Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ramayana Garden in Thailand

This is the photo of the Ramayana Garden in Thailand.

The first poem and the greatest was Ramayana, opined Aurobindo. When the poet Valmiki saw two birds mating and a native killing one of the two said " Ma Nishada ", meaning " Dont do that, for it is Sin, it is Evil, it is against the Law of Conscience"!

Ma nishada pratishtantva nigama shashvathi sama
Yat krouncha midhunath eva avadhim kamamohitam

Ramayana is an allegorical and epic poem. As the Aryan Invasion Theorists argue, it is the not onslaught of the " Aryans" against the " Dravidians". The Aryan Invasion Theory has been proved wrong by scholars like Dr Konrad Elst, Dr Dennis Chandler, Aurobindo and Vivekananda.

Man's dual aspect is highlighted in this poem. The Ego is the imperfect term in Man and Self or the Divine in the perfect term. The Ego is the lower imperfect term of our being; Self is the higher, perfect term.

The Ego is symbolised as Ravana, the ten headed demon king. His ten heads represent Mind, Intelligence, Processing Mind, Ego, Lust, Greed, Anger, Avarice, Jealousy, Gluttony and Sloth.The Self is symbolised by Rama, who goes in search of Peace, Seetha, his beloved consort. The great struggle for supremacy between good and evil, light and darkness, prosperity and adversity, happening in the human bosom, is the Ramayana, where the forces of the Ego clash with the forces of the Self.

Ramayana is part of Buddhist lore and the Ramayana Garden is a testimony to this fact. This strengthens P N Oak's theory that the mother civilization of all was Vedic.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Saturn in Thailand

Shani, the deity of Justice, Destiny and Retribution, has His presence in Thailand. In ancient Siam, one can see his statue.

Saturn, the melancholy planet, was rising at the birth of Dante. He is prominent in the horoscopes of Goethe and other poets and philosophers like Sankara. Without His Grace, liberation is not possible.

The most ancient Civilization was the Vedic and Dr Kenneth Chandler puts the origin at 4900 BC. According to him, the Aryan Invasion Theory is not correct.

Will Durant opined that India " is the mother of us all, through Sanskrit, the mother of Europe's languages".

Dr Kenneth Chandler writes

"The original theory proposed by the early historical linguistics who considered these issues was that Vedic Sanskrit conserved the original sound system of the “proto-Indo-European” language most closely, and that Iranian and European languages underwent a systematic sound shift, creating break-away or daughter languages spoken by the people who populated India and Europe. According to this theory, Vedic Sanskrit was put at near the trunk of the proto-Indo-European language tree, if not the trunk itself.

This theory has been challenged and hotly debated in recent years, most especially by
computer linguists.

Since the 1990s, it is now common for computer linguists to hold
that Sanskrit is not so near the root of the Indo-European language tree, but a
subsequent branch. A currently dominant theory is that the original Indo-European
language stemmed from an Indo-European proto-language that has since been lost.
The first languages to break off from the proto-Indo-European root, according to the
dominant contemporary linguistic theories, was Anatolian (the language of what is now
central Turkey), followed by Celtic (a language found in nearby Thrace in northeastern Greece, and also Ireland suggesting that there was a commerce or colonization between Ireland and early Thrace), then Greek, and then Armenian. According to these theories, the Indian and Iranian language groups are still later branches off the proto-Indo-European “root.”

The linguistic evidence appears to imply migrations of people from the Black Sea area
into India, and yet there is no anthropological evidence to support either a migration into northern India, or an invasion. Evidence from skeletal remains, as we saw, as well as pottery and other artifacts, show no cultural replacement at any time in north Indian Thomas V. Gamkrelidze and V. V. Ivanov, “Family Tree of the Indo-European Languages,” Scientific American, March, 1990, p. 110 and following.

Dr. Don Ringe and Dr. Ann Taylor, two linguists at the University of Pennsylvania, with the help of computer scientist Dr. Tandy Warnow, developed a computer algorithm to sift through the Indo- European languages and look for grammatical and phonetic similarities between them. Their work, published in 1996, has thrown up four possible family trees. “We have come up with a favorite,” says Dr. Warnow. The tree shows that the first breakaway language was Anatolian, an ancient group of languages once spoken in Turkey. Celtic was quick to follow, spawning Irish, Gaelic, Welsh and Breton. Armenian and Greek then developed from proto-Into-European. Strangely enough, one of the later branches to emerge, according to the runs of the computer programs, was Sanskrit.

It is interesting that the Celts settled in Thrace in northern Greece, just a short distance from Anatolia. Thrace was the birthplace of the Orphic mysteries which swept into Greece in the sixth century BC. Celtic is one of the earliest languages, along with Anatolian and Greek, to break off from the Indo European proto-language. The technique for self-knowledge described by Socrates were said to have come from Thrace. The Anatolians of central Turkey occupied the area near where the pre-Socratic tradition sprang up in the sixth century BC. This suggests that a technique was passed from India into the Celtic language.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Brihaspathi in Thailand

This is the photo taken by my brother about my son taking a photo of the statue of Brihaspathi, the preceptor of the celestials, in Ancient Siam, in Thailand. This highlights P N Oak's theory that the ancient civilization which permeated the world was Vedic.

How ancient is Vedic Civilization?

In his Origin of the Vedic Civilization, Dr Kenneth Chandler remarks " The body of literature produced by Greece and Rome from Homer to Proclus spans
roughly 1,300 years. The Vedic tradition produced an even larger body of literature
from the beginning of the Rig Veda to the end of the classical period, so it would
probably require at least 1,300 years for the Vedic tradition to generate a larger amount of literature. If we take 1,600 BC as the minimum date of the Mahabharata, this would put the beginning of the Vedic tradition sometime before 2,900 BC. If we take Wintenitz’s estimate of at least 1,900 years, this would put the beginning of the Rig Veda before 3,500 BC.

Dr Frawley and Rajaram, as well as many others, now put the date of the Mahabharata
war at about 3,000 BC (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi also gives this date in his commentary
on the Bhagavad Gita). If we add 1,900 years incubation time as Winternitz estimates,
this would put the dates of the Rig Veda back before 4,900 BC."

The Vedic Architecture of Thailand

In Ancient Siam, which is a miniature replica of Thailand, there exists Vedic Art and sculpture. I was amazed to see the statue of Surya, the Vedic Deity, with seven horses, during my trip to Thailand.

Surya is the Sun and the seven horses represent VIBGYOR. He is the external symbol of the Absolute Self, who is the Cause of the septenary principles which pervade the Universe, as Life, Mind, Matter, Supermind, Existence, Consciousness and Beatitude ( Prana, Manas, Padartha, Prajnana and Sat Chit Ananda ) !

O Thou riding on a chariot
Drawn by horses seven
O Thou whose sight annihilates sins
To Thy Transcendental Majesty, I bow.

Sapthasva Ratham Aroodham
Prachandam Kasyapatmajam
Sarva Papa Haram Devam
Tham sooryam pranamamyaham

This confirms P N Oak's theory that in the beginning there was only one Civilization, the Vedic, from which everything began. Many Thai words are derived from Sanskrit. Many English words are also derived from Sanskrit.

Here are some words which are simliar.

brother, bhratr

Nova, nine, Nava

Centum, Shatha

Divya, divina, divine

candle, chandra

cardio, hrd

come, gam

deity, devata

eight, ashta

end, anta

genus, janus

gnosis, gnana

idea, vidya

identity, idamta

immortal, amrta

kalon, kalyana

mega, maha

man, manu

mind, manas

mortal, mrta

mother, matr

same, sama

three, tri

vivi, jiva

voice, vaca

wind, vata

wit video, vid

yoke, yoga

young, yuvan

advocate, adhivaktr

agri, ajira

bind, bandhi

bright, bharajat

In the "Origins of Vedic Civilization" Dr Kenneth Chandler remarks " India’s most substantial gift to world civilization was, however, the discovery of Pure
Consciousness and the mapping out of the architectonic structure of pure knowledge.
All other achievements derive from this great awakening of knowledge that took place
in ancient Vedic India."

I was on a trip to Malaysia and Thailand with my family and we stayed with my brother in Bangkok. We went to Kaula Lumpur on 3rd and left Bangkok on the 12th. A great vacation it was !

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Solar Transit of Alpha Leonis destroys rural Kerala !

It was raining cats and dogs in Kerala for the last three days. Heavy rains made life miserable in the villages and many houses were destroyed. 3 people died yesterday and rightly the South West Monsoon is defined as the monsoon of life and death.

Heavy rainfall reported in Trichur 9 cm and Kannur 7. Till Sep 2, gloomy forecasts are there. Rain and thundershower will occur in Kerala and Lakshadweep. Fishermen are warned not to venture out into sea. Onshore winds from westerly direction occasionally reaching 55 kms is likely along and off Kerala coast and over Lakshadweep area within 24 hours.

IMD attributed this to the phenomenon of depression forming in the oceans. Coastal Kerala, Goa, Karnataka and Maharastra experienced hectic rains and now the IMD, which said that monsoon was a failure earlier, says that Monsoon is + 20% success !

Astro Meteorology is not surprised, as the solar transit of Alpha Leonis is always rainy. The sidereal months of Leo and Virgo are called Varsha Rithu, indicating rains ( Varsha = rain in Sanskrit/Malayalam ).

Of intercalary months, Adhi Masas

The solar month is 30.438030202068 days

A lunar month = 29.5305881 days

It need not be added that a lunation or synodic month means the interval between two consecutive full moons or new moons. Conjunction ( New Moon ) is 0 degrees and Opposition ( Full Moon ) is 180 degrees

Hence a solar year does not have a whole number of lunar months ( about 12.37 lunations ) So a thirteenth embolismic or intercalary month is inserted.

It was observed that 19 solar years or 19*12 = 228 solar months = 235 lunations and hence 7 Adhi Masas were found in every 19 years. An intercalary or 13th month had to be inserted in a 19 year cycle and 19/7 was the ratio. .

They are called Adhi Masas in Indian Astronomy and they were computed using the Theory of continued fractions. The Theory of contiued Fractions is attributed to Euler. This 19 year old cycle is called the Metonic Cycle, named after the Greek astronomer, Meton.

But then the Indian mathematicians correctly computed the Adhi Masas, centuries before Meton or Euler ! The Indian National Calender is lunisolar, whose dates both indicate the solar year and the moon phases and the next date when the New Moon or Full Moon will occur. The length of the synodic month is given as 29.5305879 days in the Surya Siddhanta, which is correct to six decimals. Surya Siddhanta stated that there are 15933396 Adhi Masas in 51840000 solar months !

Of Intercalary months, Adhi Masas

The solar month is 30.438030202068 days

A lunar month = 29.5305881 days

It need not be added that a lunation or synodic month means the interval between two consecutive full moons or new moons. Conjunction ( New Moon ) is 0 degrees and Opposition ( Full Moon ) is 180 degrees

Hence a solar year does not have a whole number of lunar months ( about 12.37 lunations ) So a thirteenth embolismic or intercalary month is inserted.

It was observed that 19 solar years or 19*12 = 228 solar months = 235 lunations and hence 7 Adhi Masas were found in every 19 years. An intercalary or 13th month had to be inserted in a 19 year cycle and 19/7 was the ratio. .

They are called Adhi Masas in Indian Astronomy and they were computed using the Theory of continued fractions. The Theory of contiued Fractions is attributed to Euler. This 19 year old cycle is called the Metonic Cycle, named after the Greek astronomer, Meton.

But then the Indian mathematicians correctly computed the Adhi Masas, centuries before Meton or Euler ! The Indian National Calender is lunisolar, whose dates both indicate the solar year and the moon phases and the next date when the New Moon or Full Moon will occur. The length of the synodic month is given as 29.5305879 days in the Surya Siddhanta, which is correct to six decimals. Surya Siddhanta stated that there are 15933396 Adhi Masas in 51840000 solar months !