Thursday, October 2, 2014

Today is the Eighth Lunation

Today is the Eighth Lunation, that is the Moon in between 84 and 96 degrees from the Sun and Maha Gauri is the Deity that is worshipped during the Festival of Nine Nights, Nava Ratri. Maha Gaureethi Chashtamam !

Gauri means White. She is as pure and white, sinless. Mythology has it that She lost her complexion while travelling in the forest and Her meeting with Lord Shiva made her regain Her Fair Complexion !

The Prikriti of Sankhya and the Maya of Vedanta became the Shakti or Devi of Tantra. She is the beginingless Universal Mind, which brought the Universe into existence  ( kayanaumeya sudhiaiva Maya Yada Jagath Sarvam idam prasooyathe ) and hence called the Mother of the Universe, Jagath Amba ! 

In the Epic poem, Ramayana, She is Seetha, the idol of Indian Motherhood. In Her Hands is the Key to the luminous Kingdom of Heaven, to Self Actualisation ! 

How glorious is the Eternal Law !

Ya Devi Sarva Bhootheshu Maha Gaureethi Samsthitha
Namasthasyai Namasthasyai Namasthasyai Namo Nama

More info about the Fair One at

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Today is the Seventh Lunation

Today is the Seventh Lunation, that is the Moon in between 72 and 84 degrees from the Sun. The Deity that is worshipped during Nava Ratri is Kala Ratri. ( The Kanya Shukla Nava Thidhis are celebrated as Nava Ratri, that is the NIne Lunations in the Bright Fortnight in the sidereal month of Virgo or Kanya ).

Saptamam Kala Ratreeti Maha Gaureethi chashtamam. 

Kala means Dark and Ratri means Night. This is the symbolism
of the Dark Night of the Soul and the Dark Night of the Spirit. 

Without Her Grace, Salvation is not possible !

In Bridal Mysticism, Vandanam means to bow before the Tutelary Deity. The Masters of India knew that Yoga and Vedanta are ultra worldly sciences, which are  best suited for ultra worldly people. So they brought in Tantra and installed Tutelary Deities in all cities and villages, so that worldly people can have the same mystic experiences like the Initiates.  Bhakti Yoga is for the worldly man. She is Bhagavathy, the Damsel Divine adorned with the Six Attributes ! Arpanam means to sacrifice one's life for Deity. Dasyam is to be Her servant, serving All and Loving All !

She and He are ultimately One. This is well expressed by the Mother of Auroville

Without Him, I exist not
Without Me, He is Unmanifest !

Write up and videos about Para Prakriti at

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Happy Sixth Day of Nava Ratri !

Today is the Sixth Lunation and the Deity that is worshipped during the Festival of Nine Nights is Kartyayani, Shashtam Karthyayaneethi cha. ( Moon in between 60 and 72 degrees from the Sun ).

Katyayini or Kartyayini was born as the daughter of Katyavan. Katyavan was a seer who perfomed penance to get the Universal Mother as his daughter.

One of Her greatest festivals is Thri Karthika, which is celebrated on the astersim of Karthika, during Mandala Kalam. Mandala Kalam is the 41 day holy period, starting from the sidereal month of Scorpio or Vrischika. . Thri Karthika is celebrated in Her Temples, Kadampuzha, Kumaranellur and the Ayyanthol Karthyayini Temples.

I will consecrate my Poem to Thee
As a garland or necklace
On Thy Sacred Chest
Which is Thri Karthika !
Please hear our prayer
O Consort of the Destroyer
O Daughter of the Mountains
Who graces Kadampuzha !

Thri Karthika Jathi Thirumaril
Oru Keerthana Malika Chartham Njaan !
Eee Prarthana  Kelkoo Parvathiye
Kadampuzha Vazhum Para Nidhiye.

Write up and videos about Thri Karthika at

Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy Panchami in Nava Ratri !

Today is the Fifth Lunation ( Moon in between 48 and 60 degrees from the Sun )  and Skanda Mata is the Deity which is worshipped during the Festival of Nine Nights, Nava Ratri. ( Panchamam Skanda Mathethi... ).

Skanda Matha  is the mother of Skanda, the Military General of the celestials. She observed penance to get the hand of Lord Shiva ( which was magnificenlty portrayed by Kalidasa in " Kumara Sambhava"  )  and gave birth to Skanda, the Military Chief.

Another glorious Devi Temple, the Chottanikkara Amba Temple. .

Legend has it that this was once a dense forest and a tribal called Kannappan used to live here.  He was a devotee of the Mother Divine and he used to sacrifice an animal daily to the Goddess. He had a cute daughter who had a pet, a cow. Kannappan used to sacrifice cows also. One day Kannappan could not find an animal to sacrifice and he told his daughter that he is sacrificing her pet cow. She entreated him to sacrifice her instead of her beloved cow. 

The place where Kannappan used to sacrifice cows is of low elevation and is called Keezhe Kavu, a place devoted to the Mother Divine as Time Personified, Kali, who is Kaala Swaroopini.

Give us Wisdom, give us Prosperity
Give us Fame, O Mighty One
Give us comeliness, give us Victory
Give us Bliss Everlasting !

Vidya vantam Yasaswantham
Lakshmi Vantam Janam Kuru
Roopam Dehi Jayam Dehi
Yaso Dehi Dwisho Jahi.

More info  at

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Effects of Moon in the Twelve Houses of the Zodiac

With round eyes
And with fast gait
Easily pleased
Will be fond of Eros
Loved by women
Will be the one
Born with Moon in Aries !

When Moon tenants Taurus
Will be handsome
With lovely face
With marks on face
Will have daughters
Will be devoid of property
And will be lucky
In middle age !

When Moon tenants Gemini
Will be subservient to women
Knower of Sastras
Intelligent, with curly hair
Will be humourous
Adept at gambling
Will be handsome

And lover of food !!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sun in Many Signs !

If the Sun be in Cancer
He will be devoid of wealth
Interested in others
With sorrow and bad progeny !

If the Sun be in Leo
He will be fond of travel
In forests and with animals
Shrewd and strong !

If the Sun be in Virgo
Will be knowledgeable in writing
In Mathematics, sculpture
With body feminine !

If the Sun be in Libra
Will be prosperous
From Music, Literature
And with body beautiful ! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Effects of Sun in Different Signs !

Famous he becomes
Whose Sun tenants
Aries within ten degrees !
Fond of travel, smart
With less wealth
And armed well !

As Sun is exalted
Within first ten degrees
Fame will be conferred.
Clever and hedonistic
With stability financial
And with good fans !

If the Sun is in Taurus
Textile trader he will be
Income from Music, literature
Misogynist, hater of women
And highly educated !

The Sun in Gemini
Is a mathematician !
Lover of Astrology
Grammar, Rhetoric
He will be endowed
WIth Arithmetic- logical intelligence !