Thursday, June 26, 2014

Kali Yuga !

Earth becomes infertile
Nirveerya Prithvee
Medicines become less potent
Niroushadhi Rasa
The tough thrive
Neecha mahathvam gathah

Politicians are money oriented
Rajanartha parayana
Brahmins become Shudras
Prathidinam Vipra Vikarma Sthitha

Husband and wife inimical
Bharya Bharthru Virodha Baddha Hridaya
Sons and daughters scorn parents
Putra Pithrur Dveshina
And Righteousness and Ethics
Wisdom and Morality
Have to leave society
And go to forest !

Evam Bhoothagana Jagat
Kaliyuge Dharmam Vane Gachchathi !

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Intellectual Trinity of India !

Heaven, wealth, agriculture
Wisdom, progeny and happiness
All these can be had
By the Grace of the Guru !

Swargo Dhanam Va Dhanyam va
Vidya Putra sukhani cha
Guru vrittyanurodhena
Na Kinchit abhi durlabham !

Shivaji and Modi - Similarities !

There are many similarities in the horoscopes of Chatrapathi Shivaji and Sri Modi. Both have Jupiter powerfully posited in Aquarius. Jove in Aq is strong and gives the effect of Jupiter in Cancer, Kumbhe Karkadaval Phalani.

Saturn is exalted in the natal chart of Shivaji. In Modi ji's horoscope, Mercury is exalted in the 11th.

In both horoscopes Sun and Mercury are together, constituting Nipuna Yoga. Mercury is the planet of intelligence and along with Sun can give skill of a special order, Budhena Nipunam Dhee Keerthi Soukhyanvitham.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Sword and the Pen

The Sword and the Pen

Only the Sword can save the Pen and vice versa.

It is the Pen which gives the nod to the Sword to rule.

We saw the union of the Pen and Sword used to a devastating effect by Nehru.
His mass media demonized the Nationalists !

Only if the sword and the pen unite, can there be victory.

Yatra Yogeshwara Krishno
Yatra Partho Dhanurdharah
Tatra Sree Vijayor Bhoothi !

Only if Scientific Knowledge ( Krishna )
Combines with practical brilliance ( Arjuna )
Can be there be Victory's Grace !

May the spirits of Shivaji and Aurobindo work in the Indian psyche. Then
only can India fulfill her role as the Guru of all nations !  

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mriga Sira Solar Transit devastates !

Seven houses were destroyed in Kadappuram, Chavakkad Beach, by the fierce rains. It rained heavily in Trichur in the afternoon. A darkened atmosphere prevails everywhere. Two tragedies have already occurred. The Himachal Tragedy and the Russian tourist tragedy. The Kedarnath Tragedy occurred during this solar transit last year. We pray that such tragedies do not occur in future. Mriga Sira ( Makiryam, Meissa ) means the Head of the Beast. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Edava Pathy in full swing

Right now, it is raining cats and dogs in Kerala. While Modern Meteorology informs us that South West Monsoon's appearance is late, Astro Meterology tells us that there are always variations. For instance, it rained heavily during the Solar Transit of 41 Arietis ( Bharani Njattuvela ). It is true that Njattuvelas ( Periods of the Sun) Karthika and Rohini recorded less rains. But all months receive rains in Kerala and South West Monsoon and North East Monsoon will dominate for almost seven months. Sunny interludes will accompany bursts of rains. Rains can also devastate, but then they give relief from the blistering heat.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Three proves unlucky for Munde and Mahajan !

The Number Three proves to be unlucky for Munde and Mahajan !

While Gopinath Munde died on Jun 3, Pramod Mahajan perished on May 3.

These events stir interest in Astro Numerology, which states that numbers have got vibrations !

Pythagorus averred that the mystery of the Universe is intercomprehensible in the Notion of the Number !