In Kerala, the hot season has begun. The sidereal month of Aquarius or Kumbha started on 13th Feb and Kerala is about to reel under a heat wave. Last year the death from sunstrokes was > 100 !
On 19th, Chathayam or Sathabhisha Njattuvela started and so we are ready for a hot phase. Kumbha Choodu and Meena Choodu are famous, as the earth becomes scorched due to lack of rains.
Some summer rains can come, but they cannot sustain ! Till Edava Pathi or the Half of Taurus, we cannot expect major rains ! So a very hot season indicated till Vrishabha or Taurus !
This year, Kerala Tourism, will net in more than 24000 crores. Responsible Tourism, the Government calls it.
Much investment is needed in infrastructure, if India is to make it up to the level of advanced countries. As such, the 6.4% growth of Indian Tourism and the 8% growth of Kerala Tourism seems to be average.
The adverse positions of Jupiter and Saturn have done India in. Now it will take time for Indian cricket to redeem itself !
Tigers at home and kittens abroad
| Ket | | Jup |
Moo Mer
| Feb 2014 | |
Sun | |
Ven |
| Sat Rah | Mar
With Jupiter in the 12th and Saturn in the 4th, India is going through a horrific phase.
The elections round the corner is not good, either. After spending crores of rupees, we may get a hung Parliament, as the electorate may give a fractured verdict !
Now Poll stats state that
Non UPA and non NDA parties will get 42%
NDA will get 36%
UPA will get 22%
Decline in votes does not mean that UPA is out. They can form a Government with the non NDA forces !
The Modi wave may happen. In India, the best liked doctrine is Hinduism. Then only comes Marxism and Secularism. So with Hinduism booming, Modi may very well ascend the throne !
Jupiter's effect will be felt from Apr 19th onwards, as He gives His effects two months before, dwimasau gurau ! So for Modi, after 19th Apr, Jove may well behave like Jupiter in the 9th, which is benevolent !
When the Sun entered the First Degree of Sidereal Sagittarius, Dhanus 1,
Kalippatu started at the Devi Temple within Guruvayur Temple. Today the SUn
has entered the 21st degree of Sidereal Sagittarius, Dhanus 21, and we have
the Thalapoli of Devi.
May Her Grace bestow Eternal Happiness
Praseeda Devi Savithree
Praseeda Veda Vedanga Janayithree !
Yesterday in the Paramekkavu Devi Temple, Piller Pattu started. Today is the
Vela. There will be a procession of 7 elephants and fireworks at night
Wishing you a Happy Vela !
What the Rishies meant by
festivals was an upsurge in spiritual consciousness, the unity of all humanity
under the aegis of the Divine ! There will be festivals after festivals for the
spiritually oriented Indians, as all months are more or less sacred ! Today is
Sravana in the sidereal month of Sagittarius or Dhanus !