Saturday, April 18, 2020

Bhartri Hari Hypothesiss II - Self Actualisation Priority, Fortune & Wealth ,Secondary & Tertiary.

Bhartri Hari was controversial,
He who said everything is Economics,
And that Fortune is greatest,
Ultimately said Kaivalya is the Goal !

At bottom of Need Hierarchy Scale,
We have the basic physiological needs,
For which wealth is important,
Hence he extolled the virtues of Wealth.

He who has wealth  is aristocratic,
He is the scholar, full of virtue.
He is the silver tongued orator,
As all virtues are based on Wealth.

( Yaasyasthi Vitham sa nara kuleena
Sa Panditha sa Sruthavan gunajna.
Sa eva Vaktha, sa cha Darshaneeya,
Sarve Gunan Kanchanam asrayanti. ).

But Fortune is an invisible Goddess,
Which no Wealth can  court !
Confluence of Health, Wealth and Wisdom,
Is defined as Fortune.

He who has Fortune is aristocratic,
He is the scholar, full of virtue.
He is the silver tongued orator,
All virtues are based on Fortune.

Despite being graced by Lakshmi,
One felt that mental peace is lacking.
So he consulted Yoga and She told him
"There is no happiness under the Sun".

"There is no happiness in Heaven
Even Emperors are unhappy.
Only when Great Enemy, Mind, is won,
Can Happiness or Bliss reign supreme.

The truly fortunate one is the Yogi,
Who had conquered this master enemy..
For the noblest conquest is conquest of mind,
Which is Enlightenment, Kaivalya,itself !".

( Brahmakshraam pavanam ucharanta
Brahmaamasmeethi vibhavayanta
Bhikshashino dikshu paribhramanta
Kaupeenavanta khalu Bhagyavanta. )

Bhartri Hari Hypothesiss II - Self Actualisation Priority, Fortune & Wealth ,Secondary & Tertiary.

Bhartri Hari was controversial,
He who said everything is Economics,
And that Fortune is greatest,
Ultimately said Kaivalya is the Goal !

At bottom of Need Hierarchy Scale,
We have the basic physiological needs,
For which wealth is important,
Hence he extolled the virtues of Wealth.

He who has wealth  is aristocratic,
He is the scholar, full of virtue.
He is the silver tongued orator,
As all virtues are based on Wealth.

( Yaasyasthi Vitham sa nara kuleena
Sa Panditha sa Sruthavan gunajna.
Sa eva Vaktha, sa cha Darshaneeya,
Sarve Gunan Kanchanam asrayanti. ).

But Fortune is an invisible Goddess,
Which no Wealth can  court !
Confluence of Health, Wealth and Wisdom,
Is defined as Fortune.

He who has Fortune is aristocratic,
He is the scholar, full of virtue.
He is the silver tongued orator,
All virtues are based on Fortune.

Despite being graced by Lakshmi,
One felt that mental peace is lacking.
So he consulted Yoga and She told him
"There is no happiness under the Sun".

"There is no happiness in Heaven
Even Emperors are unhappy.
Only when Great Enemy, Mind, is won,
Can Happiness or Bliss reign supreme.

The truly fortunate one is the Yogi,
Who had conquered this master enemy..
For the noblest conquest is conquest of mind,
Which is Enlightenment, Kaivalya,itself !".

( Brahmakshraam pavanam ucharanta
Brahmaamasmeethi vibhavayanta
Bhikshashino dikshu paribhramanta
Kaupeenavanta khalu Bhagyavanta. )

Integral Knowledge

Maitreyi, the Mystic Village

Yogic Diet & Prevention of Cancer

Yogic Diet & Prevention of Cancer

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Mathematical, Absolute Brahman

Any number into Infinity is Infinity,
Any number into Zero is Zero
Then what is Zero into Infinity?
Mathematically, an Indeterminate.

Brahman has been defined as Infinity (Anantam Brahma )
And also as Zero ( Shoonyam ennum chilar )
So, what is He really?
Philosophically, an Indeterminate.

Ganitha Sastra is the Science of magnitude,
The Science of the more or less,
The Science of quantities,
But, is the Science of the Infinite !

Universe has neither Center nor Circumference.
It would have had a Center, if Circumference existed.
Since it cannot be enclosed within any Center or Circumference
It would be unintelligible, without the Absolute , being both.

The Absolute is an Infinite Sphere,
Center everywhere, Circumference nowhere.
This is the second best Definition,
The first being Being-Knowledge-Bliss !

At Infinity, Center and Circumference are one,
Maxima and minima coincide.
Science and Art meet at Infinity,
Past, Present and Future become one.

Maths became Meta Maths,
When Godel declared that Truth,
Cannot be represented by finitude,
As it is non finite and transcendental !