Sunday, August 3, 2014

Pushya Njattuvela wreaks havoc ! - Floods in Kerala

Waterlogged streets - uprooted trees - houses destroyed - agri lands flooded - these are the reports that come from Kerala, as Pushya devastates. A Saturnine devastation !   

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Pushya Njattuvela Devastates Kerala !

There were devastations in Kerala, as trees were uprooted and houses destroyed, as the destructive solar transit of Pushya, wreaked havoc, yesterday.  Pushya is ruled by Saturn and these are expected during a Saturnine constellation's transit by the Sun !

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Why is Karkataka Masa called Ramayana Masa ?

Because the First Poet, Valmiki, wrote the First Poem, Ramayana, during this Holy Month of Kataka.

Southern Solstice or Dakshinayana

Today Sun entered Zero Degree Sidereal Cancer, Nirayana Kataka, thus initiating the Southern Solstice or Dakshinayana.

Amongst the two Solstices, Southern is considered medium and Northern highly auspicious.

Ayane Uttare Sreshta Madhyamam Dakshinayanam.

According to Electional Astrology, installation of the Idol or Prathishta in temples are done during Uttarayana.


Cancer New Moon or Karkataka Vavu on Jul 26th.

Millions throng to river banks like Thiru Navaya and places like Thiru Nelli to do Tharpanam to departed ancestors on this highly auspicious day.

In all families, there will be verbal clashes. Father vs Mother vs Son vs Daughter. We may have hurt our parents, either consciously or unconsciously. Our children may also hurt us ! When our children hurt us, know that it is Karma working ! We are getting our wages !

So Tharpana is a great spiritual and psychological exercise and we pray for forgiveness from our departed parents, Samasthaparadham Kshamashva ! We invoke the Seven Sacred Rivers and pray for forgiveness.

Ganga cha Yamuna chaiva
Godavari  Saraswati
Narmada Sindhu  Kaveree 
Jalesmin Sannidhim Kuru 

We also pray for forgiveness from the Lord, Samasthaparadham Kshamasva Akhilesha !

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Medical Porridge, Karkitaka Kanji

As Karkitadaka or Cancer starts today, as the Sun traverses sidereal Cancer, a medicinal porridge called Karkataka Kanji is fancied heavily by Ayurvedists. This is the rainy season in Kerala and no agri work can be done due to the heavy rains lashing the state. So the Ayurvedic physicians took this month for revitalisation and rejuvenation. 

The constituents of Karkitaka Kanji are Bala, Attibala, Urinnigi, Thiruthalli, Navarra Rice, jeerakam 3 et al.

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Two Great Wars !

As the Eternal People, we have to fight two wars - the internal and the external. The external war refers to fighting Anti National Forces, the Breaking India Forces or the AHindutva Forces.

The internal war is the war wherein we fight our six enemies or Ari Shad Varga - lust, anger, pride, delusion, jealousy and greed, Kama, Krodha, Mada, Moha, Matsarya and Lobha. This inner war was symbolised as Mahabharata and Ramayana. Duryodhana is emblematic of Kama and Dussasana, Krodha !

Let us then surrender to the Universal Will and work hard to win both the battles !