Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Three proves unlucky for Munde and Mahajan !

The Number Three proves to be unlucky for Munde and Mahajan !

While Gopinath Munde died on Jun 3, Pramod Mahajan perished on May 3.

These events stir interest in Astro Numerology, which states that numbers have got vibrations !

Pythagorus averred that the mystery of the Universe is intercomprehensible in the Notion of the Number !

Monday, June 2, 2014

South West Monsoon lashes Kerala

The day when boys and girls go to school is always a rainy day. This was proved again today as it is now raining in Guruvayur.

Dark clouds hovered at around 400 PM and now it is raining. The South West Monsoon in full cry !

Edava Pathy is bound to reach Bombay by around 10th and Delhi around 15/20 !

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Edava Pathy strikes Kerala !

Edava Pathy, South West Monsoon struck Kerala at about 0730 PM. Heavy rains and winds lashed Guruvayur at that time. 

 The Sun entered the 14th degree of Sidereal Taurus yesterday. And it rained at night, showing the accuracy of the Kerala Calendar. 

 As I had lost my modem due to lightning last week, I put if off and left office at that time. Last week I lost 2 K, as lightning devastated my modem.

How correct is the Kerala Calendar ! Edava Pathy, South West Monsoon starts !

Edava Pathy, South West Monsoon struck Kerala at about 0730 PM. Heavy rains and winds lashed Guruvayur at that time.

The Sun entered the 14th degree of Sidereal Taurus yesterday. And it rained at night, showing the accuracy of the Kerala Calendar.

As I had lost my modem due to lightning last week, I put if off and left office at that time. Last week I lost 2 K, as lightning devastated my modem. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Jupiter, the King Maker, gives Crown to Modi !

Jupiter, the King Maker, does Kejriwal in !

Jupiter is the King Maker. His transits can make or break you.

Jupiter gives the effects two months before he transits a sign, Dwimasau Gurau. The date when he transits to Cancer is Jun 19th. So two months before means Apr 19 and he gave the Crown to Modi and brickbats to Kejriwal !

For Modi ji, Jupiter worked as Jupiter in the benign Ninth. ( Anuradha, Moon Sign Scorpio ).

For Kejri ji, Jupiter worked as Jupiter in the malign Third. ( Karthika, Taurus Moon Sign ).

Jupiter is well posited in the horoscope of Sri Modi, in Aquarius. In Aquarius, Jove gives the result of exalted Jupiter, that of Jupiter in Cancer.

His Mercury is exalted in the 11th, indicating his pro Business attitude.

The four major Yogas, Sasi Mangala, Ruchaka, Kesari and Neecha Bhanga have catapulted him to the level of the PM. Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga indicates one's rise from obscurity to the highest echelons of power.

The swearing in ceremony was changed from Wednesday, as Moon was transiting the 8th, Chandrashtama, at 1000 AM, Delhi, on that day. 

Libra Ascendant rises at Delhi at 1800, 26th May, 2014 ! Mixed fortunes !

The Heavens portend mixed fortunes for the New Government.

The Electional Ascendant at 0600 PM is Libra, with exalted Saturn and the North Node, Rahu, posited in it.

Venus, the Ascendant lord, is posited in the Seventh House, the House of Diplomacy, with Ketu and the Moon.

Jupiter, the Divine Planet, is in the Ninth House, aspecting the Electional Ascendant or Muhoortha Lagna. This Jupiterian aspect is considered good in Electional Astrology.

There are some problems like Sun in the 8th and Moon in the Sixth Rasi of the PM. These indicate that there are many problems to tackle and many a hindrance to surmount !

We wish the Government well. May the New Government usher in an era of peace and prosperity !

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Season Time in Guruvayur

It is season time in Guruvayur. Lakhs come because of Vaishakaha and this lunar month ends on May 28th.

Astrology has decreed that marriages are inauspicious in the months of Kanya, Dhanus, Kataka and Kumbha and the second half of Meena. Hence there will be less rush during these sidereal months. Last Sunday there were 140 marriages in Guruvayur.

Mesha, Edava and Mithuna are considered auspicious. There may be recession in the months of Mithuna and Kataka.

Still about 30 K people visit the temple and on holidays it may go upto 50 K.