Sunday, May 6, 2012

Union of Individual with the Universal !

Jayadeva's Song of the Lord, Geetha Govinda, is a great poem on Bhakthi Yoga Laya. 

Radha and Krishna symbolise the Lover Beloved Relationship between the Individual Soul and the Universal Soul, the Kamukee Kamuka Bhava of Jivatma and Paramatma . The Union between both the Individual and the Universal is symbolised by Radha Kalyanam.

With Thy massive steps
Thou deceived King Bali
O Dwarf Wonderful !
From the nails of Thy Lotus Feet
Water ( Ganges ) emanated
O Redeemer of all
O Mighty One of hair fine
Hail to Thee, O Great One !

Chalayasi vikramaṇe
Balim adbhuta-vāmana
Pada-nakha nīra-janita
Keśava dhṛta-vāmana-rūpa
Jaya jagadīśa hare !

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Thou art Kindness Personified !

Thou in Thy incarnation as Buddha
Decried the cruelties against animals
As priests were sacrificing goats
Saying they were ordained !

O Thou with immense hair
Who entered this world as Lord Buddha
To deliver men from Ignorance
All salutations to Thee !

Nindasi yajña vidheḥ
Ahaha śruti jātam
Sadayahṛdaya darśita paśu ghātam
Keśava dhṛta Buddha-śarīra
Jaya jagadīśa hare...

- Jayadeva

The Dissolution of Bridal Mysticism

Jayadeva's Ashtapadi

In the waters of Dissolution
Thou held the Fourfold Veds
Effortlessly, as a boat !
O Thou with lovely hair
Of Piscean appearance
All Glories to Thee
O Lord of all that is !

Pralaya payodhi jale
Dhṛtavān asi vedam
Vihita vahitra caritram akhedam
Keśava dhrta Mīna śarīra
Jaya Jagat-īśa  Hare !

Friday, May 4, 2012

Thou art the Destroyer of the Ego !

How glorious Thy nails 
Which tore into the Ego
The Ego which exists in all
Whose emblem is Hiranyakasipu
O Lord of the Universe
O Thou with bountiful hair, Kesava 
Thou shook the Universe with Thy Form
Hail to Thee
O Lord of all that is !

Thava kala kamala varai
Nakham abthutha sringam
Dhalitha Hiranyakasipu thanu bhringam
Kesava ! Dhrutha ! Nara Hari Roopa
Jaya Jagadisha Hare !

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Tenth Rising of the Sun, Patham Udayam

The Sun entered the tenth degree of Aries and attained maximum Exaltation Strength or Uccha Bala. Knowledgeable people worship the Lord during this day as the Divine Solar Consciousness present in all.

Happy Patham Udayam greetings from the Fourth Largest Pilgrim Center in the world, Guruvayur !

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Different Calenders

We will explain the different Calenders. Every Civilization has a Calender.

The Christian Calender is the Western which the whole world is following. Its present year, as everybody knows is 2012.

The Hindu Calender is based on the Kali Era which began on 17th Feb 3102 BCE. Therefore the present Hindu Year is 3102+2012 = 5114.

The Masonic Calender's present year is 6012. The formula is Christian C + 4000. Free Masons write AL, Anno Lucis, in the Year of Light instead of the Anno Domine ( ' in the year of our Lord " ) of the Christian. Free Masons are Christians, though most of the Free Masons are Protestant. Fundamentalist Christians do not like the Free Masons. Free Masonry, Rosicrucianism, Gnosticism have been banned as heretical sects.

The Malaylam Calender with its 12 months from Mesha to Meena is the Calender that is followed in Kerala. Its present year is 1187. If you add 825 to the Malayalam Era, you will get the English Era.

The Western underwent Modification and Pope Gregory rectified the Julian Calender into the Gregorian. The Julian took 365.25 days as one year and hence the error. The actual value of one year is 365.256362424815 days. Christopher Clavius took six decimals to solve the problem.

The Western Calender is based on the Tropical Zodiac,which is moving. Hence it may need rectifications.

The Indian is based on the Sidereal Zodiac, which is static and it needs no modification.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

He is sorrowful in violence !

There is a misunderstanding about the word Hindu.

Max Muller, Monier Williams and other missionary scholars want us to believe that since our ancestors lived near the river Sindhu, we are called Hindus, because the Persians could not pronounce the word Sindhu. This is utter nonsense.

Sat Prem, a French intellectual, in his book " Aurobindo, the Adventure of Consciousness" remarks that "the term Hinduism is an invention of the West. The Indian speaks only about the Eternal Law, the Sanathana Dharma. Now India, who could understand the Eternal Iconoclast that God is in His Cosmic March, did not have the strength to support Her Wisdom" So true, we were invaded by the Mughal Empire and the British Empire.

The Eternal Law, this Sanathana Dharma, is called by many as Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism etc. " The Name of this Causality is Divine Law " said Aurobindo. " "The Law rules all and is all' said Cheiro. This Eternal Law pervades the Universe, ruling all.

The real meaning of the word Hindu is that he who is sorrowful in violence is a Hindu, himsayam dhooyathe yasya saha hindurithyabhideeyathe.

Vivekananda wrote

' The Hindu believes he is Spirit. Him the fire cannot burn, him the water cannot wet, him the sword cannot pierce nor the wind dry. He is the Absolute Self, center everywhere, circumference nowhere".

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