Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sun in Many Signs !

If the Sun be in Cancer
He will be devoid of wealth
Interested in others
With sorrow and bad progeny !

If the Sun be in Leo
He will be fond of travel
In forests and with animals
Shrewd and strong !

If the Sun be in Virgo
Will be knowledgeable in writing
In Mathematics, sculpture
With body feminine !

If the Sun be in Libra
Will be prosperous
From Music, Literature
And with body beautiful ! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Effects of Sun in Different Signs !

Famous he becomes
Whose Sun tenants
Aries within ten degrees !
Fond of travel, smart
With less wealth
And armed well !

As Sun is exalted
Within first ten degrees
Fame will be conferred.
Clever and hedonistic
With stability financial
And with good fans !

If the Sun is in Taurus
Textile trader he will be
Income from Music, literature
Misogynist, hater of women
And highly educated !

The Sun in Gemini
Is a mathematician !
Lover of Astrology
Grammar, Rhetoric
He will be endowed
WIth Arithmetic- logical intelligence !

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Q & As about Vedic Astro Gemology


 Q - What is Vedic Gemology ?

A - It is the union of two sciences, Gemology and Astrology and it postulates that the Nine Primary Gems correspond to the Nine Revolving Heavens.

The seven primary colors of the spectrum, VIBGYOR  and the two secondary colors, infra-red and ultra-violet, correspond to the nine planets.

Here we give the correspondence between Cosmic Colors, planets and gems.

Color              Planet               Gem

Red               Sun                  Ruby
Orange         Moon               Pearl
Light Blue        Jupiter              Yellow Sapphire
Ultra-Violet    Rahu             Hessonite
Green              Mercury       Emerald
Indigo           Venus          Diamond
Infra-red           Ketu          Cat's Eye
Violet         Saturn              Blue Sapphire
Yellow              Mars              Coral

Manikyam Dinanayakasya, Vimalam Muktaphalam Sheetagau
Mahedrasya cha Vidrumam, Marathakam Soumyasya Garutmakam

Q & As about Vedic Astro Gemology


 Q - What is Vedic Gemology ?

A - It is the union of two sciences, Gemology and Astrology and it postulates that the Nine Primary Gems correspond to the Nine Revolving Heavens.

The seven primary colors of the spectrum, VIBGYOR  and the two secondary colors, infra-red and ultra-violet, correspond to the nine planets.

Here we give the correspondence between Cosmic Colors, planets and gems.

Color              Planet               Gem

Red               Sun                  Ruby
Orange         Moon               Pearl
Light Blue        Jupiter              Yellow Sapphire
Ultra-Violet    Rahu             Hessonite
Green              Mercury       Emerald
Indigo           Venus          Diamond
Infra-red           Ketu          Cat's Eye
Violet         Saturn              Blue Sapphire
Yellow              Mars              Coral

Manikyam Dinanayakasya, Vimalam Muktaphalam Sheetagau
Mahedrasya cha Vidrumam, Marathakam Soumyasya Garutmakam

Monday, September 15, 2014

Birthday of Lord Krishna !

Today is the Birthday of our Lord. He was of handsome mien, born in the asterism of Rohini, with Moon exalted and powerfully posited Jupiter in Leo.

He is the Self that is immutably and becomes eternally in the eternal successions of Time.

Iswaram Paramam Krsna
Sacchidananda VIgraha
Anadir Adi  Govinda
Sarva Karana Karanam

Since He is the Self, the 16008 Upanishads are His wives symbolically.

HIs enchanting locks of hair
Are the Poetic meters !
His smile bewitching
The enchantress Maya
His Voice, the Rishies
His Back Portion, Adharrma
The equilibrium of Satva, Rajas, Thamas
His Avyakta or Attributeless Aspect !
His movement is Time
The Teaching Class, His Face
The Warrior Class, His Chest
The Commercial Class, His Waist
And bureaucrats His legs !
Entire Universe is He
With Mountains as  His Hairs
The Rivers as His Blood
Blessed be His Form Universal !

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Monsoon Fury of Magha or Regulus !

It was a sunny day yesterday in the morning , when we got the news at noon that South Kerala is flooded and a lot of landslides had taken place.

At 0800 PM, I got out of my office and went to the nearest ATM. Then it was raining heavily. Power went off at that time and I couldnt complete the transaction. I got the full blast of the rains. The roads were flooded  and I had to walk ten minutes through the flooded road to reach the Rly Station.

Even now it is raining cats and dogs. Holiday for schools in Trivandrum 1

The Solar Transit of Regulus ( Persians called it Magh and Indians Magha ) can be destructive, as the rains now prove !

Friday, August 8, 2014

Aslesha wreaks havoc !

100 houses destroyed as Sun transits Alpha Cancri, Aslesha !