Saturday, May 25, 2013

Horoscope of actress Preity Zinta

Let us concentrate on the horoscope of Preity Zinta! Horoscope enclosed herewith and pls set your Font to Courier to view her Natal Chart !

She was born with Aries rising. Mark the three planets along with Gulika in the 11th, one of the Houses of Wealth. 2,5,9 and 11 are the Houses of Wealth, Dweshveyanka. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Gulika  tenant the House of Gains, the Sarvabheeshta Sthana. This is a Dhana Yoga, Labheshe Labhage. Mars has ministerial calibre, Jaivyam Naikharipoor Narendra Sachiva !

   Sidereal Longitudes Of Planets                                      
     Planet    Rasi         Sphutam      Star       Quarter   Longitude  
     SUN       CAPRICORN    17:15:57    SRAVANA        3    287 :15 :57  
     MARS      SAGITTARIUS  13:27:56    POORVASHADA    1    253 :27 :56  
     JUPITER   AQUARIUS     25:38:46    POORVABHADRA   2    325 :38 :46  
     VENUS     AQUARIUS      7:47:10    SATHABHISHA    1    307 :47 :10  
     SATURN    GEMINI       20: 2:33R   PUNARVASU      1     80 : 2 :33  
     MERCURY   AQUARIUS      1:52:55R   DHANISHTA      3    301 :52 :55  
     MOON      VIRGO         8:30:52    UTHARA         4    158 :30 :52  
     RAHU      SCORPIO      13:30:49    ANURADHA       4    223 :30 :49  
     KETU      TAURUS       13:30:49    ROHINI         2     43 :30 :49  
     LAGNA     ARIES        24:12:29    BHARANI        4     24 :12 :29  
     GULIKA    AQUARIUS     29:21:26    POORVABHADRA   3    329 :21 :26  
     CHAITRA PAKSHA AYANAMSA         :  23  DEG   29  MIN   50  SEC      
     KALI DINA NUMBER :     1853978                                      

Horoscope of actress Vidya Balan !


  Vidya Balan           UTHARA                  01/01/1978 

The presence of Kesari Yoga strengthens the horoscope, destroying lots of afflictions. Hanti Sarva Graharishtma Chandra Kendre Brihaspathi  Makes her well off, Dhanavan Swa Kuladhipo Maha Prajna. Longevity is also good. Sahasra Mase cha Jeevitham Vidyal.

From the Lunar Ascendant, a different picture emerges. Both Jupiter and Venus are angular. It is a Sarva Arishta Bhanga Yogaeko pi kendre budha jeeva shukrah. Jupiter in the 10th is Sa Dhana ! Mars in the Eleventh, in the Sarvaabheeshta Sthana can give immense wealth.

Saturn, the Asc lord, aspects the Asc. Hora Swami Gurujna Veekshitha yutha nanyaischa Veeryolkata. Sun in the Eleventh is Labhe Prabhootha Dhanavan !

Sidereal Longitudes Of Planets                                        
     Planet    Rasi         Sphutam      Star       Quarter   Longitude    
     SUN       SAGITTARIUS  16:54: 0    POORVASHADA    2    256 :54 : 0    
     MARS      CANCER       15:28:55R   PUSHYA         4    105 :28 :55    
     JUPITER   GEMINI        6:17:47R   MRIGASIRA      4     66 :17 :47    
     VENUS     SAGITTARIUS  11:52:21    MOOLA          4    251 :52 :21    
     SATURN    LEO           6:38:20R   MAGHA          2    126 :38 :20    
     MERCURY   SCORPIO      27:36:14    JYESHTA        4    237 :36 :14    
     MOON      VIRGO         1:25:29    UTHARA         2    151 :25 :29    
     RAHU      VIRGO        17: 1:42    HASTHA         3    167 : 1 :42    
     KETU      PISCES       17: 1:42    REVATI         1    347 : 1 :42    
     LAGNA     AQUARIUS     16:55: 5    SATHABHISHA    4    316 :55 : 5    
     GULIKA    TAURUS       27: 6:27    MRIGASIRA      2     57 : 6 :27    
     CHAITRA PAKSHA AYANAMSA         :  23  DEG   32  MIN   21         
     KALI DINA NUMBER :     1855044                                        

The Solar Transit of Aldebaran, Rohini, starts the Monsoon Season in Kerala !

How correct is the Indian Astro Calendar ! Rohini Njattuvela started today and it is raining here in Guruvayur.

As per our Kerala Calendar, the Solar Transit of Rohini started today. It was raining for the last two hours. Last one hour it was raining cats and dogs. Gone was the blistering heat, gone was the pessimistic mood of the people who were fearing drought. Even Nila, the great Bharatapuzha River, had dried up. Now let us wait for the rains.

What a glorious climate we are having. I am in my office and it is raining outside. We cannot go out without the umbrella till the Solar Transit of Jyeshta or Delta Scopi is over.  For almost seven months, carrying an umbrella is a must ! 

Anti Paganism destroys Kerala

Incidentally, today the GOI gave Malayalam . the status of exalted language, along with Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada. All Keralites are happy today, a glorious day.

At 0500 AM, it was drizzling and it continued for 15 minutes. For the first time this season, I had to open my umbrella, when I got out of my flat at 0700 sharp.  Now it is drizzling in Gvr. But we feels that the rains are not enough, scared as we are about another drought.

There are reasons for such alarm and despondency. While Nature based Religions highlighted Nature as Saguna Brahman, the Anti Paganists ignore Nature and say the Creator is greater than the created ! The earth and nature based philosophical systems insist on planting trees, making the earth green and preserving our water reservoirs. Many water reservoirs have been destroyed and concrete structures are coming up in their place, in minority ruled Kerala.  Deforestation or felling of trees are taking place. Evapo Transpiration helps the Water Cycle. If all water reservoirs are destroyed and if all trees are felled, it can devastate Nature !

We hope sanity will prevail. We may be classified with the Greens, when we make this statement. Hence destroying Nature and then crying we have no rains is not common sense ! That is what many people are doing, even in enlightened Kerala. Enlightened by Marxism and Anti Paganism !

With the result, we have to pray for rains every day, like Anaxagoras !

Monday, April 29, 2013

Bharani Njattuvela brings hopes of rains !

Bharani Njattuvela, the Solar Transit of 41 Arietis started on 27th and it rained that day here. Also yesterday !

These solar periods or Njattuvelas are the transits of the Sun !

While Bharani Njattuvela brings hope
Karthika brings cheer
Rohini supplements both
Fiercely rains come down in Mrigasira
It rains nectar during Aridra
Fierce but intermittent in Punarvasu
And heavy rains in Pushya !

In Varsha Prashna, Puliyoor says
Jala Rasi Sthitahu Manda Rahu
Na Sthassu Vrishtidau
Rains will not be there, if Saturn and Rahu are in a Jala Rasi. But then Libra is not a Jala Rasi as such, but is ruled by Venus, a watery planet !
But the next verse holds hope
Shukrendu Drishtau yadi thau
Maha Vrishti Pradayakau
( Prashna Anushtana Paddhathi )
If aspected by Moon or Venus
There will be plenty of rains
Now Venus casts his aspect on Libra. And after May 31, Jupiter will be in sidereal Gemini, casting his benign aspect on Libra !

May there be plenty of rains !

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Time called Thee from Thy Slumber !

In  Vedanta, Mahat has been defined as Cosmic Intelligence by the translators of  Narayaneeyam.
The great poet Melpathur defined Him as
O Thou with and without Maya
Art known as Witness Consciousness
And the Eternal Triad in Mind Universal
Universe, Ego, Supreme Relative
Reflecting as they are in the Universal Mind
Are Thy grand projections !
Time called Thee from Thy Slumber
Thy Slumber of Cosmological Cycles
Thy Cosmic Intelligence is Mahat Tathva !
Maya Sannihitho Pravishta Vapusha
Saksheethi Geetho Bhavan
Bhedaisthvam Prathibimbitho Vivisivan
Jeevepi Naiva para
Kalatma pradhibodhitha cha vigatha
Sanchothida cha Swayam
Maya sa khaldu buddhi tatvam asruja
Dyosau Mahan uchyathe

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Lords of Kala Hora

The names of the Week Days are derived from where ?
Why Monday is after Sunday?
Why Tuesday is after Monday ?

The answer is given by Astrology as Planetary Hours or Kala Horas. If you
have any other explantion - from Astronomy or any other scienc - pls let us

Question - How did Monday come after Sunday in the Calender ?

Answer - To answer this question, we have to go to the concept of Planetary
Hours or Kala Horas

The Planetary Hours are counted from Sunrise and the owner of the Planetary
is the Lord of the Weekday. Today is Sunday and one hour from Sunrise is
presided by the lord of Sunday, the Sun.

The sequential order of Planetary Hours is as follows.


( Arka Shukra Budhas Chandra Manda Jeeva Dharasutha, Kramena Kala
Horesa.... )

So if the first Planetary Hour on Sunday is presided by the Sun, the next
hour is presided by Venus, next by Mercury and so on. This goes on for 21
hours and the 22nd Planetary Hour is presided by Sun, the 23rd by Venus, the
24th by Mercury and the 25th, the first Planetary Hour next day, is presided
by the Moon and hence his day, Monday, became the next week day in the

We have these basic equations

Sunset - Sunrise = Duration of Day, Dinamana
Sunrise (next day ) - Sunset = Duration of Night, Ratrimana

The diurnal duration is divided by 12 to get Planetary Hours. The diurnal
duration will vary, as Day = Night = 12 Hours occurs only on Equinox days.
Similarly the nocturnal duration is divided by 12.

Dina Dwadasamso Matha Kala Hora
Pathi Thasya Poorvasya Varadhinadha
Thadha Shashta Shashta Kramena Tharesam
Nishyayam thu vareshwarad Panchamadya.

Here is a table depicting the Weekday Numbers and Planetary Hour Numbers

WeekNo Planet PHNo
1 SUN 1
2 MOON 4
3 MARS 7