Monday, May 7, 2012

O Thou Protector of Intellectual Class !

In Thy incarnation as Parasurama
Sins were taken away from earth
From the rivers of blood of the warrior tribes
Giving relief to people good 
From the fire of existence material
O Thou with mighty hair !
Who accepted the form
Of warrior sage, Parasurama
Protector of the class intellectual
Salutations to the Lord of the Universe !

jagat apagatapāpam
snapayasi payasi
śamita bhava-tāpam
Keśava dhṛta- bhṛgupati-rūpa
jaya jagadīśa hare...

One yearn for rains !

It is a very hot day today and one yearns for the rains. The South West Monsoon will begin on 29th May, but before that rains are expected to appear after May 10th, when the Solar transit of the Pleiades or Karthika Njattuvela begins.

May there be plenty of rains and may be land become fertile, Kale Varshe thu parjanya prithvee sasya shalini !

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Best definitions of Heaven and Hell !

The best definitions of Heaven and Hell were provided by a Malayalam poet.

What is Heaven ?
Is the Fulfillment of all desires
What is Hell ?
A soul in torment and agony.

Nakam ennal naragraha poorna siddhi than darshanam
Narakamo poriyunna orathmavin Roopam !

Union of Individual with the Universal !

Jayadeva's Song of the Lord, Geetha Govinda, is a great poem on Bhakthi Yoga Laya. 

Radha and Krishna symbolise the Lover Beloved Relationship between the Individual Soul and the Universal Soul, the Kamukee Kamuka Bhava of Jivatma and Paramatma . The Union between both the Individual and the Universal is symbolised by Radha Kalyanam.

With Thy massive steps
Thou deceived King Bali
O Dwarf Wonderful !
From the nails of Thy Lotus Feet
Water ( Ganges ) emanated
O Redeemer of all
O Mighty One of hair fine
Hail to Thee, O Great One !

Chalayasi vikramaṇe
Balim adbhuta-vāmana
Pada-nakha nīra-janita
Keśava dhṛta-vāmana-rūpa
Jaya jagadīśa hare !

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Thou art Kindness Personified !

Thou in Thy incarnation as Buddha
Decried the cruelties against animals
As priests were sacrificing goats
Saying they were ordained !

O Thou with immense hair
Who entered this world as Lord Buddha
To deliver men from Ignorance
All salutations to Thee !

Nindasi yajña vidheḥ
Ahaha śruti jātam
Sadayahṛdaya darśita paśu ghātam
Keśava dhṛta Buddha-śarīra
Jaya jagadīśa hare...

- Jayadeva

The Dissolution of Bridal Mysticism

Jayadeva's Ashtapadi

In the waters of Dissolution
Thou held the Fourfold Veds
Effortlessly, as a boat !
O Thou with lovely hair
Of Piscean appearance
All Glories to Thee
O Lord of all that is !

Pralaya payodhi jale
Dhṛtavān asi vedam
Vihita vahitra caritram akhedam
Keśava dhrta Mīna śarīra
Jaya Jagat-īśa  Hare !

Friday, May 4, 2012

Thou art the Destroyer of the Ego !

How glorious Thy nails 
Which tore into the Ego
The Ego which exists in all
Whose emblem is Hiranyakasipu
O Lord of the Universe
O Thou with bountiful hair, Kesava 
Thou shook the Universe with Thy Form
Hail to Thee
O Lord of all that is !

Thava kala kamala varai
Nakham abthutha sringam
Dhalitha Hiranyakasipu thanu bhringam
Kesava ! Dhrutha ! Nara Hari Roopa
Jaya Jagadisha Hare !