Pure Being.

These philosophic equations,
Are as great as the scientific ones.
For, Science deals with the Relative,
While Philosophy, the Absolute.

What the Poet Seers cognised,
Came to be known as the Vedas.
And these Equations Divine,
As Great  Aphorisms, Maha Vakyas !

The First Equation, Matter = Being,
Was revealed as Padartham Brahma,
Matter is the final precipitate,
And the densest form of Being !

The Second Equation, Life = Being,
Was cognised as Jeevan Brahma.
And the Third, Mind  = Being,
Was heard as Manam Brahma.

The Supernal Equation, Supermind= Being,
Was revealed to Aurobindo in higher states.
Supermind is the link betwixt Earth and Heaven,
Between Absolute Being and Relative Being.

The Fifth Equation, Being = Bliss,
Was revealed as Anandam Brahma.
From Bliss ariseth all, in Bliss all exist,
And into Bliss all merge back.

The Sixth Equation, Consciousness = Knowledge,
Was revealed as Chit Brahma !
Knowledge is structured in the Indestructible,
Where all the Laws of Nature abide !

The Seventh Equation, Existence = Being,
Was revealed as Sat Brahma !
Absolute is like a log, It cannot create,
But is the Base of all manifestations.

The Eighth Equation, Intellectual Love = Being,
Was revealed as Dhaishanika Premam Brahma !
All Conquering is Intellectual Love,
As it uses Logic, Inductive and Deductive.

Forget not the Eighth Equation
Intellectual Love is great indeed.
Only with this quality,
Can we get World Peace.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Mind is Omnipotent & Psychic Healing

Mind is Omnipotent & Psychic Healing

Many Aspects & Manifestations of the One

They see the Self, in the Self, by the Self !
All betrays him who sees all elsewhere,
Than in the Self! What can entire Veda,
Do for him, who sees all in Non-Self ?

The Eternian sees everything,
Under the aspect of Eternity,
Under the aspect of Zodiac,
And under the aspect of Love.

Thou manifested as Bhagavan Vyasa,
To write Epic Poems and Mythology.
The essence of Wisdom was underlined,
"Helping is Merit, Torturing is Demerit".

Thou incarnated as Bhagavan Kanada,
To impart the Wisdom of Vaisesika.Sastra.
Thou promulgated the Fivefold Atomic Theory
That atoms of Elemental Five make up Reality !

In Thy Manifestation as Lord Krishna,
Wisdom and Statesmanship met in Thee !
Initiated into the Mysteries of Yoga by Sandeepini,
Thou ruled as the greatest Philosopher King ever.

In Thy Incarnation as Lord Rama,
Wisdom and Sacrifice met in Thee !
Initiated into the Mysteries of Yoga by Vasishta,
Thou showed how a Philosopher King can sacrifice.

Thou manifested as Bhagavan Buddha,
To impart the Wisdom of  Nirvana Sastra
Renunciation Personified, Perfect.Exemplar,
Thou showed that Love is All Conquering !

In Thy Aspect as Death ineluctable,
Thou comest as welcome release !
Thou declared "I am Death",
So poets symbolise Thee  as Evil Tooth!

In Thy Aspect as Prakriti  Sagacious,
Thou art both terrible and sweet.
Thy natural calamities terrify all,
While Thy beauty, magnificent dazzle all.

Many Aspects & Manifestations of the One

They see the Self, in the Self, by the Self !
All betrays him who sees all elsewhere,
Than in the Self! What can entire Veda,
Do for him, who sees all in Non-Self ?

The Eternian sees everything,
Under the aspect of Eternity,
Under the aspect of Zodiac,
And under the aspect of Love.

Thou manifested as Bhagavan Vyasa,
To write Epic Poems and Mythology.
The essence of Wisdom was underlined,
"Helping is Merit, Torturing is Demerit".

Thou incarnated as Bhagavan Kanada,
To impart the Wisdom of Vaisesika.Sastra.
Thou promulgated the Fivefold Atomic Theory
That atoms of Elemental Five make up Reality !

In Thy Manifestation as Lord Krishna,
Wisdom and Statesmanship met in Thee !
Initiated into the Mysteries of Yoga by Sandeepini,
Thou ruled as the greatest Philosopher King ever.

In Thy Incarnation as Lord Rama,
Wisdom and Sacrifice met in Thee !
Initiated into the Mysteries of Yoga by Vasishta,
Thou showed how a Philosopher King can sacrifice.

Thou manifested as Bhagavan Buddha,
To impart the Wisdom of  Nirvana Sastra
Renunciation Personified, Perfect.Exemplar,
Thou showed that Love is All Conquering !

In Thy Aspect as Death ineluctable,
Thou comest as welcome release !
Thou declared "I am Death",
So poets symbolise Thee  as Evil Tooth!

In Thy Aspect as Prakriti  Sagacious,
Thou art both terrible and sweet.
Thy natural calamities terrify all,
While Thy beauty, magnificent dazzle all.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mythology is Symbolic !

The Bull, Nandi, who tenants Siva Temples,
Represents our animal, negative aspect.
This bestial, dark  aspect should wither away,
To have a Vision Divine of the Most Auspicious, Siva.

Symbolic is Mythology,
And emblematic of philosophic verities.
Esoteric Meaning is revealed,
By Grace of the Guru or Covenant.

All Great World Literature,
Were deliberately written darkly,
Lest vulgar and unpurified spirits,
Abuse sanctity  of Wisdom Divine.

Wisdom should never be revealed,
To the vulgar and the unpurified.
Only to the virtuous, celibates, donators,
 And other purified souls..

Rishis hide Esoterica,
To fool the ignorant.
Only the ignorant,
Cherish the literal value !

In India, Science, Philosophy, Literature,
Poetry, Mythology, Art, Astrology et al,
Are all ONe, as ALL Are One,
And as One Knowledge is All Knowledge.

Church's function not to teach Man Life's Mysteries,
Only to see their flock reach a level of Purification,
Esoterica begins, where Exoterica ends,
And then Deity will lead aspirant on to Perfection.

"Once a Seer-Poet, always a Seer-Poet",
Is a statement unfathomable.
The Eternal Law allows not to negate,
Affirmations or Covenants, done earlier.

Friday, May 1, 2020

The 27 Constellations of Hindu Astrology

The Relative Manifestation, Saguna Brahman

The One Willed " May I become Many ",
Existence multiplied Itself for Self Delight !
Absolute Being became Relative Being,
In a process called the Relative Manifestation.

Can a part of the Ocean become an iceberg ?
That is how Nirguna Brahman turns Saguna !
Absolute Brahman became Jagat, Jiva and Para,
And Space, Time and Causality, which conditions them. 

Universe, Ego and  Supreme,
Three Ideas of Reason of  Kant,
Three Perpetual Symbols of Aurobindo,
Is the Eternal Triad, Jagat, Jiva and Para.

The Absolute One became the Relative Many,
It is the One which is potentially Many.
And the Many,which is actually One,
For, the Absolute One is All, Ekam Tad Sarvam.

In the language of Bhakti Yoga,
Did He create the Universe ? No.
He became the Universe,
He became all this that is, Sarvam Brahm.

Everything is created by Time,
Everything is preserved by Time,
Everything is destroyed by Time,
Verily, Time is important indeed

In Thy Rajas dominant Creative Aspect, as Lord Brahma,
Thy Faces Four are the Fourfold Veds !
Pre Destination is Thine and what Thou writest  on one's head,
Becomes Fate,the inevitable concatenation of circumstances !

In Thy Sattwa dominant Preservative  Aspect, as Lord Vishnu,
Thou preservest all by the principle of  Universal Love.
Love is the golden chain which binds Society together,
And Thy ever conquering  Law of Love is the winner ultimately.

In Thy Tamas dominant Destructive  Aspect, as Lord Siva,
Thou indulgest in Creative Destruction.
As such, Thou art Recreator of things  in perfect Wisdom,
And Thy Cosmic Dance is the Dance of Sub Atomic Matter !

Unitary Power, Prana