Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Kapila Hypothesis, Bipolar Forces, Purusha & Prakriti

One of the Six Main Sciences,
And the Natural Philosophy of India,
Sankhya was developed by Kapila,
Who underwent Divine Transmutation !

He begins with the statement,
God is not proved
A Rational and a scientific Mind
He plunges into the secrets of Nature !

The Bipolar Forces, male and female,
Of Ultimate Reality, are Purusha and Prakriti,
Nature and the Life Force, which animates Her,
And corresponds to the Matter and Spirit of the West.

Cause of the Law of Cause and Effect
Is benevolent Prakriti Herself.
She is the First Cause, Pradhanam Prakritim Prahuh,
As well as the Main Efficient Cause. 

Karya karana karthruthve
Hetu Prakriti uchyate

Ñature is the Sole Doer
Ñature is Àlmighty
A logical system,
She does nothing without reason.

Self coñtained Being is Purushà,
The. Basé of all That Is.
And He offers His Breast,
For Her glorious Cosmic Dance.

He enjoys the Cosmic Game,
Remaining as Pure Witness.
All is willed by Him in its totality,
And perpetually entertained !

Nithyam Sanathanam Nirvikaram Prabhu
Sakshiyay matram Vilangunthengum.

Time is the.All Consuming
Power of the Absolute.
The foolish Ego, the Experiencer,
Is afraid of all devouring Time !

Kapila underwent Transfiguration,
Transformation or Transmutation divine,
Into something rich and strange
And became Bhagavan Kapila !

One element becoming another,
Is called Transmutation !
This is already happening in the Sun,
Where Hydrogen atoms become Helium. 

Divine Alchemy is similar to Scientific Alchemy,
Just like Hydrogen becoming Helium,
Human nature can be transmuted into divine nature,
Knower of Brahman becomes Brahman,

Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati.

In Thy Incarnation as Kapila,
Thou revealed universal secrets,
Esoteric secrets great,
To Thy Mother, Devahooti.

Thou declared there are principles twenty five,
With Purusha as the Twenty Fifth !
With Nature,Universal Mind,Ego, Heart,
Subtle Essences, Elements, Sense and Knowledge Organs !

Prakriti Mahat Ahamkara 
Tanmatra Bhootaan
Api Hridapi Dasakshi 
Poorusha Pancha Vimsa

These are the 24 principles,
The true building blocks
And Purusha, Time, is the 25th,
Most important of them all !

Ya Kala Pancha vimsaka.

That Purusha is Time,
Was an amazing discovery.
It was validated by the West,
When Kant declared "Self is Time"

Time, the Destroyer, we all know,
But not Time as Creator and Preserver.
Creation,Preservation  and Dissolution,
Are all invested in the womb of Time !                                                                                                     
Sarvam Kalena Srujyante
Sarvam Kalena Palayante
Sarvam Kalena Samhriyante

He who is full of Intellectual Love,
Knowing these principles great,
And living in rhythm with Nature
Will be freed from bondage.

Iti vividha vibhago
Uchyate sau Prakritya

This magnificent Nature Philosophy
Was echoed in the West by poets great
Goethe, Wordsworth, Bruno et al
Sang the Glory of Prakriti Divine.

Nature never did betray the heart
That loved Her, said Wordsworth
I follow two Philosophers this way
It was Nature, Nature, all I heard them say (Goethe)

How can one end
Without mentioníng Love ?
Always the glorious victor,
Is ever conquering Love !

Thus Love Plus Wisdom,
Is the Grand Solution.
Thou instructed Thy Mother
The Noble Devahuthi.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Vivekananda Hypothesis - Vedas Not Books

By Vedas no books are meant,
Averrs the enlightened Vivekananda.
The Universe is Thought and Vedas,
Are the words expressing that Thought!

They have been well defined
As the Breath of the Eternal !
It is Poetry at  its best,
Sheer Overmind  Poetry.

It is said of Him
Even Veds remain mute
While describing Him!
And His Breath is the Veda.

Yasya Nishvasitam Veda
Yo Vedebhyokhilam Jagat
Nirmamethaham vande
Vidya theertha Maheswaram.

This is in line with Philo
Who taught that Divine is incomprehensible
And HisThought, the Logos,
Is the Expanding Universe.

Everything is Mind,
Is the concept of Mentalsim
Perception is Essence
Mind is Substance.

In Sanskrit called Mayavada,
Everything is Maya.
Maya is real, as it is,
Self's experience of the Self !

Consciousness resembles a Mirror
This  Mirror is full of perceptions
Everything is seen through the Mirror of Mind,
And as such, Consciousness is unaware of Itself !

However , during the process of Yoga,
At Enlightenment, the Jiva actualises Self,
Rejoices I am that Non Dual Self,
And that is the Evolutionary Goal of Life.

Viswam darpana drusy amana nagari,
Thulyam nijantargatham,
Pasyannathmani mayaya bahirivoth,
Bhutham yatha nidraya,
Ya sakshath kuruthe prabodha samaye,
Swathmanameva dwayam,
Thasmai sri guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree  Dakshinamurthaye.

Mind is powerful, Mind is omnipotent,
Mind creates panic, devastating Peace,
Becomes father and son, Guru and disciple
And deceives in all states three.

Mind diversifies, Mind sees Duality,
And plunges itself in Multiplicity.
Mind presents This Dream as realistic,
More realistic than Reality itself !

And who is this Mind, after all?
She is Devee, She is Bhagavathee,
As She can delude even the wise,
As in the cases of Vishwamitra et al.
Jnaninam api Chetamsi,
Devee Bhagavathee hi Sa

Viswam pasyathi karya karana thaya
Swa swami sambandhatah
Sishyacharya thaya  thadaiva pithru,
Puthradhyathmana bedatha,
Swapne Jagrathi va  ya esha purusho,
Maya Paribramitha,
Thasmai sri guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree  dakshinamurthaye

Monday, March 23, 2020

The dreaded Vasundhara Yoga

Of The Three Malefic Yogas afflicting humanity

When Jóve is afflicted,
By Saturn and Mars,
In Conjunction or Opposition,
Dépopulating Vasundhara mànifests.

Yadhaari Sauri Suraraja mantrinam
Sah eka Rasau Sama Saptamepi va
Himadri Lankapuri Madhyavartinam
Tribhagasesham Kuruthe Vasundhara.

The earlier Vasundharas,
Were not so effective.
But this one is Real,
And may carry on her macabre dance.

Let us look at the scenario
Jove is debilitated,
Mars indicates viruses,
And Saturn represents Death

(Mrityur Vyadhischa Dukham
Shanirapi Gadhitam}.

Saturn combining with Mars,
Is evil Agni Marutha.
All hemmed in between malefics,
Is negative Kalasarpa !

As Hope is inherent,
All is not lost.
Remedial measures undertaken,
Can solve problems.

Even though we admire the Rational Mind,
Providential needed in this case.
O Thou aloft, O Knower of health secrets,
Only Thou canst solve this problem !

O Doctor of Doctors Divine,
Destroy toxins in our bodies.
And save us from this virus deadly,
Which can ravage our race entire.

{ This is Dhanvantari Mantra
Dhvam Danvantaraye
Sarvamaya Vinasanaya
Maha Vishnave Namah }

Thou art the Great Revealer,
Of the Science of Medicine.
Thou alone can redeem us,
Where Science seem to have failed !

{ Dhanvantari is that Aspect of the Lord,
When He first revealed,
Medical Knowledge to mankind.
Ama means toxins in body physiologic }

Mantra protects you from Enemy,
The greatest enemy which is Mind.
{ Mananath thrayate iti Mantrah }
For Mind is the villain, as it binds
And liberates, and the Sole Cause.

Why Grace ? We are here due to Grace
And to Perfection, Grace shall lead.
All these are trials of High Jove,
And merely tests of fidelity.

We find that non-veg are more affected
Than vegetarians and vegans. Go Vegan.
Kovid 19 is animal related,
So it is better to shun animals !

So Go Vegan ! Another scientific reason,
We dont have water for animals !
The Global Freshwater Crisis !
So, assessing these factors, Go Vegan !

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Aurobindo Hypothesis, The Solar Fire in Matter, Saura Agni

The mortal world knoweth only,
Two types of fire, electric and ordinary
Aurobindo hypothesised a third fire,
Saura Agni, Solar Fire in Matter 1

Atoms are whirling systems
Like the Solar System
This scientific fact alone
Should lead Science to Third

The thermo nuclear fusion reaction
Is the cause of Sun's burning
Hydrogen atoms combine to form Helium,
With immense release of Energy !

Poet uses Deductive Logic,
The Scientist, Inductive.
The Poet sees through Third Eye,
Scientist, with the two eyes.

The Unknown may exist
But Unknown is not Unknowable,
Deriving from One, things correspond,
Known as Law of Correspondences !

There is Correspondence between Heaven and Earth,
Between Mind and Matter, between Parts and Whole.
Everything contains within itself a mystery formula,
An inward determination of the parts by the Will of the Whole. 

This Correspondence between Heaven and Earth,
Phrased as " As Above, So Below "
Maketh Planets revolve around   in elliptical orbits above
And Electrons revolve around in elliptical orbits below.

Detractors say we are hyping,
Using bombastic terms !
That is miles from Truth,
As each Science has terminology !

Read on at

Friday, March 20, 2020

The Kanada Hypothesis, the Fivefold Atomic Theory

The Fivefold Atomic Theory,
That Matter comprises five types of Atoms
Was promulgated first by Kanada,
Leading exponent of Vaisesika 

The terrene atoms, the aquaeous, igneous,
The Aerial and the etheric,
Constitute Pancha Bhootatmaka Anu Jagat,
The Fivefold Atomic Universe.

The Atom is a classic example,
Of the Law of  Coincidence of Contraries
As Opposites coexist in Reality,
Which reveals  the All in All !

Positive and negative particles exist,
Anu Dau paramanu  syath
And along with the particle neutral
Thrisaranu Traya Anava Smritha!

Scientific truths are known to Poetry
Intuitive Mind reveals them all !
Science cannot understand Poetry,
But Poetry knows itself and Science !

He was defined as Atom by poet Melpathur
And as Time Inexhaustible and Karma
Shabda Brahmeti Karmethi Anu
Iti Bhagavan Kala Ityalapanti.

Thou art Sound Absolute,
The Cause of Cosmos entire,
The Self of the Upanishads,
And Vikriti and Moola Prakriti !

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