Friday, May 1, 2020

Unitary Power, Prana

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Powerful Narayaneeyam Shloka - Happiness Mantra - Yogeendranam Thvadange...

Yogeendranam Thvadangeshvadhikasumadhuram Mukthi bhajam nivaso
Bhakthanam kamavarshdvitharuki salayam Nadtha The  pada moolam
Nithyam chithasthitham me Pavanapurapathe krishna karunyasindho
Hrithva Nisseshathapan prathishathu paramananda sandoha Lakshmeem.

May Thy Lotus Feet
Stay forever in my mind
May my sorrow be destroyed by Thee
And may Kaivalya Lakshmi take over !

Ninth Prosperity Hypothesis - The Concept of Kaivalya Lakshmi

One mystic Poet prayed

May Thy Lotus Feet
Stay forever in my mind
May my sorrow be destroyed by Thee
And may Kaivalya Lakshmi take over !

What is this Kaivalya Lakshmi ? Prosperity No 9?

Aishwarya has been defined,
As Eeshwareeya Bhava, Bliss Absolute.
Not mere wealth, but Fortune,
Which maketh all the difference.

The First  Prosperity,Adi Lakshmi,
Is Her Original State as Power,
Power Aspect of  Consciousness,
Capable of  conferring Power.

Wisdom has been defined,
As veiled Wealth and so Wisdom is Prosperity.
This is the second Prosperity, Vidya Lakshmi,
Capable of  conferring Wisdom.

The Third Lakshmi, Gaja,
Represents the Power of Royalty.
She can bless Her devotees with boons,
Capable of  conferring Royal Power.

The Fourth Lakshmi, Santhana,
Is vital to worldly life.
Without children, none is fortunate,
Aspect capable of  conferring Santhana..

The Fifth Lakshmi, Dhana,
Is god of the world, Mammon.
Wealth is the Soul of Outer Life,
Aspect capable of  conferring Wealth.

The Sixth Lakshmi, Dhanya,
Symbolises Agri Abundance.
Only productive vocation is Agri,
Aspect capable of  conferring Agri Prosperity.

The Seventh Lakshmi, Dhairya,,
Is emblematic of  Courage.
Courage is the basis of Victory,
Aspect capable of  conferring Courage.

The Eighth Lakshmi, Vijaya,
Allegorically represents Victory.
Nothing succeeds like succcess,
Aspect capable of  conferring Victory.

The  Ninth Lakshmi, Kaivalya,
Samadhi, Cosmic Consciousness.
Is a State  of Bliss Infinite,
And Evolutionary Goal of Life !

Eightfold Prosperity became Ninefold,
Ashta Lakshmi became Nava Lakshmi.
She is the principle behind our Ascent,
And the Conferror of Crown  Divine !

HIndu Numerology Lesson 8

Manifestations of the Divine - Sastra Teachers

He manifested as different Sastra Teachers,
To teach a benighted humanity about Sciences Intuitive.
Study of the Sastras, Sound Symbols of the Absolute,
Can pave the way for Transformation or Transfiguration

"Live according to the Sastras, tasmat sastram pramanam te,
He who contravenes its commands, gaineth not Earth or Heaven ".
Wisdom is His Quality, Wisdom supreme is He,
And it is His Dharma to protect and preserve Wisdom Divine".

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Gautama,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Nyaya Sastra.
Nyaya was founded initially to defend Vedic concepts,
And to promote the Science of Thought's regulative principles !

In Thy Incarnation as Bhagavan Yaska,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Nirukta Sastra.
Definions are badly needed in debate,
And the Indefinable Thou providest all definitions.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Varaha,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Jyotis Sastra.
Thou preserved Astronomy, Maths and Astrology,
Thri Skanda Jyotis of Siddhanta, Samhita and Hora.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Ramana,,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Pure Yoga Sastra.
Thy technique from "Who am I" to "He am I",
Is simple, conducive to Self Actualisation !

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Madhava,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Dvaita Vedanta Sastra.
This is the First Mystic Stage of JnanaYoga,
The aspirant is different from Deity.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Ramanuja,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Vishishta Advaita Vedanta.
Qualified Non-Dualism, It asserts that waves belong to Ocean,
But the Ocean does not belong to the Wave.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Different Aspects of Absolute Being

One person asked an Eternian,
"Why do you worship many Gods?"
Pat came the bewildering answer,
" I worship One, which manifests as Many".

I am a husband, brother, son,
Uncle, teacher and social worker.
I have many aspects,
So too, the Divine has many aspects !

For sheer Delight of Being, Rasa,
The Pure Existent multiplied Itself.
And became billions of forms,
So that it could actualise itself multitudinously.

The 33 Deities of the Eternal Law,
Are 33 esoteric principles.
Twelve Suns, Rudras Eleven,
Eight Vasus and two Physicians !

In Thy Aspect as Time,
Thou Art known as Kalapurusha !
Time is not only the Destroyer, the All Devourer,
But also the Great Healer, Creator & Preserver !

In Thy Aspect as Space,
Thou Art known as Vishwapurusha !
The Fourteen Universes Parallel are Thy Body,
With the Empyrean, Satya Loka, as Thy Head !

In Thy Aspect as Wisdom,
Thou Art known as Vedapurusha !
The Six Auxiliary Sciences are Thy Body,
With Astro Science as Thine Eye.

In Thy Aspect as Love,
Thou Art known as the Lord!
Thou Art Justice Personified,
As the highest Justice is Love !

Hindu Numerology Lesson 7