Monday, June 24, 2013

Sargalaya, the Kerala Crafts Village !

A Crafts Village has been set up near Chaliyar River, in Kozhikode, by the Kerala Tourism Department. Sargalaya called, it focusses on bulding a destination for tourists and an interaction between artisans and tourists. 

Kerala's traditional crafts will be made an integral part of the experience of the tourist. Built on a plot of 20 acres, amidst calm, green surroundings, Sargalaya incorporates the beauty of Monsoon Kerala, the Damsel who puts on a Green Silk Saree, as poets describe Kerala. It has 27 cottages, where the artisans can work.

 It has a Crafts Design & Techonology Development Center which imparts training to artisans, encouraging innovation.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Heavens indicated brutal events !

Actually, Astrology is not a predictive science. We say everything is known only to the Lord. People think astrologers are ominiscient and no mortal is omniscient !

People ask why didnt the astrologers predict tsunamis? I told them that it is not the duty of the astrologer to predict tsunamis. We are not gods !

Nature is dualistic, that is she has both destructive and creative aspects. In Her destructive aspect, She is Kali and in Her creative aspect, She is Sarawathi. The Hindu sees Her in the sweetness of Saraswathi, the laughter of Krishna and the terror of Kali. Lord Krishna says in the BG that I am the all Devouing Death, Mrityu sarva haraschaham.

The astrologer is wise only after the event. I pointed out the SWM has a destructive aspect too. Hundreds of houses were devoured by the sea. Theare are again merits and demerits of having a sea nearby. When monsoon floods come, the blockages can be removed and the water can be allowed to flow into the sea. Last week this was done in Kerala.  We have an estuary in Chavakkad, the Chavakkad Azhimugham, where the Chettuva River merges into the sea. On the other hand, there are possibilities of oceanic attacks and tsunamis, if you are living near the coast.

When people asked me about the Kedarnath tragedy ( what is your astro explanation ! ), I told them Astrology is an indicative science. Not an omniscient science, as Theology and Cosmology say. What do you see ? The Sun was in Mriga Sira. The Head of the Beast, the Head of Orion ! Beast, brute, brutal. Planetary influences on Mundane Affairs state that some brutal event is happening on earth. That is the astro reading. The astrologer is not omniscient, but the heavens were brimming with pessimistic prophecies. Then the next question will be asked, does this always happen during the solar transit of Mriga Sira ? The fierce rains in Mriga Sira Njattuvela normally wreaks havoc. Again, Astrology is not a physical science, it is a mystical science.

Predicting events using the Kerala Njattuvela Calendar in other parts is not Wisdom. For instance, we cannot say that during Mriga Sira or any other Njauttuvela, it will rain in TN. since TN does not get SWM.  May be there are sporadic rains. These Njattuvelas are specific to Kerala.  

Jove in the 12th devastates Indian economy !

The Rupee falling has everything to do with misgovernance.

Look at the May stats
Export - Import = Deficit
24 b - 44 b = -20 billion

The deficit for May is -20 b and it is safe to assume that the deficit will be >200 billion this year. Given the $319 billion federal debt, where does India stand. MMS is an underperformer. We have to replace.

Since Jupiter moved to the 12th in India's horoscope ( Star _ Pushya ), we are hearing bearish news. The Stock Market has come down. Gold has come down and now the Rupee is Senior ! The Ministry that it will become 70 and it is healthy, they say ! For one more year, Jupiter in the 12th, can devastate the Indian economy. God only knows how much Inflation, food inflation etc will rise.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Mrigasira Njattuvela was brutal !

We didnt see the Sun for 5 days, when the Sun transited Mrigasira. But when he came to Aridra, he materialsed like our nuts and bolts materialiser ! Yesterday and today we had sunny interludes. It is drizzling now.

Mriga Sira means the Head of the Beast, the Head of Orion, the Hunter. What is Mriga ? Beast. Brute. Mrigasira was brutal, as witnessed in Kedarnath. In Kerala, evey day more than 10 houses were devoured by the sea. The negative aspect of the SWM ! Mrigasira Njattuvela was brutal, as it always have been. Aridra is ruled by Rahu and if we go by the dictum Shanivad Rahu, can we hope for some relief?  But Aridra is Roudra, another nodal and malefic constellation. Trawling has been banned for one month and all are warned about visiting coastal areas. From my office, Beach is just five kms away. Wild horses will not drag me there !

Add to it the Supermoon on 23rd and you can understand the devastation caused in Uttarkhand and many parts of India. In Kerala, in one day, more than 100 houses were devoured by the sea. Houses destroyed elsewhere, trees uprooted etc are reported by newspapers. The leading Malayalam daily, the Mathrubhoomi, has earmarked its second page for the ravages caused by the South West Monsoon !

Friday, June 21, 2013

Makeeryam Njattuvela ravages India !

Aridra or Thiruvathira Njattuvela, the Solar Transit of Alpha Orionis, begins today. Mrigasira, which concluded tooday, was fraught with devastation. Mrigasira is ruled by the fiery Mars and hence the destruction ! We pray for the victims of Kedarnath tragedy. It is said that the astrologer is wise after the event, even though he can discern the heavenly signs !

Now Aridra is Roudra, another fiery constellation and the destructive aspect of the South West Monsoon can still wreak havoc.

We are de-Anaxagorasing our prayers. May not the SWM wreak destruction and may not the Monsoon Fury affect the overpopulated Indian subcontinent and the whole world !

Mrigasira devastates India !

Aridra or Thiruvathira Njattuvela, the Solar Transit of Alpha Orionis, begins today. Mrigasira, which concluded tooday, was fraught with devastation. Mrigasira is ruled by the fiery Mars and hence the destruction ! We pray for the victims of Kedarnath tragedy. It is said that the astrologer is wise after the event, even though he can discern the heavenly signs !

Now Aridra is Roudra, another fiery constellation and the destructive aspect of the South West Monsoon can still wreak havoc.

We are de-Anaxagorasing our prayers. May not the SWM wreak destruction and may not the Monsoon Fury affect the overpopulated Indian subcontinent and the whole world !

Mrigasira Njattuvela ravages India !

Aridra or Thiruvathira Njattuvela, the Solar Transit of Alpha Orionis, begins today. Mrigasira, which concluded tooday, was fraught with devastation. Mrigasira is ruled by the fiery Mars and hence the destruction ! We pray for the victims of Kedarnath tragedy. It is said that the astrologer is wise after the event, even though he can discern the heavenly signs !

Now Aridra is Roudra, another fiery constellation and the destructive aspect of the South West Monsoon can still wreak havoc.

We are de-Anaxagorasing our prayers. May not the SWM wreak destruction and may not the Monsoon Fury affect the overpopulated Indian subcontinent and the whole world !

Get your mom a plastic spoon