Wednesday, March 28, 2018

We have given a lot of free datas here, as people find it difficult to register on, as it is a Subscription Model. We will provide more datas. ( More than 1000 profiles have just come to G4marry recently ) .
Why we have given two MDBs is this. Email is a must for registering in , while here we have given free datas of  those without email address !

For Dating Horoscopes, we  have differentiated horoscopes into three categories

Chova, with Martial blemish
Shuddha, horoscopes free from malefic influence
Madhya, horoscopes with half or one Dosha
and we are the only Astro Matrimonial Data Bank doing such astro service. 

Great intellectual debates at Whatspp Group, Eternal Wisdom. Pseudo Secularism or real Secularism ?

Pls join.via this link.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Worship the Lord !

As the First Planetary Hour Ruler today is Mercury and Sree Ramadyavatara Vishnurudita..

Worship the Lord
Turn to Him for succour
Acquire Wisdom divine
For, at the time of departure
Of soul from body
Worldliness cannot save thee !
Bhaja govindam bhaja govindam
Bhaja govindam müãhamate,
Samprápte sannihite kále
Na hi na hi rakúati dukøòkaraïe.

Translated Lyrics at

In this Song of Magic, we find Virtue and Vice locked in eternal combat, with Virtue winning at the end !

O Primal Power, Conferror of Ambrosia
Bless us with Grace entire
May I dance like a peacock before Thee
Before Thy sanctrum sanctorum !

The eightfold Ragas
Are Thy veins, O Music Personified !
Give me those
Flow to my mind
As a rare Raga !
And move the feet bells !

More at