Monday, May 4, 2020

Mind is Omnipotent & Psychic Healing

Mind is Omnipotent & Psychic Healing

Many Aspects & Manifestations of the One

They see the Self, in the Self, by the Self !
All betrays him who sees all elsewhere,
Than in the Self! What can entire Veda,
Do for him, who sees all in Non-Self ?

The Eternian sees everything,
Under the aspect of Eternity,
Under the aspect of Zodiac,
And under the aspect of Love.

Thou manifested as Bhagavan Vyasa,
To write Epic Poems and Mythology.
The essence of Wisdom was underlined,
"Helping is Merit, Torturing is Demerit".

Thou incarnated as Bhagavan Kanada,
To impart the Wisdom of Vaisesika.Sastra.
Thou promulgated the Fivefold Atomic Theory
That atoms of Elemental Five make up Reality !

In Thy Manifestation as Lord Krishna,
Wisdom and Statesmanship met in Thee !
Initiated into the Mysteries of Yoga by Sandeepini,
Thou ruled as the greatest Philosopher King ever.

In Thy Incarnation as Lord Rama,
Wisdom and Sacrifice met in Thee !
Initiated into the Mysteries of Yoga by Vasishta,
Thou showed how a Philosopher King can sacrifice.

Thou manifested as Bhagavan Buddha,
To impart the Wisdom of  Nirvana Sastra
Renunciation Personified, Perfect.Exemplar,
Thou showed that Love is All Conquering !

In Thy Aspect as Death ineluctable,
Thou comest as welcome release !
Thou declared "I am Death",
So poets symbolise Thee  as Evil Tooth!

In Thy Aspect as Prakriti  Sagacious,
Thou art both terrible and sweet.
Thy natural calamities terrify all,
While Thy beauty, magnificent dazzle all.

Many Aspects & Manifestations of the One

They see the Self, in the Self, by the Self !
All betrays him who sees all elsewhere,
Than in the Self! What can entire Veda,
Do for him, who sees all in Non-Self ?

The Eternian sees everything,
Under the aspect of Eternity,
Under the aspect of Zodiac,
And under the aspect of Love.

Thou manifested as Bhagavan Vyasa,
To write Epic Poems and Mythology.
The essence of Wisdom was underlined,
"Helping is Merit, Torturing is Demerit".

Thou incarnated as Bhagavan Kanada,
To impart the Wisdom of Vaisesika.Sastra.
Thou promulgated the Fivefold Atomic Theory
That atoms of Elemental Five make up Reality !

In Thy Manifestation as Lord Krishna,
Wisdom and Statesmanship met in Thee !
Initiated into the Mysteries of Yoga by Sandeepini,
Thou ruled as the greatest Philosopher King ever.

In Thy Incarnation as Lord Rama,
Wisdom and Sacrifice met in Thee !
Initiated into the Mysteries of Yoga by Vasishta,
Thou showed how a Philosopher King can sacrifice.

Thou manifested as Bhagavan Buddha,
To impart the Wisdom of  Nirvana Sastra
Renunciation Personified, Perfect.Exemplar,
Thou showed that Love is All Conquering !

In Thy Aspect as Death ineluctable,
Thou comest as welcome release !
Thou declared "I am Death",
So poets symbolise Thee  as Evil Tooth!

In Thy Aspect as Prakriti  Sagacious,
Thou art both terrible and sweet.
Thy natural calamities terrify all,
While Thy beauty, magnificent dazzle all.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mythology is Symbolic !

The Bull, Nandi, who tenants Siva Temples,
Represents our animal, negative aspect.
This bestial, dark  aspect should wither away,
To have a Vision Divine of the Most Auspicious, Siva.

Symbolic is Mythology,
And emblematic of philosophic verities.
Esoteric Meaning is revealed,
By Grace of the Guru or Covenant.

All Great World Literature,
Were deliberately written darkly,
Lest vulgar and unpurified spirits,
Abuse sanctity  of Wisdom Divine.

Wisdom should never be revealed,
To the vulgar and the unpurified.
Only to the virtuous, celibates, donators,
 And other purified souls..

Rishis hide Esoterica,
To fool the ignorant.
Only the ignorant,
Cherish the literal value !

In India, Science, Philosophy, Literature,
Poetry, Mythology, Art, Astrology et al,
Are all ONe, as ALL Are One,
And as One Knowledge is All Knowledge.

Church's function not to teach Man Life's Mysteries,
Only to see their flock reach a level of Purification,
Esoterica begins, where Exoterica ends,
And then Deity will lead aspirant on to Perfection.

"Once a Seer-Poet, always a Seer-Poet",
Is a statement unfathomable.
The Eternal Law allows not to negate,
Affirmations or Covenants, done earlier.