Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Twelve Commandments of Lord Dhanvantari

The Twelve Commandments of Lord Dhanwantari

1.Rectify the effects arising from Prajna Aparadha, Fault in Consciousness,
which is the root cause of all diseases.

2.Thou shalt observe Ritucharya, seasonal routine.

3.Thou shalt observe  Dinacharya,    daily routine.

4.Thou shalt observe .Brahmacharya,  continence.

( Controlled Brahmacharya for the married ).

5.Thou shalt consume good amounts  of fruits & vegetables daily.

6.Prakriti is the Sole Healer.

7.Thou shalt consume oñly Sattwic Food.

 8.He who conquers taste , conquers , Jithe Sarve Jithe Rase

9.Thou shalt resort to Oil Massage Therapy, Abhyangam Achareth Nityam

10.Thou shalt follow Usha Paana Chikitsa, Dawn Water Therapy.

11.Indulge in Tejopasana -Sunlight Therapy

12.Fasting Therapy, when one is sick, Lankhanam Param Oushadham

Why is Brahmacharya extolled ?

Seminal energy, Retas, consists of three properties – Heat, 

Light & Electricity,  Tapas, Ojas & Vidyut. This energy is transmuted and stored in the brain as Ojas Shakti and it manifests as Divine Effulgence in the face of the Yogi.


Nithyam Hithahara Vihara Sevi
Sameekshya Karee Vishayaksha Saktha
Dhatha Samasatya Para Kshamavan
Apthopa Sevee cha Bhavath Aroga

He who takes in foods positive,
Aware of the danger of Fault in Consciousness
Who is Patience Personified,
With self-control, conquers all disease!

Trilogy of Books of Ayurveda, the Brihat Trayee

It is said that the Greeks acquired an insight into Medicine, only after Alexander’s invasion of India, only after the secrets of the Atharva Veda were revealed to them. It is said of this Holistic Science of Life that it originated from the Atharva Veda and the Upanishads,  Atharva Vedasu Upanisadsu pragulpannah.

Naturopathy - The Prophylactic Aspect of Ayurveda

Naturopathy or Prakrithi Therapy is the Swastha Vritta ( Prophylactic
Aspect ) of the Science of Life.

The Five Great Elements are the Five Doctors ( Annam Brahma ). Food is
medicine and medicine is food. By food we mean Naturopathic food, the food
that cometh from Nature. The Five Great Elements ( Pancha Maha Bhootas ) are
prior to everything. Hence they are known as the Five Great Doctors ( Annam
Hi Bhoothanam Jyeshtyam Thasmad Sarvoushadhamuchyathe ).

The Five Great Doctors can cure any disease. Exposure to Sunlight is
Thejopasana. The body gets abundance of Vitamin D. Daily at least 10 minutes
one should bathe in the Sun.

The Fivefold Worship of Naturopathy

Thejopasana - Sun bathing. Sunlight is a rich source of Vitamin D

Akasopasana - Fasting, the best medicine. During fasting the digestive
system gets rest and diseases like ulcer are cured by Fasting.

Jalopasana - Water is a universal medicine. At least 12 glasses of water
should be taken in daily and exercises like swimming are excellent.

Vayopasana - Getting fresh air is a must.

Prithyopasana - Fruits and vegetables cometh from Nature and are rich in
vitamins, minerals and proteins. They contain phytochemicals which are
cancer or disease preventing.

The Ayurvedic principle, Lankhanam Param Oushadham is well endorsed by
Paracelsus, " Fasting is the greatest remedy". It is called Fasting Therapy
and has been endorsed by Plato, Aristotle, Tertulian, Plutarch et al.

During Therapeutic Fasting, the Ama ( toxins ) are destroyed. Also
undigested particles are digested. After Fasting, metabolic rate in
increased and the digestive fire is enhanced.

The Dhanvantari Mantra calls for the removal of Ama from the system,
Sarvamaya Vinasanaya Maha Vaishnave Swaha

Of the Immortality of Self Divine

The Eternian knows he is Being, Infinite Sphere,
Self, Center everywhere, Circumference nowhere.
Him the fire cannot burn, Him the water cannot wet,
Him the sword cannot pierce nor wind dry.

What can all these trials and tribulations do,
To the Birthless, Everlasting One,
Whom fire cannot burn nor wind dry?
This Eternal Self knoweth no destruction.

More luminous than all luminaries,
Self shines beyond Nescience.
It is the Substratum .the Base of All,,
Being Knowledge, Knower and Known.

Him the Sun cannot express, nor the Moon,
Nor the Stars, Lightning cannot express Him,
Nor fire, as  through Him they shine,
And Self is His great transparent mirror !

The body-mind-intellect complex, the Ego,
Sows the wind and reaps the whirlwind,
Known as the Law of  Karma,
While the Self remains uninvolved.

This is the Glorious Doctrine,
Of the Self"s Non-responsibility
He is non responsible,
For actions of the Ego !

Aurobindo Hypothesis VI - Mind-Overmind-Supermind Axis

Mind - Overmind - Supermind Axis,
Is the Central Theme in Aurobindo.
Mind belongs to the Lower Trilogy,
The other two belonging to Higher.

Mind is defined as an interlude,
Between subconscient Nature,
And Superconscient Divine,
And as a mediator divinity.

A Still Mind is pure Being,
And is more potent than Mind Active.
Being  is Silence, Nishabdam Brahma,
And Silence is indeed golden!

Upper and Lower Hemispheres,
Of the Unitive Reality,
Are connected by Supermind,
The plane of Perfect Gnosis !

Mind cannot accept
Coincidence of Opposites !
Irreconcilable contrariety,
Is nature of mental reason.

Above Mind is Overmind,
So above limited human vision.
Opposites are coexistent correlatives,
And not opposing contradictories.

That which is contrariety to Mind,
Coexistent correlatives to Overmind,
Is to Supermind an integral Whole,
Its vision being integral, global !

Monday, April 13, 2020

Vishu, the Planting Season of Kerala

We have said that Vishu or the Sun’s entry into the zero degree of sidereal Aries, is the time for the farmers to sow.

Vishu or the solar ingress into Aries, is celebrated all over Kerala. This is the dawn of a good era, as it marks the end of the hot seasons of Kumbha ( Aquarius ) and Meena ( Pisces ). Temperature touching 43 degrees is disconcerting. Vishu is the heralder of the two monsoons, the Kala Varsha and the Thula Varsha.

Hail, Vishu, O Changer of Seasons !
Thou bringest news auspicious,
And relief from the blistering heat,
As the Sidereal Spring equinox.

Read on at

Happy Vishu

Meshadiyude Prathama Vikalayil Sooryan…….

Vishu / Vyshakhi/ Somkran Ashamsakal !

As Thy external Symbol, the Sun,
Enters the First Second of Sidereal Aries,
O Lord Dhanvantari, show Thy Hand,
And redeem us from this life-devouring virus !

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Bharthri Hari Hypothesis - Poets are the Heavenly Winners.

We are here for what?
To gain Earth or Heaven?
If gaining Heaven is the Summum Bonum,
Then Poets are the true winners !

If Self Actualisation is the Goal,
And gaining Heaven is paramount,
Then millionaires will be bewildered,
As they believe in Money's omnipotence !

They are the genuine winners,
The Bliss attained Poets,
As their Fame Body fearest not,
Disease or Death ineluctable !

Jayanthi the Sukruthino
Rasa Siddha Kaveeswara
Nasti tesham Yasakaye
Jara Maranajam Bhayam.

Mundane Man thinks immediate,
Poet thinks about Universal !
This is the main cause,
Of Poet's maladaptations !

Higher ups in society,
Are intellectually poor !
This is the main reason,
For unsociability of Poet.

Women are crticisers & naggers !
Poetic temparament not compatible,
With feminine pugnacity ! Hence,
The enmity of women and poets !

The Brahmagupta Hypothesis, Trgnometric Functions

The first mathematical treatise,
Was the Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta,
Written by the ace mathematician,
Brahmagupta from India.

He called 5 degrees of the Zodiac, Jya,
And so a Zodiacal Sign of 30, has six  Jyas.
He gave Sine Tables for difference of 5 degrees,
And originated concepts of sine and cosine.

As Trikonamithi became Trignometry,
And Jyamithi became Geometry later,
Science of Jyas was highlighted,
As longitudes computation  needed it.

Bow and arrow was best example,
Bow represents the Arc Sine, Chapa,
And the Versine, 1 - cos x, Sara,arrow,
And then, computation became simple.

The rough Sine Table set up,
Was later modified by Aryabhata,
Who gave sine values for differences,
Of three degrees and minutes forty five.

Since it deals with R Sine Differences,
It cannot be called a Sine Table,
But the Table of R Sine Differences,
Of great use to the computing student.

Radius, R, is easy to calculate,
360 by 2 Pi is 57.3 degrees,
Which converted is 206265 seconds,
The Magic Figure of Astronomy.