Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Soundarya Lahari | Adi Sankaracharya | Priya R. Pai | സൗന്ദര്യലഹരി

The Intoxication of Beauty, Soundarya Lahari

Sankara, one of the best scientific philosophers, was feeling paralysed at Trichur Temple, when a small girl asked him " Without Power, Shakti, what can you do?". Sankara bowed before Her and wrote a grand treatise on Beauty Divine, called "Intoxication of Beauty", Soundarya Lahari, wherein he described the comeliness, magnificence, transcendence, immanence and cosmicity of Parvathy, the Mother.

Even though defined as Transcendence, the Fourth, Tureeya Brahman, She is also immanent and cosmic.

The Sankara Hypothesis, Reality = Unity, is accepted by the scientific world, as Reality happens to be One Universal Energy.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Aurobindo Hypothesis II - The Sevenfold Chord of Being

After his divine experience,
Wherein he saw the Divine in all,
Aurobindo postulated an amazing theory,
The Sevenfold Chord of  Being.

Dialectical Integralism is his system,
As He integrated both Purusha and Prakriti
Integrating Idealism and Materialism Dialectical,
Both Hegel and Marx, is never easy.

He stood for Sacred Balance

Of powerful Matter and Spirit Blissful
"Spirit shall see through Matter's gaze,
Matter shall reveal the Spirit's Face"

The lower Trilogy of Life , Mind and Matter
Constitute Relative Being.
The higher Trinity of Being, Knowledge and Bliss
Constitute Absolute Being.

Which is that seventh element,
Which binds the Absolute and Relative?
It is called Supermind, a state,
Beyond Overmind and Mind.

This is Sevenfold mode of Existence Cosmic,
Seven Names of the Nameless,
Seven Rays of Infinity
And Seven Colors of Consciousness !

Supermind,then, is the  Alpha and the Omega,
The instrument of  all unification,
Originative, executive and consummative,
In all realisable harmonies.

Evolution of this Sevenfold Being,
Realisation of Its Septuple Name,
Was considered divine destiny,
Of all, which cometh from One.

The Divine descending into materiality,
Is called humanity.
With Matter as the lowest term,
And pure Being as the highest.

The lower Trilogy of Life, Mind and Matter,
Are merely the subordinate action powers,
Of the Divine Quaternary,
Being, Knowledge, Bliss & Supermind.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Tilak Hypothesis - Vedic Age = 5567years

The Start of the Tropical Zodiac,
That Celestial circle of 360 degrees,
Is Zero Degree Aries, Vernal Equinox,
The Tropical Zero Point, Sayana Meshadi.

This Zero Point precedes, moving backwards,
One degree, every seventy two years.
( Value given by Cheiro, Count Louis Hamon.}
So Precessional Cycle =72*360= 25920 years,
And this is called  the Cosmic Clock.

Orion, Arctic Home in the Vedas,
Is a book by Bala Gangadhar Tilak.
In it he states that the Zero Point,
Was in Head of Orion, Mrigasira,
{Which starts from 53 deg 20 mins,
In the Zodiac of three sixty}.

Now the Tropical Zero Point,
Is in Six degrees Pisces,
Which means it has traversed,
Thirty - Six, twenty four degrees !

We have said that the Zero Point moves,
And it has moved 53.20 + 24 =77.3 degrees.
And when we multiply it by 72,
We get the Vedic Age, 77.3*72 = 5567 years.

The Macabre Dance of Vasundhara !

Q - If Jupiter is the greatest benefic in the Astro hierarchy, how can he initiate such an evil Yoga like Vasundhara ?

A - We will answer it from 3 different angles.

Science - Self regulating mechanism in the body physiologic is called Homeostasis. It is the Wisdom of the Body.

Has Nature such homeostatic control systems ?

Scienific experiments conducted in mice showed that, when population crossed all limits, an epidemic depopulated mice !

Not only India and China, but the entire Earth is overpopulated. Mother Earth does not simply have the resources to feed 750 crores, which may become 900 cr by 2050. Hence the Global Food Crisis and the Global Freshwater Crisis.

Philosophy- The wise recognise Negativity as the inevitable clearing process and maintain equanimity. 

Divinity - O Lord Dhanvantari ! Save us from this Mahamaree.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Vivekananda Hypothesis II, Samadhi = Zero Mind

Samadhi = Zero Mind
Vivekananda wrote in his Hymn of Samadhi 
Lo! The sun is not, nor the comely moon,
All light extinct; in the great void of space
Floats shadow-like the image-universe.

Samadhi = Zero Mind,
A state where Mind is not,
Where the projections of Mi nd,
Sun, Moon, Stars et al do not exist !

May be the Kerala poet who wrote,
No Moon, Stars or Sun exist,
In Cosmic Consciousness,
Was inspired by this Noble Sage.

Sama means Equanimity and Dhee, Mind
Is Cosmic Consciousness, equivalent of Nirvana,
A state transcending Happiness and Sorrow,
Elation and dejection and marked by Bliss Ineffable !

He wrote in his Hymn of Samadhi,
In the void of mind involute,
The fleeting universe, rises and floats,
Sinks again, ceaseless, in the current “I”.

Brahman is Omnipresent,
In all relativities.
It is the Absolute,
Possessing all relatives !

All originate from Brahman
All exist in Brahman
All merge,back into Brahman
Verily, Brahman is All in All.

Yatho  imani bhutani jayante
Yena jatani jivanti
Yat prayantyabhisam visanti
The Hymn of Samadhi continues
Slowly, slowly, the shadow-multitude
Entered the primal womb, and flowed ceaseless,
The only current, the “I am”, “I am”.

A State beyond Aham Brahmasmi?
There is no Aham or Brahmam,
All sunk in Unity Conscisousness,
Where Only That and That alone exists !

The Warrior Sage continues further, 
Lo! ‘Tis stopped, ev’n that current flows no more,
Void merged into void — beyond speech and mind!
Whose heart understands, he verily does.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Kapila Hypothesis, Bipolar Forces, Purusha & Prakriti

One of the Six Main Sciences,
And the Natural Philosophy of India,
Sankhya was developed by Kapila,
Who underwent Divine Transmutation !

He begins with the statement,
God is not proved
A Rational and a scientific Mind
He plunges into the secrets of Nature !

The Bipolar Forces, male and female,
Of Ultimate Reality, are Purusha and Prakriti,
Nature and the Life Force, which animates Her,
And corresponds to the Matter and Spirit of the West.

Cause of the Law of Cause and Effect
Is benevolent Prakriti Herself.
She is the First Cause, Pradhanam Prakritim Prahuh,
As well as the Main Efficient Cause. 

Karya karana karthruthve
Hetu Prakriti uchyate

Ñature is the Sole Doer
Ñature is Àlmighty
A logical system,
She does nothing without reason.

Self coñtained Being is Purushà,
The. Basé of all That Is.
And He offers His Breast,
For Her glorious Cosmic Dance.

He enjoys the Cosmic Game,
Remaining as Pure Witness.
All is willed by Him in its totality,
And perpetually entertained !

Nithyam Sanathanam Nirvikaram Prabhu
Sakshiyay matram Vilangunthengum.

Time is the.All Consuming
Power of the Absolute.
The foolish Ego, the Experiencer,
Is afraid of all devouring Time !

Kapila underwent Transfiguration,
Transformation or Transmutation divine,
Into something rich and strange
And became Bhagavan Kapila !

One element becoming another,
Is called Transmutation !
This is already happening in the Sun,
Where Hydrogen atoms become Helium. 

Divine Alchemy is similar to Scientific Alchemy,
Just like Hydrogen becoming Helium,
Human nature can be transmuted into divine nature,
Knower of Brahman becomes Brahman,

Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati.

In Thy Incarnation as Kapila,
Thou revealed universal secrets,
Esoteric secrets great,
To Thy Mother, Devahooti.

Thou declared there are principles twenty five,
With Purusha as the Twenty Fifth !
With Nature,Universal Mind,Ego, Heart,
Subtle Essences, Elements, Sense and Knowledge Organs !

Prakriti Mahat Ahamkara 
Tanmatra Bhootaan
Api Hridapi Dasakshi 
Poorusha Pancha Vimsa

These are the 24 principles,
The true building blocks
And Purusha, Time, is the 25th,
Most important of them all !

Ya Kala Pancha vimsaka.

That Purusha is Time,
Was an amazing discovery.
It was validated by the West,
When Kant declared "Self is Time"

Time, the Destroyer, we all know,
But not Time as Creator and Preserver.
Creation,Preservation  and Dissolution,
Are all invested in the womb of Time !                                                                                                     
Sarvam Kalena Srujyante
Sarvam Kalena Palayante
Sarvam Kalena Samhriyante

He who is full of Intellectual Love,
Knowing these principles great,
And living in rhythm with Nature
Will be freed from bondage.

Iti vividha vibhago
Uchyate sau Prakritya

This magnificent Nature Philosophy
Was echoed in the West by poets great
Goethe, Wordsworth, Bruno et al
Sang the Glory of Prakriti Divine.

Nature never did betray the heart
That loved Her, said Wordsworth
I follow two Philosophers this way
It was Nature, Nature, all I heard them say (Goethe)

How can one end
Without mentioníng Love ?
Always the glorious victor,
Is ever conquering Love !

Thus Love Plus Wisdom,
Is the Grand Solution.
Thou instructed Thy Mother
The Noble Devahuthi.