Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chyuthi Samskaram

Chyuthi is Orbital Eccentricity. If the motion of the planet is circular, there wont be any eccentricity. As it is elliptical, eccentricty has to be computed. Its values range from 0 to 1 at Ellipse, 0 at Circle and 1 at Parabola ! Chyuthi Samskaram
 in Indian Astronomy means to compute the eccentricity of the planet and reduce the Mean Longitude of the Planet to its Heliocentric Longitude ( Vikshepa Vritteeya Manda Sphuta ).

Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy Siva Ratri !

Happy Siva Ratri !

The Night of Siva occurs when the Moon is in between 156 and 168 degrees from the Sun ( Chaturdasi) in the lunar month of Maagha, in the Waning Moon Fortnight ( Krishna Paksha ).

This is a very sacred day for the Eternians. 
Esoteric, scientifc aspects of this Grand Night, vIdeos and photos of the famous Aluva Siva Ratri at http://www.guruvayur4u.com/html/sivaratri.htm

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The FIducial Star !

The Fiducial Star of Hindu Astronomy. It is line with the Galactic Center, the Vishnu Nabhi.
It lies in Sagittarius. To the Eternians, Sagittarius or Dhanus month is very sacred because at Sunrise, when one prays facing the East and the Rising Sun, they are praying facing Vaikuntam or Heaven !

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How Old is the Vedic Civilization?

Using Astronomy and Maths, we have computed the Age of the Vedic Civilization at 5567 years

Read at http://www.eastrovedica.com/html/vedicage.htm

The Fiducial Star, Moola

Lambda Scorpi was called Moola by the Indian astronomers. Moola stands for Moola Adhaar, the Base, the Root. The Rishies meant that this Star is the Base of the Zodiac, its Root !
There are reasons for this
Moola is in line with the Galactic Center, Sagittarius A*.
At that time, Moola was the First Star and Jyeshta was the last.
The Arabs called it Shaula, the Scorpion's Tail.
We feel that ISRO should provide more photos of the 27 constellations of the Indian Zodiac.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Tharavad Ayurvedic Resort !

We went to an Ayurvedic Resort near Bharata Puzha, for my sister-in-law. I found the Retreat to be marvellous. There is special treatment for Parkinson's disease,Osteoporosis, Arthritis etc.