Monday, March 25, 2013

Astrology indicators !

All have agreed that Jupiter is the Veda Karaka. There was some opposition to highlighting  Sun in Gemini  as an astro indicator.

Angular Jupiter is a visible factor. Mercury rules Ganitha and both together can make one an astrologer. I am not going to talk about the Sun in Gemini !

Also the Moon in Cancer

He who is born when Moon tenants Cancer
Will be subservient to women
Knowledgeable in Astrology
Owning houses galore
His wealth cyclical
Subject to vicissitudes
Short with conquering eloquence
Lover of relatives good
Interested in watery sports
Such is Astrology's decree !

The Limbs of Wisdom Eternal, the Veda Purusha

The Sanskrit poets defined the Absolute Self as Space Eternal, the Vedapurusha and said that the six Veda Anga Saastras, the six auxiliary sciences, form His body !

Chandau Pada, Shabda Saasatram cha vaktram
Kalpam Vanee Jyothisham Chakshushee cha
Shiksha Ghraanam Shrotha muktham Niruktham
Vedasyanga Nyeva Mahur Muneendra !

In our last post, we forgot to define Shiksha or phonetics. Shiksha Shikshayathhi Vyaktam Vedocharana Lakshanam, Shiksha teaches correct pronunciation.

The term Hindu Zodiac was not coined by me, but used by the great Dr B V Raman.


The sidereal basis of the Hindu Zodiac brings to relative significance the importance the Great Rishies have assigned to Suns apart from ours,  while being aware of the fact that our immediate overlord is our magnificent Sun. They were far more aware than the modern astronomers of the shfiting character of the Vernal Equinoctial Point "

The 'Pratyaksha Professor"( AK Kaul )   is parroting some Western scholars ( like Thibeau and Whitney ? )  and wants to tropicalise our Zodiac.

Evangelists speak like this " Your theories are wrong. Our theories are correct. God sent His son to redeem this world and if you dont convert, no Heaven" !

Stop  evangelisation of the Hindu Zodiac !


Saturday, March 23, 2013

About Thesis and Anti Thesis, Siderealism and Tropicalism

Ours is a broad minded and tolerant culture.

We should respect the Rishies of the West, Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Emerson,Thoreau, Whitman and their mathematicians and astrologers, Kepler, Laplace, Sir Simon Newcomb, Brown, Leverier etc and their astrolgers, William Lilly, Dane Rudhyar et al.

Now I have developed a healthy respect for Western Psychological Astrology, which is based on the Depth Pychology of Freud and Jung, the Transpersonal Psychology of Abraham Maslow and the Humanistic Psychology of Carl Rogers. It is heartening to see parallels to these systems, like Transpersonal Astrology, Humanistic Astrology and Archetypal Astrology.

Varaha Mihira said it correctly

Melaccha hi yavanastheshu
Samyak Saastram idam sthitham
Rishivatyepi Poojyanthe
Kim punar daivavid Dvija !

Respect the Western scholars as Rishies !

The great Puliyoor Purushotaman Namboothir echoed the same when he said " Paschathya Nirmitan Granthan Na Swee Kurvanthi Panditha " !

Why cant the Indian scholars accepts authentic Western books ?

I had an experience, when I wrote a Malayalam article quoting Kant, the German philosopher, one man asked me " Why do you quote Kant? ". I said the Germans rate him as the world's greatest. There are some people in the Indian civlization who are hardliners. Also in the West. Also in the Islamic. We should not be like them. We should not slip into fundamentalism !

As the positron and the electron peacefully coexist in the atom, let both Thesis and Anti Thesis, Tropicalism and Siderealism, peacefully coexist in Astrology !

If we had behaved arrogantly, we seek pardon from those whom we had offended !

Anu Ranjanam Jagath Mangalm ! Peace is better than being right !

Friday, March 22, 2013

Universal Mind, Mahath Brahma !

Well, the Universal Mind is known as Mahat Brahma .
Says the Lord

This Universe, the Womb is where I plant
Seeds of all lives
From thence, O Prince of India
Comes birth to all beings
Whoso, Kunti's son, mothers each mortal form
Universal Mind conceives
And I am He that fathers, sending seed !  
( The Song Celestial - Sir Edwin Arnold's translation of the Geetha ).
Mama Yonir Mahat Brahma
Thasmi Garbham Thadamyaham
Sambhava Sarva Bhoothanam
Thatho Bhavathi Bharatha !

Sarva Yonishu Kounteya
Moortaya Sambhavanthi Yaah
Tasam Brahma Mahat Yonee
Aham Beeja prada Pitha !
This is in line with what Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi taught, that the Absolute Brahman becomes the Cosmic Mind ( Mahat Brahma ) to spread the world and that all this is mirrored in the Universal Mind, Mayayam Bimbithasthvam !

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tropicalists vs Siderealists !

This fight between the Tropicalists and the Siderealists have been going on for years. There are Siderealists in the Western ( Fagan,Cheiro who developed their own Ayanamsas ) and there are tropicalists in the Eastern !

About ten years ago, in a Western list, I quoted the Vedic Astrologer, Jeff Armstrong and was labelled as " arrogant". Jeff Armstrong's article was " You are not the Sign that you think you are, the Greek blunder". I said the Greeks have blundered and Moser Sirgar II, the Moderator got hot with me and said "Kumar, do you know how arrogant you are?". Now I am far more mature and avoid Tropical vs Sidereal fights !

I did not blame the Western scholar. How will you react when somebody says  the Indian Astronomers, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara, Aryabhata, Madhava, Parameswar, Jyeshtadeva, Neelakanta etc were wrong ? Similarly he reacted. He was influenced by Hipparchus, Ptolemy, William Lilly, Kepler, Laplace etc and how else can he react to the statement  that his forefathers have blundered ?

According to the Tropicalists, the Siderealists are arrogant. And according to the Siderealists, the Tropicalists are arrogant ! (Thibeau and Whitney  said the ancient Indians did not know Astronomy or Maths ).

There is no need for such fights. Astrology can never be proved as a physical science.
There are 13 Ayanamsas and Hari's is the 13th. Cheiro's Ayanamsa takes 72 years per degree precession. Cyril Fagan established Western Sidereal Astrology.

Since Astrology is a mystical science, let us be tolerant. Paddi ji pointed out yesterday that in some cases, Hari's Ayanamsa worked. Fine. If Lahiri's works, fine. Or Raman's Or Cheiro. Or even  the Zero Ayanamsa of the Tropicalists. Astrology should work and we should come out with good results !

We will be happy when that happens !

Tropical Zodiac vs Sidereal Zodiac

Let us put an end to these arguments.

The tropicalists think they are right and the Siderealists are wrong.

Communists think they are right and Capitalists are wrong.

We pointed out that this world is a maelstrom of warring passions where ideologies clash. He who advances the Anti Theory or Anti Thesis is insulted and he reciprocates.

Who is the villain of the piece? There is a villain of the piece and it is Mind. !

Mind is Biplar, said Tolman. The feeling that Something is Truth and Anti Something is Falsehood is projected by the Mind !

Esse est Percipii and Mind is all in all. All this is just a projection of the Universal Mind, bhootha gramendriyadyairapi Sakala Jagath Swapna Sankalpa Kalpam !

We are all brothers, parts of the Whole and instead of clashing with each other, let us LOVE !

Let us work out what the Divine wants us to do !

The Absolute, the Perfect, the Alone
Our mask of imperfection has assumed
He had made this tenement of flesh His own !
We in His human measure has cast
That to His divine level we might rise 

- Aurobindo.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Adhi Masas !

There is another cycle which is controversial. The Metonic Cycle, occurring in 19 years.
228 solar months = 235 lunar months

The seven intercalation months are Adhi Masas. Discovery attributed to Meton. fifth Century BCE.
It was known to the Rishies and they said " Soorya Samkrama Rahithe Mala masobhidheeyathe " !