Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Fault of Awareness, Prajna Aparadha

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Forgive my mistakes !

Forgive my three mistakes, cried the Seer-Poet Vyasa,
First, I defined the Indefinable Thee !
Second, I attributed Form to the Formless Thee,
And I limited the Illimitable Thee within a Temple.

Great minds think alike and Melpathur did the same.
" In my Ignorance, I described the Indescribable !"
The Soul identifying with the body is Ignorance, Avidya,
And Soul identifying with the Self is Wisdom,Vidya.

The Constellations are Thy Teeth, Tharaganascha Radana,
They keep the same distance from one another,
Never coming closer to one another, nor moving furthur asunder,
Showing Thy mathematical precision, O Great Geometer !

From the  Moon, I will learn about Brahman,
Like the Fifteen Lunations, the Becomings of the Moon,
Affecteth not the Moon,in her pristine state,
So also Thy Becomings, affect Thee not, as Pure Being.

From the Sun, I will learn about Thee
Thy Representative and only visible Deity
Myriads of ponds show his many reflections,
But he remains, One and Non-Dual, like Thee !

Thou hast been defined as Time, Kala Ityalapanti,
As Above, So Below, the Terrestrial follows the Celestial !
Electrons and planets revolve in elliptical orbits,
As Thy Mathematical Symbol is the Ellipsoid Linga !

Unaware of Thee, many luxuriate in Sorrow,
All sciences intuitive, Sastras, have been revealed  by Thee,
Who doth emparadise my meditative mind,
Thy Saguna Aspect is greater than Thy Nirguna !

Thou hast been defined as Sound Absolute, Sabda Brahmeti,
Study of Sastras have  been defined as Sabda Brahman.
It is a great preparation for Absolute Actualisation,
The Yogi follows Thine "Let Sastras be your guide ".

Diurnal motion eternally keepeth  Time,
Luminaries and planets obey Thy instructions.
Thou hast been defined as Atom, Anu iti,
And Universe expands, as per Thy Universal Will ! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Aurobindo Hypothesis VII - Everything is Being

In the Beginning, there was One Existence,
The Absolute, the Perfect, the Alone
 In the Middle,there are many existences,
The Relative, the Imperfect, the Multitude.

In the End, there will be the Pure Existent,
The Absolute, the Perfect, the Alone.
For, Purusha is Self-contained Existence,
And an Absolute, which embraces Relativity !

Cause, Effect, Causality are all He,
Absolute Brahman alone exists in se.
Whom even Fourfold Veds cannot define,
As He transcends spatio-temporal language.

When we say, First,the Being and then the Becoming,
Fall we into illusion of  language spatio-temporal !
Everlasting is phenomenon of the Universe,
As everlasting as the Silence beyond Time.

If Matter can neither be created nor destroyed,.
 If Energy can neither be created nor destroyed,
Then Self also cannot be either created or destroyed
As these three fall under the divisions of Being.

If the Law of Conservation of Reality be true,
That Matter, Energy, Self et al are conserved, not destroyed,
It can be deduced by Logic that all are conserved,
Being, Knowledge, Bliss, Supermind, Life, Mind and Matter !

This corroborates the mighty statement of Gita,
"Know That to be Iindestructible,
By which all this is pervaded ",
As Brahman is indestructible, Aksharam Brahma !

( Avinasi tu tat viddhi
  Yena Sarvam idam tatam }

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Bhartri Hari Hypothesiss II - Self Actualisation Priority, Fortune & Wealth ,Secondary & Tertiary.

Bhartri Hari was controversial,
He who said everything is Economics,
And that Fortune is greatest,
Ultimately said Kaivalya is the Goal !

At bottom of Need Hierarchy Scale,
We have the basic physiological needs,
For which wealth is important,
Hence he extolled the virtues of Wealth.

He who has wealth  is aristocratic,
He is the scholar, full of virtue.
He is the silver tongued orator,
As all virtues are based on Wealth.

( Yaasyasthi Vitham sa nara kuleena
Sa Panditha sa Sruthavan gunajna.
Sa eva Vaktha, sa cha Darshaneeya,
Sarve Gunan Kanchanam asrayanti. ).

But Fortune is an invisible Goddess,
Which no Wealth can  court !
Confluence of Health, Wealth and Wisdom,
Is defined as Fortune.

He who has Fortune is aristocratic,
He is the scholar, full of virtue.
He is the silver tongued orator,
All virtues are based on Fortune.

Despite being graced by Lakshmi,
One felt that mental peace is lacking.
So he consulted Yoga and She told him
"There is no happiness under the Sun".

"There is no happiness in Heaven
Even Emperors are unhappy.
Only when Great Enemy, Mind, is won,
Can Happiness or Bliss reign supreme.

The truly fortunate one is the Yogi,
Who had conquered this master enemy..
For the noblest conquest is conquest of mind,
Which is Enlightenment, Kaivalya,itself !".

( Brahmakshraam pavanam ucharanta
Brahmaamasmeethi vibhavayanta
Bhikshashino dikshu paribhramanta
Kaupeenavanta khalu Bhagyavanta. )

Bhartri Hari Hypothesiss II - Self Actualisation Priority, Fortune & Wealth ,Secondary & Tertiary.

Bhartri Hari was controversial,
He who said everything is Economics,
And that Fortune is greatest,
Ultimately said Kaivalya is the Goal !

At bottom of Need Hierarchy Scale,
We have the basic physiological needs,
For which wealth is important,
Hence he extolled the virtues of Wealth.

He who has wealth  is aristocratic,
He is the scholar, full of virtue.
He is the silver tongued orator,
As all virtues are based on Wealth.

( Yaasyasthi Vitham sa nara kuleena
Sa Panditha sa Sruthavan gunajna.
Sa eva Vaktha, sa cha Darshaneeya,
Sarve Gunan Kanchanam asrayanti. ).

But Fortune is an invisible Goddess,
Which no Wealth can  court !
Confluence of Health, Wealth and Wisdom,
Is defined as Fortune.

He who has Fortune is aristocratic,
He is the scholar, full of virtue.
He is the silver tongued orator,
All virtues are based on Fortune.

Despite being graced by Lakshmi,
One felt that mental peace is lacking.
So he consulted Yoga and She told him
"There is no happiness under the Sun".

"There is no happiness in Heaven
Even Emperors are unhappy.
Only when Great Enemy, Mind, is won,
Can Happiness or Bliss reign supreme.

The truly fortunate one is the Yogi,
Who had conquered this master enemy..
For the noblest conquest is conquest of mind,
Which is Enlightenment, Kaivalya,itself !".

( Brahmakshraam pavanam ucharanta
Brahmaamasmeethi vibhavayanta
Bhikshashino dikshu paribhramanta
Kaupeenavanta khalu Bhagyavanta. )

Integral Knowledge