Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Inner Development of Consciousness !

The Devi Mahatmya is the Adventure of Consciousness, the journey into the inner domains of Consciousness.

We have said before that the demons symbolise the negative elements in the human mind. Shumb and Nishumb are the human frailties like Lust & Greed, that which binds Man to the sublunar world.

The aim of the Divine Conscious Force is to destroy the negative elements in the aspirant's mind and give him the divine crown of Self-Actualisation. By destroying lust, greed, anger and jealousy, She makes the aspirant eligible for Self Actualisation.

Sacred Music and Dance are part of all cultures and civilizations. Music is one the 18 sciences which constitute Indian Philosophy, along with Holistic Medicine. ( Ayurvedam Dhanur Vedam Gandharvo Vedameva cha ).

Sacred Music can elevate the soul. Music is divine, whether it is Western or Indian. Music is food for the soul ! Songs accompanied by lyrics and dance is Sacred Music.

The celestials represent the positive elements in the human mind. Truth and Love are great qualities and the celestials or the devas of Indian Mythology eulogise the Mother Divine for destroying the negative elements or the demons !

Devi Prapannarthi Hare Praseeda
Praseeda mathar jagathokhilasya
Praseed visheshwari pahi vishwam
Thvameeshwaree devi Chara charasya

O Mother Divine Grace us
Grace us with Thy Beneficent Power !
Grace us O Mother of the Universe
Thou art the invincible Shakthi !

Ultimately She goes and destroys the Ego, the formidable force and frees the aspirant from its tyranny !

Thou who exist as Prosperity in the righteous
In the evil doers as lack of mental peace
In the Seers as intelligence
In the good as concentration
In the aristocratic as shame
To Thee our salutations !

Ya sree swayam sukrithanam bhavaneshu alakshmi
Papatmanam krithadhiyam hridayeshu buddhi
Sraddha satham hridi kula jana prabhavasya lajja
Tha thvam na thasma paripalaya devi vishwam !

The negative elements in the human mind are formidable and when one confronts them one becomes fearful

A lone discover in these menacing realms
Guarded like termite cities from the Sun !

Alone, powerful and cruel are these dreadful forces ( lust, greed, anger , jealousy ) which lie in the subconscient. Their destruction is not easy but then the Divine Mother does it though a yogic process.

She is the benign Creatrix, bestowing her Grace on both the mundane and the supra-mundane.

With Thy Grace, one acquires wealth and power
Subordinates and conveyances galore !
With Thy Grace, one acquires Wisdom & Fame
Thou art the giver of both worlds !

She is infinite in her powers and personalities. She as Wealth Personified ( Lakshmi ) blesses the man who seeks wealth. She as Wisdom Personified ( Saraswathi ) gives Wisdom, fame and Self Actualisation to the aspirant. Everything is affected by Her Grace !

This mighty poem arose
Out of the great Markandeya
Of the Eighteen treatises mythological
Others are Padma, Brahma,
Vaishnva, Saiva, Bhagavatha,
Bhavishya, Naradeeya,
Agneya, Brahma Vaivartha
Lainga, Varaha, Skanda
Vamana, Kurma, Matsya
Garuda & Brahmanda

The function of Epic and Mythology is to adumbrate philosophic verities ( Ithihasa Puranabhyam Vedam Sapuma Brimhayeth ) Bacon opined that scientic truths are contained in Mythology in his book De Sapientia Vaterum ( Of the Wisdom of the Ancients ).

Love and Truth takes birth !

Universal Love took birth in Puttaparthi. To shower Grace on all humanity !

In the Divina Commedia Beatrice criticises Dante for following Philosophy and not Religion. There are Thesis and Anti Thesis in Philosophy. There are doctrines which are antithetical, which are ever in conflict and it is highly likely that we will be inveigled in Politics !

Bridal Mysticism or Bhakti Yoga on the other hand emphasises on Love Immortal. Love All, Serve All is the message. Like Philosophy which advocates to see everything sub specie aeternitatis ( under the aspect of Eternity ), Bridal Mysticism tells us to see everything under the aspect of Love ( sub specie Love ) Love is the Alpha and the Omega ! Let us understand that Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed etc were exponents of Universal Love.

Love all beings
That is enough !

Love conquers all ! Amor vincit omnia !

Sai was born with Libra rising, just like another adept, the great Ramana Maharshi. Like Raman's he had Mars in the Seventh, conferring Ruchaka Maha Yoga, a formidable yoga for fame. The resemblance of both their horoscopes were startling. Jupiter in Sai's horoscope ( in Capricorn ) confers a powerful Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga, because of Mars in the Seventh. The major spiritual planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu were powerfully posited, conferring the status of Divine Personality or Divya Purusha to these divines.

In the Sankhya system of Indian Philosophy, the Lord incarnated as Kapila, the Seer and instructed His mother, Devahuthi into the mysteries of Sankhya.

The Lord told His mother that it is Love that is ever conquering ( Bhavathi parama bhakthi sahi mruthyor vijetri ).

Bridal Mysticism or Bhakthi Yoga is the path celestial. The Self becomes the
Lover and the Bride. "This is our Eternal Lover luring us to Himself, through
all these flashy masks of Himself, through all these shimmering blazes of His
eternal and ineffugable self-existence".

Love is greater than
intelligence and it is  Love alone which can redeem the world.

Scientists and philosophers are generally regarded as Knowers but then
Truth is unknown to all !

Truth is greater, wider than her forms
A thousand icons they have made of Her
And they find Her in the icons they adore
But She remains herself and infinite !         ( Aurobindo )

In classical Indian Philosophy, there are Four Goals of Life ( Wealth, Ethics, Power & Salvation - Artha, Dharma, Kama & Moksha ). There is a Fifth Goal of Life and this is Universal Love !

Again there are Four Dharmas - Childhood, Bachelorhood, Preparation for Asceticism & Asceticism - Kaumara, Brahmacharya, Vanaprastha & Sanyasa ). There is a Fifth Dharma. This is Prajna Dharma - the highest knowledge is Love !

Love is a glory from Eternity's spheres
She is the Godhead that can make all change !

Let Universal Love triumph on earth !

A Musical Prayer !

This is Argala Stotra of Durga Saptasathi or Devi Sooktham, in which are contained great Mantras which can take Man to Self_Actualisation.

Give me Beauty, Victory,
Give me Fame
Destroy my enemies
O Mother Divine

Dehi Soubhagam Arogyam
Dehi Me Paramam Sukaham
Roopam Dehi Jayam Dehi
Yasho Dehi Dwisho Jahi

Health and Fortune
Bliss Supreme and happiness
Beauty, Victory, Fame
Grant me these O Mother Divine !

Madhu Kaidabha Vibhravee
Vidhatree Varade Namah
Roopam Dehi Jayam Dehi
Yasho Dehi Dwisho Jahi

The negative elements in Man are


and the positive elements are

Discriminative intellect

and these positive and negative elements are ever in conflict !

The Self is the Witness of this inner war and the Self is the metaphysical Ground.

Madhu, Kaidab, Shumb, Nishumb, Mahaishasur are all emblematic of the negative elements in the human mind. They have to be destroyed for Man to rise to the Divine Level. These are the negative energies that lie in the Subconscient.

Man houses dangerous forces in his house
The Titan, the Fury and the Djinn
Lay in the subconscient's cavern pit
And the beast moved in her antre den !

The demons, emblematic of the negative elements in the human mind, have to be destroyed. This She does so effortlessly !

Thee who destroyed the mighty Ego
To Thee all salutations !
Beauty, Victory, Fame
Grant me all, O Mighty Mother !

We shall extoll Thee with Love
O Mighty destroyer of evil
Beauty, Victory, Fame
Grant me all, O Mighty Mother !

O Destroyer of negative ego
O protector of the good
Beauty, Victory, Fame
Grant me all, O Mighty Mother !

To Thee who is revered by all
To Thee who is the bestower of Grace
To Thee who represent the Threefold Veds
To Thee, our humble salutations !

Ego, seated on his peacock throne
Is destroyed by Thee !
Also Lust and Anger,
Sloth, covetousness, gluttony
Beauty, Victory, Fame
Grant me all, O Mighty Mother !

Grant O Mother auspiciousness
Grant O Mother immortal fame
Beauty, Victory, Fame
Grant me all, O Mighty Mother !

This Argala Stotra is very important, as it can wash away the sins accrued to the aspirant and clear the path towards Enlightenment. Along with Devi Kavacha, the Nava Durga Kavacha, which we have highlighted in another article and Keelaka, this stotra has sacred significane in the Durga Sapthasathi scheme.

The Mother Divine as the Kundalini is present in all of us. The Kundalini rises during Meditation and Prayer, from the Root Chakra to the ascending Chakras, like mercury rising in a thermometer. While she rises, many blissful experiences can be felt. The four faculties of the Intuitive Reason - Revealation, inspiration, intuition, illumination - all these grace the native. The Self reveals to the aspirant in flashes, he gets inspiration to write, he gains intuition or profound insight and he is illumined by the mysteries of the Self.

This Argala Stotra is considered very important and is the first step towards Self- Actualisation.

The Eightfold Verse about the Mother Divine ( Bhavani Ashtakam )

Like Socrates who said " I know nothing, not even my own ignorance", Sankara was also known for his humility.

"I know not Philosophy, Literature or Science " , he says in his poem,
Bhavani Ashtakam. I am one of the worst beings and my only refuge is Thee !

Na Janaami Dhaanam, Na cha Dhyana Yogam,
Na janami Thanthram, na cha Sthothra manthram,
Na janami poojam, na cha Nyasa Yogam,
Gathis Thwam, Gathis Thwam Thwam Ekaa Bhavani

Neither do I know how to donate,
Nor Meditation transcendental
Neither do I know Tantra,
Nor the stanzas of prayer great,
Worshipping is unknown to me ,
Nor do I know the art of yoga,
Thou art my only Refuge , O Mother Divine !

His critics criticised him as a hidden Buddhist. There was no atheism or Agnosticism in him. He declared that all this is a projection of the Universal Mind and that the Eternal Triad - the Relative Universe, the Relative Ego and the Relative Supreme - are all the projections of the Cosmic Mind !

There were other critics who criticised him saying that he championed the superiority of Transcendental Philosophy ( Jnana Yoga ) over Bridal Mysticism ( Bhakthi Yoga ). This was not true, as Bhavani Ashtakam will prove.

" If I believe in anybody in this world, it is Sree Sankara of the East ", said Max Muller. Sankara, the Exponent of Oneness, continues to be one the of the greatest philosophers that ever graced this earth !

Na Thatho, na Matha, na Bandur na Datha,
Na puthro, na puthri , na Bhruthyo , na Bhartha,
Na Jayaa na Vidhya, na Vruthir Mamaiva,
Gathis Thwam, Gathis Thwam Thwam Ekaa Bhavani.

Can I depend on any of these ?
The father, the mother,
The relation or the friend ?
Neither son nor daughter,
Neither servant nor husband,
Neither wife nor Knowledge,
And neither my Profession,
Are refuges I can depend,
Thou art my only Refuge , O Mother Divine !

Bhavad bhava Pare , Maha Dhukha Bheeru,
Papaatha Prakami , Pralobhee Pramatha,
Kam Samsara Pasha Prabadha Sada Aham,
Gathis Thwam, Gathis Thwam Thwam Ekaa Bhavani.

I am in this ocean of worldliness,
I cant face sorrow, guts have I none,
Lust and Sin torment my mind
Greed and desire hold absolute sway,
Bound am I by the useless life I lead
Thou art my only Refuge , O Mother Divine !

Na janami Punyam, Na janami Theertham,
Na janami Mukthim, Layam vaa kadachith,
Na janami Bhakthim, Vrutham vaapi maatha,
Gathis Thwam, Gathis Thwam, Thwam Ekaa Bhavani.

I know not divine merit,
Nor places sacred to visit,
Salvation I know not,
Union with Him is also unknown,
I know not Bhakti Yoga,
Nor austerities divine,
Thou art my only Refuge , O Mother Divine !

Kukarmi, Kusangi, Kubuddhi, Kudhasa,
Kulachara heena, Kadhachara leena,
Kudrushti, Kuvakya prabandha, Sada Aham,
Gathis Thwam, Gathis Thwam, Thwam Ekaa Bhavani.

I do commit heinous sins,
And keep company of the bad,
Sinful thoughts torment me ,
I serve masters bad,
Belong I to a bad family,
Sinful acts dominate me,
See I with bad intentions,
Write I collection of bad words,
Always, ever and ever,
Thou art my only Refuge , O Mother Divine !

Prajesam, Ramesam, Mahesam, Suresam,
Dhinesam, Nisidheswaram vaa Kadachit,
Na janami Chanyath Sada Aham Sharanye,
Gathis Thwam, Gathis Thwam Thwam Ekaa Bhavani

The Creator I know not,
Or the Preserver Divine,
The Lord is unknown to me,
The lord of Celestials I know not,
Unknown is the the Lord of the Day,
Also the Lord of the Night,
Neither do I know any other Gods,
Mighty Goddess to Thee I bow always,
Thou art my only Refuge , O Mother Divine !

Vivadhe, Vishadhe, Pramadhe, Pravase,
Jale cha Anale Parvathe Shatru Madhye,
Aranye, Sharanye Sada Maam Prapahee,
Gathis Thwam, Gathis Thwam, Thwam Ekaa Bhavani.

Whenever I am in an argument,
Whenever in sorrow,
Whenever suffering accidents,
Whenever travelling far away,
Whenever in water or on fire,
Whenever on top of a mountain,
Whenever surrounded by enemies,
Whenever in a deep forest,
I always bow before thee, O Mighty One,
Thou art my only Refuge , O Mother Divine !

Anadho, Dharidro, Jara Roga Yuktho,
Maha Ksheena Dheena, Sada jaadya vakthra,
Vipathou Pravishta, Pranshata sadha Aham,
Gathis Thwam, Gathis Thwam, Thwam Ekaa Bhavani.

Despite being an orphan,
Despite being extremely poor,
Despite affected by disease of old age,
I bow before Thee always
Whenever I am terribly tired,
Whenver in a pitiable state,
When problems overwhelm me,
When dangers threaten,
I always bow before thee,
Thou art my only Refuge , O Mother Divine !

Sri Yantra, the Holographic Universe !

From the central dot, the Bindu, symbolic of the Absolute Self, rises the holographic universe. Sri Yantra is a Master Plan of Manifestation.

The digits 15 and 16, called Pancha Dasa and Shodasadasa have sacred significance in Sacred Geometry.

When the Moon is within 12 degrees of the Sun, it is called a Lunation, Prathama. Moon creates 15 lunations. Lunation is called in Sanskrit as a Thithi . These are known as the 15 Kalas of the Moon. There is the 16th Kala and that is Transcendence !

Corresponding to the 15 Kalas, there is the Panchadasa Mantra, a mantra made of 15 letters.

"Ka E i La Hreem - Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hreem - Sa Ka La Hreem"

This is the main mantra of the Sri Yantra.

This is the greatest symbol
Of all symbols divine
Made up of letters fifteen
With Transcendence as the Sixteenth
The greatest emblem of Deity
Worshipped by mystics divine
The greatest hidden mystery
I take refuge in Thy symbol
Thy divine symbol, O Mother Divine !

Sreemad Panchadasa Aksharaika Nilayam
Shree Shodasee Mandiram
Shree Nadadibhir Architham cha Bhahuda
Devai Samaradhitham
Shree Kamesha raha Sakhi Nilayanam
Shreemad Guharadhitham
Shree Chakram Saranam Vrijami Sathatham
Sarvaishta Siddhi Pradham

Sri Yantra, a great Sacred Geometry Symbol !

Wisdom is the additional quality of Man, which distinguishes him from the animals.

Ahara Nidra Bhaya Maidhunas cha
Samanyamethat Pasubhir naranam
Jnanam Naranam Adhiko Vishesho
Jnanena Heena Pashubhi Samana

Food, sleep. fear and copulation
Are common for both animals and men
It is Wisdom, an additional quality
Which distinguishes man from the quadruped !

The universe is a dream in the Cosmic Mind. It is the Universal Mind who is the creatrix and She sports as the Universe !

Karthum Devi Jagat Vilasa Vidhina
Srishtena the Mayaya
Sarvananda mayena madhya vilasa
Chree Binduna lankritham
Sree math sad guru poojya pada karuna
Samvedya Thathvatmakam
Sree Chakram Saranam Vrijami Sathatham
Sarveshta Siddhi Pradam

For the sake of Cosmic Play
She created the Universe
She is the Cosmic Illusion
Which tantalises all !
The Sacred Feminine is She
With triangles five downwards
The Sacred Masculine has
Triangles four facing upwards
With bliss ineffable
She sports with her invisible Lord
Who abides as the Central Dot
In the mighty Sri Yantra !
By the Grace of Master Divine
The Great Verity is known
In Thy sacred symbol Sri Yantra
I take refuge, O Mighty Mother !

The essence of all sciences
Is Thyself, O Mighty One !
All women Thy manifestations
O Mother Blissful
Which poet can describe Thee !

In the house of the righteous
Thou abidest as Prosperity
In the house of the sinful
Thou abidest as mental tension !
As Intelligence in the Seers
As Concentration in the good
As Shame in the aristocratic
Protect this Universe, O Mighty One !

Thy Grace conferreth Wealth
With all its paraphernalia !
Royalty is also conferred by Thee
How glorious is Thy Grace !

It is also Thy Grace that conferreth
Wisdom Supreme & Self Actualisation
Thou makest the aspirant do
Righteous deeds; thereby taking
Him to heavenly realms !

Thy Grace bestoweth both
Worldly and divine wealth
Thy Grace is difficult to attain
But blessed is Thy Grace !

Sacred Music is Nada Yoga !

Can Sacred Music activate the Kundalini ? The answer is Yes !

Listening to Sacred Music and becoming aware of its meaning can transport us to celestial heights. I have been hearing this Sacred Music lately ( and I have put a lot of Music videos on my site ) and I am uplifted.

Nada means Sound and Yoga means Union. In other words, Nada Yoga means Union via Sound. Nada Yoga is an ancient science dealing with Meditation on Music, on sound and transformation though sound.

There are many types of Yoga, all roads leading to the Divine.

Our minds become absorbed in sound and we all listen to music. There are external and internal sounds, called in Sanskrit as Ahat and Anahat, struck and unstruck sounds.

Yogis say that the seat of the Self is the Heart Chakra or the Anahata Chakra. This is from where unstruck sounds originate.

During Meditation, you can hear the inner sounds, which arise from the Heart Chakra. Nada Yoga takes you to this inner blissful realm.

The inner sound, arising from the Anahata, is considered by many as the Kundalini itself, the Serpentine Power coiled in humans and which rises during Meditation !

Now the question is this. Can listening to the mantras activate the Kundalini.? It can ! Try listening to these Music Videos, understand the meaning of the verses and definitely there will be an upsurge in Consciousness !

An Eightfold Verse is called an Octet and this is an Octet to the Lord.

This magnificent octet describes the Indescribable, gives form to the Formless and limits the Illimitable. We have already said that describing Deity in terms of humanity is like expressing the Center in terms of the circumference !

Rathna Sanu Sarasanam, Rajathadri Srunga Nikethanam,
Sinchini krutha Pannageswara Achyuthanana Sayakam,
Kshipra Dhagdha Pura Thrayam thri Divalayairabhi Vanditham,
Chandrashekara Mashraye Mama Kim Karishyathi vai Yama.

Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Pahi Mam
Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Raksha Mam

His bow contains mountains of jewels
His residence is on the Silver Mountain
Serpent Vasuki was converted into a rope
Lord Vishnu was used as arrows
All evils are destroyed by Him
Him the triune worlds salute !
If I have such Lord as my Saviour
How can Mortality/ Death devour me ?

Save us and liberate us, O Lord
From this quagmire of worldliness !

Pancha Paada Pa Pushpa Gandhaparambhuja Dwaya Shobitham,
Bala Lochana Jatha Pavaka Dagdha Manmatha Vigraham,
Bhasma Digdha Kalebharam, Bhava Nasanam, Bhava Mavyayam,
Chandrashekara Mashraye Mama Kim Karishyathi vai Yama.

Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Pahi Mam
Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Raksha Mam

Shines He with the pair of His Lotus Feet
Which are worshipped by flowers five
His anger destroyed the God of Lust
With Fire out of His Third Eye
His body is smeared with ashes
Symbolising all that is evanescent
He is the destroyer of Existential Sorrow
He knoweth no destruction
If I have such Lord as my Saviour
How can Mortality/ Death devour me ?

Save us and liberate us, O Lord
From this quagmire of worldliness !

Matha Varana Mukhya Charma Kruthothareeya Manoharam,
Pankajasana Padma Lochana Poojithangri Saroruham,
Deva Sindhu Tharanga Seekara Siktha Shobha Jatadharam,
Chandrashekara Mashraye Mama Kim Karishyathi vai Yama.

Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Pahi Mam
Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Raksha Mam

He is the greatest stealer of minds
With his upper cloth made
Of the skin of wild elephants
His Lotus feet is worshipped by the mighty
By Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma
His matter hair drenched with drops
Of the waves of river Ganga
If I have such Lord as my Saviour
How can Mortality/ Death devour me ?

Save us and liberate us, O Lord
From this quagmire of worldliness !

Yaksha Raja Sakham Bhagaksha Haram Bhujanga Vibhooshanam,
Shaila Raja Suthaa Parish Krutha Charu Vama Kalebharam,
Kshweda Neela Galam Praswadha Dharinam Mruga Dharinam,
Chandrashekara Mashraye Mama Kim Karishyathi vai Yama.

Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Pahi Mam
Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Raksha Mam

He is the friend of the Lord of Riches
He destroyed Bhaga's eyes
Serpents are His ornaments
His left part is She
Mountain's daughter, Parvathi
His neck blue due to poison
He is described as armed with an axe
A deer accompanies him everywhere
If I have such Lord as my Saviour
How can Mortality/ Death devour me ?

Save us and liberate us, O Lord
From this quagmire of worldliness !

Kundalee Krutha Kundaleswara Kundalam Vrusha Vahanam,
Naradadhi Muneeswara Sthutha Vaibhavam Bhuvaneshwaram,
Andhakandhaka Masrithamara Padapam Shamananthakam,
Chandrashekara Mashraye Mama Kim Karishyathi vai Yama.

Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Pahi Mam
Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Raksha Mam

Ear studs made of a curling serpent adorn Him
Divines like Narada praise Him high
Lord of the Cosmos entire is He
The destroyer of Anthakasura
The Wish giving Tree to his devotees
The destroyer of Death ineluctable
If I have such Lord as my Saviour
How can Mortality/ Death devour me ?

Save us and liberate us, O Lord
From this quagmire of worldliness !

Bheshajam Bhava Roginam Akhilapadamapa Harinam,
Daksha Yajna Vinashanam Trigunathmakam Trivilochanam,
Bhukthi Mukthi Phala Pradham Sakalagha Sanga Nibharhanam,
Chandrashekara Mashraye Mama Kim Karishyathi vai Yama.

Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Pahi Mam
Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Raksha Mam

He is the Doctor divine who cures Sorrow
The Annihilator of all dangers
Destroyer of Daksha's fire sacrifice
Personification of qualities triune
With Past, Present & Future as eyes
Bestower of devotion and Salvation divine
The Annihilator of all sins
If I have such Lord as my Saviour
How can Mortality/ Death devour me ?

Save us and liberate us, O Lord
From this quagmire of worldliness !

Bhaktha Vathsala Marchitham, Nidhim, Akshayam, Haridambaram,
Sarva Bhoothapathim, Parathparam Apreya Manuthamam,
Soma Varinabhoohuthasana Somapanilakha Krutheem,
Chandrashekara Mashraye Mama Kim Karishyathi vai Yama.

Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Pahi Mam
Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Raksha Mam

The darling of all devotees is He
O Wealth Secure that hath no longing !
He clothes Himself with Directions
The Chief of all creatures is He
Beyond the unreachable is He
Unknown is He to all living
The Holiest of all living beings
He is served by the Elemental Five
Earth, water, fire, ether & wind
If I have such Lord as my Saviour
How can Mortality/ Death devour me ?

Save us and liberate us, O Lord
From this quagmire of worldliness !

Viswa Srushti Vidhayinam, Punareva Palana Thathparam,
Samharathamapi Prapanchamashesha Loka Nivasinam,
Kreedayanthamaharnisham, Gana Nadha Yudha Samnvitham,
Chandrashekara Mashraye Mama Kim Karishyathi vai Yama.

Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Pahi Mam
Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Chandrashekhara Raksha Mam

His work is Creation of the Universe
Also the preservation of this Cosmos
He destroys what He has created
At the appropriate time proper
Immanent is He in everything
He alternates as Night and Day
He is the leader of all living
He is like all mortals
If I have such Lord as my Saviour
How can Mortality/ Death devour me ?

Save us and liberate us, O Lord
From this quagmire of worldliness !