Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Clavius used Indian Maths to solve the problems of the Julian Calender !

The Tropical Zodiac precedes, roughly, 72 years per degree and this is known as the Precession of the Equinoxes.

At the time of Pope Gregory, the seasons were changing and Gregory was in a fix. He empowered Christoper Clavius to head the Gregorian Calendrical Reforms Committe. The Sine Tables of Aryabhata and Madhava were here. Also the Tan tables of Brahmagupta. A's Sine Table was the first sine table erected in the entire history of Maths, says Wikipedia.org.

Now Clavius learnt Astronomy and Maths from the  Jewish Guru, Pedro Nunes. Clavius empowerd Matteo Ricci, to go to India, to Kerala and learn from the Time Keepers of Panchangas, to learn from the Brahmins and the Moors, this astro mathematical knowledge, which alone could solve the problem from them. 

Now Aryabhata's Sine Tables is called the Table of R Sin Differences.

R is the magic figure in Astronomy and is computed thus

PI = C./D
Pi = C/ 2 r
C = 2 Pi r
360 = 2 Pi r
r = 360/2Pi
r = 180/Pi
r = 57.3 degrees
r = 57.3*60 minutes
r = 57.3*60*60 seconds
r = 206265 seconds and this R in seconds is Known as the The Magic Figure of Astronomy.

The base of all astro algorithms for Astro Software is this R.

Bhujajya / Trijya = Opposite Side/ Hypotenuse .* R

Even though Bhujajya resembles the modern Sine , it acutally is R Sin.

Clavius. Matteo Ricci et al got access to Indian trignometric functions and inverse functions ( arcsin, arccos, arctan, cot, secant and cosecant ) and with the help of Indian Maths, (India in general and Kerala in particular) , solved the problems of the Julian Calender.

Pope Gregory had to add ten more days to the Julian Calender. Today is Oct 4 and he decreed, like God, that tomorrow is Oct 14 ! This is the so called " Gregorian Calender", which Albert Pyke, the Father of American Freemasonry called the Vulgar Era !

This is what happens when you base everything on the Tropical Zodiac, which is preceding roughly 72 years per degree. On the other hand the Sidereal Zodiac doesnt precede, as it is static.

1280 Bibles !

The Julian Calendar had to be replaced by the Gregorian, not the Vedic Astro Calender, which is sidereal or based on the fixed stars. The Gregorian also may need modification later on.

While other Religions have one Book and one Prophet, the Eternal Law, the Sanantana Dharma has got

1,280 Religious Books,
10,000 Commentaries,
 more than one lakh sub-commentaries
 for these foundation books,
 variety of Aacharyas,
 millions of Rishies,
 hundreds of languages...
 Still, everyone goes to the

 Hindus never quarrelled with each other  in the last ten thousand years in  the name of religion

Dr Kenneth Chandler points out that " The greatest discovery of India has been the discovery of Pure Consciousness and the mapping out of the architectonic structure of Pure Knowledge".

The Vedas were never written, but cognised by the Rishies in higher states of Consciousness, in Cosmic Consciousness and above. The 18 sciences of the Philosophia Indica are eternal, self existent truths coexistent with Creation and hence Apaurusheya or divine in origin. 

Just some few scholars barking cannot change an iota of the Eternal Wisdom !

The Ganitha Nirnaya, one of the best books on Mathematical Astrology

Now the genius of Puliyoor Purushotaman Namboothiri condensed the thousands of slokas of the 18 Siddhantas into 1000 odd slokas, called the Ganitha Nirnayam. It is one of the best books on Mathematical Astrology ever written. He was ably assisted by the Maths Professor, Prof Krishna Warrier.

In the Kerala system, 14 major perturbations of the Moon are highlighted and 14 trignometric corrections are done for the 14 lunar anomalies.

Chathur dasebhyebhyo balanyabhibhyo
Neethva Thulasadi Vasa Dhanarnam

Krithva tad Indor Apaneeya Thungam
Thado Mridujya phala Samskruthendu

( Ganitha Nirnayam )

After computing the Chandra Madhyamam, the mean longitude of the Moon, after 14 trignometric corrections, the longitude is called Samskrutha Chandra Madhyamam, Samskruthendu.

Then the Parinathi Kriya or Parinathi Samskara, Reduction to the Ecliptic is done.

Vikshepa Vritheeya Gatho Vipatha
Thasmannayel Jyam Parinathyabhikhyam
Yugmau pada sarvam idam Vidheyam
Syal Kranti Vritteeya Ehaisha Chandra.

( Ganitha Nirnaya )

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Ayanamsa Controversy !

Now let us go to the roots of this Ayanamsa Controversy. This was started by
"arrogance of the Vedic astrologers in US and Europe".

"The Indian Gurus and their Western followers imported Hindu Sidereal Zodiac
to the mighty West".

Who are the Indian Gurus ?

Swami Vivekananda ?
Paramahamsa Yogananda?
Swami Ramathirtha ?
Mahesh Yogi ?
Dr Deepak Chopra?

And their Western followers ?

Dr Robert Keith Wallace of MIU ( Maharshi International University, US )?
Noble Laureate Dr Brian Josephson?
Nobel Laureat Melvin Calvin?
Nobel Laureate Prigogine ?
Dr Paul Brunton ?
Dr David Frawley ?

Why call the Sidereal Zodiac " Hindu ". Is there a Christian Tropical Zodiac?

Christian Theology is against Astrology ( "Thou shalt not practise
Divination" - Deuteronomy ). Popes condemn Astrology as Magic and
Superstition, as Paganism and Witchcrat.  How can Popes follow the Vedic
Calender ?

Jesus said " Go and preach to all the nations of the world, baptising them
in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, teaching them what I
have taught thee and lo ! thou shalt be with me till the end of the Age".
True. But he was the Redeemer of the Piscean Age, the Age of Pisces. But the
Piscean Age is gone and he is no longer the Redeemer. This is the New Age,
the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Science, of Technology, of the Net !

All dogmas belong to Theology, said Russell. The dogmas of Theology, like
the Resurrection, the Immaculate Conception or the Son of God stuff will not
work in a scientific world !

"Through the window of Science, we see the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment
and the ignorant have no place in the Age of Enlightenment" averred Mahesh

This is Hair's famous song " The New Age of Aquarius"

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars!

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Land of Light

Bha means Light and Rathi means attachment and Bharata is the land where people are attached to Light, where the call of the Infinite is listened to with keenness! This is the land where the Vedas and the Upanishads first saw the Light, where Bhagavan Sankara established monasteries for the propagation of the Eternal Law, the Sanatana Dharma.

Even after the onslaughts of the Moghal Empire and the British Empire, we have not changed our faith. The same Faith  which our Lord taught,  the Yogis cognised,  the Rishies disseminated and our poets confirmed.

Now a "Pratyaksha Professor" ( A K Kaul )  is coming out with a theory which, as one scholar pointed out, can shake the foundations of our knowledge and belief !

This is the land graced by high intellectuals like Aurobindo and Ramana Maharshi, Dr Radhakrishnan, Vivekananda and Tagore. Yet we are challenged by a "Pratyaksha Professor" of low learning and low intellect !

Astrology indicators !

All have agreed that Jupiter is the Veda Karaka. There was some opposition to highlighting  Sun in Gemini  as an astro indicator.

Angular Jupiter is a visible factor. Mercury rules Ganitha and both together can make one an astrologer. I am not going to talk about the Sun in Gemini !

Also the Moon in Cancer

He who is born when Moon tenants Cancer
Will be subservient to women
Knowledgeable in Astrology
Owning houses galore
His wealth cyclical
Subject to vicissitudes
Short with conquering eloquence
Lover of relatives good
Interested in watery sports
Such is Astrology's decree !

The Limbs of Wisdom Eternal, the Veda Purusha

The Sanskrit poets defined the Absolute Self as Space Eternal, the Vedapurusha and said that the six Veda Anga Saastras, the six auxiliary sciences, form His body !

Chandau Pada, Shabda Saasatram cha vaktram
Kalpam Vanee Jyothisham Chakshushee cha
Shiksha Ghraanam Shrotha muktham Niruktham
Vedasyanga Nyeva Mahur Muneendra !

In our last post, we forgot to define Shiksha or phonetics. Shiksha Shikshayathhi Vyaktam Vedocharana Lakshanam, Shiksha teaches correct pronunciation.

The term Hindu Zodiac was not coined by me, but used by the great Dr B V Raman.


The sidereal basis of the Hindu Zodiac brings to relative significance the importance the Great Rishies have assigned to Suns apart from ours,  while being aware of the fact that our immediate overlord is our magnificent Sun. They were far more aware than the modern astronomers of the shfiting character of the Vernal Equinoctial Point "

The 'Pratyaksha Professor"( AK Kaul )   is parroting some Western scholars ( like Thibeau and Whitney ? )  and wants to tropicalise our Zodiac.

Evangelists speak like this " Your theories are wrong. Our theories are correct. God sent His son to redeem this world and if you dont convert, no Heaven" !

Stop  evangelisation of the Hindu Zodiac !
