Monday, April 13, 2020

Happy Vishu

Meshadiyude Prathama Vikalayil Sooryan…….

Vishu / Vyshakhi/ Somkran Ashamsakal !

As Thy external Symbol, the Sun,
Enters the First Second of Sidereal Aries,
O Lord Dhanvantari, show Thy Hand,
And redeem us from this life-devouring virus !

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Bharthri Hari Hypothesis - Poets are the Heavenly Winners.

We are here for what?
To gain Earth or Heaven?
If gaining Heaven is the Summum Bonum,
Then Poets are the true winners !

If Self Actualisation is the Goal,
And gaining Heaven is paramount,
Then millionaires will be bewildered,
As they believe in Money's omnipotence !

They are the genuine winners,
The Bliss attained Poets,
As their Fame Body fearest not,
Disease or Death ineluctable !

Jayanthi the Sukruthino
Rasa Siddha Kaveeswara
Nasti tesham Yasakaye
Jara Maranajam Bhayam.

Mundane Man thinks immediate,
Poet thinks about Universal !
This is the main cause,
Of Poet's maladaptations !

Higher ups in society,
Are intellectually poor !
This is the main reason,
For unsociability of Poet.

Women are crticisers & naggers !
Poetic temparament not compatible,
With feminine pugnacity ! Hence,
The enmity of women and poets !

The Brahmagupta Hypothesis, Trgnometric Functions

The first mathematical treatise,
Was the Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta,
Written by the ace mathematician,
Brahmagupta from India.

He called 5 degrees of the Zodiac, Jya,
And so a Zodiacal Sign of 30, has six  Jyas.
He gave Sine Tables for difference of 5 degrees,
And originated concepts of sine and cosine.

As Trikonamithi became Trignometry,
And Jyamithi became Geometry later,
Science of Jyas was highlighted,
As longitudes computation  needed it.

Bow and arrow was best example,
Bow represents the Arc Sine, Chapa,
And the Versine, 1 - cos x, Sara,arrow,
And then, computation became simple.

The rough Sine Table set up,
Was later modified by Aryabhata,
Who gave sine values for differences,
Of three degrees and minutes forty five.

Since it deals with R Sine Differences,
It cannot be called a Sine Table,
But the Table of R Sine Differences,
Of great use to the computing student.

Radius, R, is easy to calculate,
360 by 2 Pi is 57.3 degrees,
Which converted is 206265 seconds,
The Magic Figure of Astronomy.

Monday, April 6, 2020

The Sai Hypothesis - Epic Poetry is allegorical


It so happened, Ithiha Asa, say the poets,
The Seer Poets of the  Vedas,
Who knew that without Allegories,
Spiritual Truths cannot be taught !

Epic Poetry, Ithihasa,is allegorical ,
Symbolic of the Titanic, inner war,
Between the black and white opposites,
Of good and evil, Prosperity and Adversity !

Two major epic Poems here are,
The Majestic Mahabharata, with 100 K verses,
And Righteous Ramayana, with 24000 verses
Written by high calibre mystic poets.

Because of the Overmind  Aesthesis being present,
We can call them as Ovemind Poetry.
Thou shalt find illumination and inspiration there,
As these verses are full of supramundane beauty.

Man  is a composite creature.
Virtue and Vice are mixed
But the ratio is not fifty-fifty,
Either good or evil is more.

Vice more means Man Criminal,
Virtue more means Man Sage.
Half half is Man Common
And cent percent Virtue is Man Divine.

Imperfect principle is Ego,
Perfect principle is Self.
Ego is our negative aspect
And Self, our positive aspect.

King Ravana is emblem of Ego
Lord Rama represents Self.
King Kamsa symbolises Ego
And Lord Krishna, Self.

We are the battleground and place,
Where all parallel universes meet,
Where the Great Battle is fought,
Between Wisdom and Ignorance !

Human compositeness is everywhere.
Man is a dual personality, a paradox !
Asset of Virtues is Daivee Sampath
And Asset of Vices,Asuri Sampath.

Asuri Sampath binds,
Daivee Sampath liberates !
To gain Self Actualisation,
Increase Daivee Sampath.

The Six Enemies  of Man, Ari Shad Varga,
The  Six Deadly Sins of Dante,
Are lust, anger ,pride ,ambition, jealousy, avarice
Kamam, Krodham, Madam ,Mohm, Matsaryam,Lobham.

Along with these six, there are four more,
Blocks to Self Actualisation.
Ego, mind, intellect, processing mind,
These Ten are the barriers to Enlightenment !

These Ten are the Ten Heads of the Ego,
The Ten Heads of King Ravana !
The Law of the Way advocates their destruction
To gain the Divine Crown !

Self Realisation Sri Yantra ( Arthur Avalon, J Woodroffe )

Sir John Woodroffe