Friday, January 11, 2013

Transit of the Nodes, of Rahu and Ketu

The Transit of the North Node, Rahu

In Vedic Astrology, which is Sidereal, the Nodes, Rahu and Ketu, the North and South Nodes, moved over to Libra and Aries on Dec 23rd,2012.

Here we give the effects of the Nodes, which are the determinants of behaviour and which are mathematcial points or shadowy planets.


You should be careful about health during this phase. Mental peace makes a strategic retreat. You can do TM, which can trigger the Relaxation Response ( Dr Herbert Benson). The professional field will give you tension and face all with equanimity of mind. If health troubles you, you can chant the Health Mantra, Dhanwantari Mantra. If Wealth, the Wealth Mantra, the Sree Sookta Mantra and for Wisdom, the Gayatri ! The mantra of Rahu can be chanted to reduce the maleficence of the North Node.

On the positive side, you may undertake pilgrimages and there may be meritorious awards to your children. There will be chances of foreign travel and you may take some correct decisions. On the negative side, there will be impediments in your relationships and health hazards to life partner.


You can improve your 13 skills and talk your way to the top, as the Transit of the Nodes is benign. Friends increase. Good will also. You become the cynosure of all eyes. There will be economic gains and gain of friends. You can use this time to Love All and Serve All, thereby increasing your Credit in the Cosmic Ledger.

While the Nodes favor Enlightenment, they can cause eye diseases . While the cash will be good, there can be trouble to uncles and aunts. So be careful.


Be careful about romantic relationships. A rift within the lute can occur at any time. It may widen soon and make the music mute. On the positive side, economic gains can accrue. Enemies increase. So also expenditure. Financial tightness indicated.

On the negative side, there may be disagreement with life partner. But this is offset by profit from investments and speculation. Your merits may be appreciated by VIPs. Your enemies may try this time to humiliate you.


Improving skills becomes a must and this is the time to do that. Social skills are considered very important. Friends and good will increase. Economic benefits can ensue and this is the time to store treasures in Heaven. This will accelerate your spiritual evolution and take you Godward !.

You may be subject to discliplinary action by the Powers That Be. On the positive side, you will gain the Grace of Gurus. There will be gains from profession. But beware of burns and obstruction in intellectual pursuits.


While there may be some lucky breaks in Profession, health problems may overwhelm you. Rahu can rob you of the much needed mental peace. Try TM, which can trigger the Relaxation Response. Great tension indicated. The Rahu mantra, Om Rahave Namah, can be used to store equilibrium !

You will have the fortune to meet many eminent spiritual personages. This transit is neither good for children nor father. You may gain from speculation and investment.


Even though this phase is good for economic gains, health problems may plague you. You can try TM, which can trigger the Relaxation Response, leading to good health. There will be tension galore and you can try Astro Therapy. Try the Rahu Mantra - Om Rahave Namah - in a state of purity.

Beware of thieves. Also loss of largesse. You may be misunderstood by your family. On the positive side, there can be gains of a high order.


Happiness will be found wanting. Envious rivals take this phase to attack you. You may lose some friends also. If you Love All and Serve All, you can store treasures in Heaven. You can get the goodwill of society. Try the Rahu Mantra - Om Rahave Namah - and chant it minimum 12 times a day.

There may be mental tension galore and worries. Worries are two types - past regrets and future fears. You find that mental strength has zapped. You may have to travel and you may worried about health of life partner.


There can be profits from speculation and investment . You may see the fulfillment of the Parkinson's Law " Expenditure will rise to meet the income". You will find a lack of mental peace, the reason of which is unknown. You can chant the Rahu Mantra - Om Rahave Namah - minimum 12 times a day to enhance the North Node.

On the negative side, expenses will spiral. Dreams will scare you. On the positive side, you can get income from many sources. There may be gains from investment.


This is the time to store treasures in Heaven. Nature rewards good deeds. What goes around, comes around. If you help people, people will help you. You can try TM and Holistic Medicine, which can save you from tension and health problems.

You may be worried about children. Speculation is taboo. On the positive side, you may be interested in the Occult. You may socialise and gain recognition from society. Intellectual pursuits will be rewarded.


You can store your treasures in Heaven, which in turn will give you good will from the people. Your talent will be recognised by the multitude. Be careful about money transactions. Overwork may take its toll. Mental peace takes a beating and you can overcome it by Prayer and Meditation. The Rahu Mantra - Om Rahave Namah - can be chanted in a state of purity.

Regarding Realty, there may be disputes. Beware of health hazards to mother and elderly relatives. On the positive side, you may gain respect and recognition, which you richly deserve.


This is the time to take calculated risks. The envious rivals may attack you with vicious propaganda. Rahu can take away your mental peace and the Rahu Mantra - Om Rahave Namah - can be chanted to get the maximum benefits of the 9th Rahu Transit.

Be careful about relationship with neighbors. There will be a lack of self confidence. On the positive side, you become more spiritual. Journeys will be undertaken and you will get profit from investment and speculation.


Money takes away mental peace. You have to store treasures in Heaven for gaining the peace that passeth understanding. Do Punya and eschew Papa, this is the essence of the millions of books on Wisdom, Ethics and Morality. Friends increase. Paropakarya Punyaya Papaya Para Peedanam.

You will find that money is a killer. Money kills many a relationship. Due to friction between the family members, lack of mental peace will result. But this transit is not without its positive side. There may be increase in largesse, social recognition, acquisition of knowledge and improvement of the communication ability.

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Ardra Festival ( Thiruvathira )

Today is Thiruvathira Festival, which occurs during the month of Dhanus.

It symbolises the union of Purusha and Prakriti, of Siva and Sakthi. It is said that Eros or Kama Deva was burnt to ashes by the Lord, t...hereby destroying the Lust that binds man to the sublunar world.

This festival is prevalent in the Nair and Namboothiri communities in Kerala.

Actually this Festival starts on the day of Aswathi.

On Rohini day, women pray for the overall welfare of the family.

On Makiryam day, mothers fast for the well being of the children.

On Aridra day, women fast for the well being of their husbands.

They wake up at 0400 AM and go to the nearest Lord Siva shrine, before Sunrise. This is called Ardra Darshan.

Special food, koova payasam or arrowroot pudding is taken in with steamed bananas. I remember my mother giving me such food during childhood

Happy Thiruvathira to all !

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Inseparability of Life and Love

Life and Love are inseparable.

In Vedic Symbology, the Rishies represented it as the biune principles of Siva and Sakthi.

Siva represents Universal Life and Shakti is emblematic of Universa Love.

The poet Kalidasa averred

Inseparable as Word and Meaning
So are the Two in One
Consciousness and Force
The Infinite and the Finite
Absolute and Relative
The One and the Innumerable
The Formless and a delirium of forms
The Universal and the Individual
Purusha and Prakrithi
Brahman and Maya
Creative Nature and Created Nature
Being and Becoming
In Life Practical
Love and Universal Life!

Vagartha iva Sampruktau
Vagartha Prathipathaye
Jagatha Pitharau Vande
Parvathee Parameswarau

The Literature of India

Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind

Left to the posterity of those that are yet unborn. – Dante

By Vedas no books are meant. This perspective is contrary to what people think. They are eternal truths cognised by the Seers in higher states of Consciousness.

Books have great value. Reading maketh a full man, said Bacon. Writing a precise man and Conference a ready man.

There are so many books in Vedic Literature. The Rishies meant that Knowledge is the main criterion for success, Vidya Dhanam Sarva Dhanal Pradhanam. Knowledge is that which cannot be stolen, that which cannot be taxed, that which cannot be shared and that which is not burdensome. When compared to mundane wealth, Divine Wealth or Wisdom is greater ! Wisdom has her blessings unknown to Wealth.

We have heard about Dante and Goethe, but not Aurobindo or Tagore. We know Laplace and Lagrange, if not Liebniz, but not Aryabhata or Bhaskara. We know Shakespeare, but not Kalidasa ! Beethoven and Mozart we know, but not Thyagaraja.

It is our aim to disseminate quality information about the vast Indian literature and the literatuers and the poets who adorned this great ocean. Let us enjoy Kalidasa and Magha ! Let us revel in the intellectual brilliance of Aryabhata, Varaha and Bhaskara. Let us immerse ourselves in Thyagaraja. Let us be inspired by Aurobindo and Tagore !

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Astro Meterology Articles on Astrologia Vedica

I just moved all my Astro Meteorology articles from Eastro Vedica
to Astrologia Vedica , as Eastro Vedica was getting immense traffic. 22 GB. I removed all unnecessary links from Astrologia Vedica, which now functions as an Astro Meteorology site. Those who have got ideas about Astro Meterology are welcome to contribute articles to Astrologia Vedica. We can develop this science. There are only two well known books on the subject, the Mysterium Cosmographicum by Kepler and Krishi Geetha by Parasurama.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sachin back in action !

Many called for his retirement but Sachin is Sachin. He scored a glorious 76 which initiated Indian scoring over 300. England may lead but Sachin had a point to prove.

Why should he retired just because Ponting has retired ? Still runs can flow from his blessed bat !

India needs him and with him around Indian batting looks formidable ( particularly in India ).

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Transit of Saturn through Sidereal Libra

( Saturn entered Libra  on Nov 15 , 2011  and is there for 2 ½ years )

Saturn teaches us frugality, simplicity and humility. He teaches us the value of time. He is a great taskmaster and He brings in a sense of discipline in our lives. He is not an evil Karma account keeper, as most  imagine. If you take a loan, you have to pay interest. Similarly you have to  pay for your wages. Saturn purges you of your sins and leads you to Self Actualisation !

Most of the things that have gone wrong with the world - the Great Recession
& political chaos - can be attributed to Saturn. Financial stringency and crisis, chaotic weather, accidents that were frequent, high failure rates of governments responding to crisis are all the works of Saturn in Libra

Here we give the effects of Transit Saturn in Libra for different signs.

Moon Sign - Is the Zodiacal Sign where your Moon is posited in your sidereal horoscope in Astrology Vedic.

Moon Sign Virgo -  

This is the last phase of Elarata Saturn.

The first five years were intensely agonising and the next 2 1/2 years ( this phase ) will give some relief. But you are forewarned that Elarata Saturn is not over. Again there will be many tests and tribulations till 2006. Destruction to wealth and happiness indicated ( Sukhartha Vihathim ). Loss of position, great expenditure, health hazards and transfer to some other place indicated. Emaciated physical appearance, loss of comfort, acquisition but not enjoyment of wealth.

Moon Sign  Leo - 

Saturn turns benign and blesses you with many favours.  There will be gain of position and subordinates ( Sthanartha Bhrithyadhikam ). Financial condition improves. All that you lost during his stay in the 12th, Ist and 2nd  will be redeemed. You get political connections and favours from politicians. Luck in gambling indicated. Stock exchange, jackpot and lotteries should be tried. Why not take advantage of this benign Saturnine stance ? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Moon Sign Cancer  - 

Saturn turns adverse in the 4th. There will be a dearth of happiness ( Sthree Bandhastha Sukhachyuthim ). Mental peace and happiness takes a beating. Thisperiod is known as Angular Saturn or Kandaka Sani. The 4th Refers to domestic happiness . Domestic happiness becomes a scarce commodity. Relatives become enemies and mental tension increases. Separation from friends and family members, suspicious nature, crooked behaviour and wicked acts.

Moon Sign Gemini - 

Separation from sons, loss of money and frequent quarrels. Fall from Wealth and happiness ( Dhana Sukha Bramsam ). Mind becomes a pot of mental turmoil as the planet of Melancholy marks your for his own. Gloomy mood always. You need not worry as the next phase of Saturn will give you whatever you have lost including happiness.

Moon Sign Taurus - 

Saturn turns benefic in the 6th. All the blocks and hindrances on the path to progress vanish. You get the favour of politicians and powerful people. There will be luck in gambling. Enemies get destroyed as the planet which gives all round happiness becomes favourably posited. Favour from enemies and diseases & association with the fair sex. All your enemies will be subjugated ( Sapathna Kshayam ).

Moon Sign Aries  - 

Saturn is in the adverse 7th now. This is called Kandaka Sani or Angular Saturn.  Mental peace and happiness gets affected. Misunderstanding with loved ones cannot be ruled out. As the seventh house represents spouse, Saturn's position therein is not good from the perspective of conjugal happiness. Separation from wife and children and aimless roaming about. There may be tendencies for long travel and to move away from one's own place. 

Moon Sign Pisces  - 

Saturn is extremely malefic in the 8th. All sorts of impediments and obstacles crop up in your path. Melancholy
marks you for her own during this dark phase .Misunderstandings with loved ones. Enemy trouble indicated. You are forewarned to avoid arguments and unnecessary speculation. This is not the ideal time to speculate. Also be careful in handling human relations. Indulgence in mean activities is the result and you will be bereft of happiness. There will be sorrow and loss in the financial sphere ( Analpa Dukha Nichayam ). Dhanakshayam or unnecessary expenditure will characterise this period. 

Moon Sign Aquarius  - 

Saturn may cause financial tightness. Obstacles and mental worry. Suffers from hatred ,heart trouble and even imprisonment. There will be tendencies to move away from Wisdom and the Law ( Dharma Pranasa Mayan ). This is the ideal time for Meditation and to enjoy the bliss of the Self.

Moon Sign  Capricorn  - 

Saturn causes loss in the financial sphere ( Daridram ). Be careful about speculation and investment. Gets new avocations but loses money and fame. This is a bad phase temporarily and is called Angular Saturn. Mind becomes perturbed as a result of an adverse Saturnine stance.  You can recourse to Remedial Astrology for solace.

Moon Sign Sagittarius  - 

This is a prosperous period as Saturn turns benign and blesses you with financial and educational gains. Your assets will increase. And so will goodwill and reputation. Your merits will be extolled. If you speculate, you may come up with flying colours. Monetary windfall can be expected from the stock market. Birth of a son and general happiness. If you take the proper calculated risks, you can get gain from the stock market and jackpot. ( Dhana labham ). 

Moon Sign  Scorpio  - 

In the 12th, Saturn marks the beginning of Elarata Saturn ( His 7 1/2 adverse period.) Everything goes topsy
turvy. Do not take unnecessary risks as this period is highly adverse. Dangers to health & wealth indicated. Transfer to some other area is also possible.  Be careful about handling money as Saturn can damage your purse ( Artha Vihathim ). Be careful about calumny, misunderstandings, enemy trouble and problems from the jealous, which can upset your mind. 

Moon Sign  Libra 

Saturn is highly adverse in the First. All sorts of strife and afflictions will visit you. ( Nana Roga Shucham ). Fear from poison or fire, of friends and family members., fear of incarceration, travel to foreign lands, loss of money ,near and dear ones. Fear of vicious enemies, destruction of agriculture, monetary quarrels and litigation, loss in agriculture, separation from kith and kin and suffering from insults. You become gloomy and melancholic as problems overwhelm you. Melancholy will mark you for her own. Waste of time, waste of money, waste of effort etc characterise this Saturnine period. There may be change of location, dissipation of wealth and factors detrimental to health crop up. Be careful about health and wealth as Saturn, the melancholy planet, can devastate you.  Misunderstandings will be caused by this destiny planet and it can affect your Love life, thus proving that Astrology affects Love !

Astro-Therapy for Saturnine Transit 

Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system. ( 700 earths can be fit into Saturn ) & his transit is indeed very important to the astrological fraternity.  As he is the planet of Ayus or Longevity, his transits can make or break you, healthwise.  He also rules Death & diseases.  In Medical Astrology, he rules the Vayu Tattwa, the Air Principle in the body physiologic ( as the human body is made up of the Five Great Elements ). Arthritis,  paralysis & epilepsy, loss of appetite & the diseases caused by deficiency of the Air Element are caused by him. He represents Sorrow, the Sorrow of the Cosmic Man, the sorrow inherent in the act of Manifestation. He represents the masses and is the planet of Democracy and Communism. He is the Celestial Judge of all actions. He is the planet of Boundless Time, Eternity.  He is also the Death planet (Mrityur Vyadhischa Dukham Shanirapi Gadhitham ). He can elevate you to dizzy heights and at the same time hurl you into the abyss of dissolution. He creates fear of enemies. He causes quarrels related to money and destruction of agriculture. His satellite Gulika ( mythologically represented as his son ) is another highly malefic planet. ( Akhila Mrityu Samhara Karako Mandi ).  In Horary Astrology, if both Saturn and Gulika are together, it spells big trouble for the querent. If they are together in the 4th, it can indicate a disease of the location, like cancer ! ( "Cancer is a disease of the location" - Dr Hartman )