Saturday, May 9, 2020

Another Major Revealed Equation

Truth,Wisdom,Infinity= Being,
Satyam, Jnanam, Anantham Brahma

The best definitions of the Divine are

First,  The Sevenfold Chord of Being ( Aurobindo )
Second  Being, Knowledge, Bliss. ( Upanishads )
Third  Truth,Wisdom,Infinity  ( Upanishads )
Fourth An Infinite Sphere ( Hermes )   
Fifth The Great Geometer ( Plato )
Sixth Infinite Being, One Without A Second ( Upanishads )

Another Equation, Truth = Being,
Was revealed as Satyam Brahma.
Truth is Ineffable to Thought
And to Speech a wonder indefinable.

Truth is indeed omnipotent,
And beyond vicissitudes.
Beyond Contradiction,
Vast, Universal and one.

Truth is Transcendence,
Its Pure Consciousness,
Is manifest in Avastha Traya,
The relative states three.

Another Equation, Wisdom = Being,
Was revealed as Jnanam Brahma.
Wisdom is veiled Wealth,
And the generatrix of   Fame.

Wisdom conferreth  immortality,
And is deemed Eternal.
Wisdom is the only wealth,
And the Teacher of Teachers.

Without her, man is animal,
She is organised life.
She is best Celestial Deity,,
As She is adored by all !

Another Equation, Truth = Infinity,
Was revealed as Anantham Brahma.
Infinity is a numberless number
Which when subtracted from Itself, giveth Iitself.

Infinity is  the beginning of all,
Opposites coincide at Iinfinity.
Infinity postulates the Non Dual,
As a second Infinite will make it finite.

Deity,the Great Geometer, is a great definition,
And is the most popular in the Occident.
The Divine Geometricises, Deus Geometrisat,
As He is playing with Space, Time and Geometry !

Friday, May 8, 2020

Other Revealed Equations.


The Unbounded Energy we are confronted with ,
Of a Spaceless and Timeless Existence,
Which alone sustains Space, Time and Cosmos,
Is an equal and impartiail Mother, Samam Brahma.

This Equality Equation, Equality  = Being,
Which means that Absolute is Equal,
And Equanimous, is the precursor,
To The Marxist Brahman / Divine Communism Book

An egalitarian society was formed,
By this equation glorious.
Another definition, Yoga = Equality,
Added fuel to the fire.

So Socialism was born in India
And all men were deemed equal,
Before the Divine and this Equation,
Did not conflict with Materialism.

Another great equation, Silence = Being,
Was revealed as Nisabdam Brahma.
From this equation arose great Aphorisms,
Like " Speech is Silver, Silence Gold "

Observing Silence is a Yogic Method,
As the Self is the Silence beyond Time.
In Silence, we have to climb,
From our Earth, to Heaven.
Mouna is Sanskrit for Silence,
And the Silent Ones were Munis.
Fixed in calms of Contemplation,
Were the munis of yore.

Munis sit in a state of,
Superconscient Silence.
For, the Self is an utter Being,
And all these, Its Becomings.

Another Equation, Overmind = Being,
Was revealed to Aurobindo as Vijnanam Brahma.
Overmind is the vast Organiser,
Of many potentialities of Existence.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Revealed Equations of Brahman, The Absolute

Many celestial equations were revealed,
In Yogic flashes of heightened Consciousness,
To the psychic researchers , the Seer  Poets,
About the Absolute Nature of Pure Being.

These philosophic equations,
Are as great as the scientific ones.
For, Science deals with the Relative,
While Philosophy, the Absolute.

What the Poet Seers cognised,
Came to be known as the Vedas.
And these Equations Divine,
As Great  Aphorisms, Maha Vakyas !

The First Equation, Matter = Being,
Was revealed as Padartham Brahma,
Matter is the final precipitate,
And the densest form of Being !

The Second Equation, Life = Being,
Was cognised as Jeevan Brahma.
And the Third, Mind  = Being,
Was heard as Manam Brahma.

The Supernal Equation, Supermind= Being,
Was revealed to Aurobindo in higher states.
Supermind is the link betwixt Earth and Heaven,
Between Absolute Being and Relative Being.

The Fifth Equation, Being = Bliss,
Was revealed as Anandam Brahma.
From Bliss ariseth all, in Bliss all exist,
And into Bliss all merge back.

The Sixth Equation, Consciousness = Knowledge,
Was revealed as Chit Brahma !
Knowledge is structured in the Indestructible,
Where all the Laws of Nature abide !

The Seventh Equation, Existence = Being,
Was revealed as Sat Brahma !
Absolute is like a log, It cannot create,
But is the Base of all manifestations.

The Eighth Equation, Intellectual Love = Being,
Was revealed as Dhaishanika Premam Brahma !
All Conquering is Intellectual Love,
As it uses Logic, Inductive and Deductive.

Forget not the Eighth Equation
Intellectual Love is great indeed.
Only with this quality,
Can we get World Peace.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Mind is Omnipotent & Psychic Healing

Mind is Omnipotent & Psychic Healing

Many Aspects & Manifestations of the One

They see the Self, in the Self, by the Self !
All betrays him who sees all elsewhere,
Than in the Self! What can entire Veda,
Do for him, who sees all in Non-Self ?

The Eternian sees everything,
Under the aspect of Eternity,
Under the aspect of Zodiac,
And under the aspect of Love.

Thou manifested as Bhagavan Vyasa,
To write Epic Poems and Mythology.
The essence of Wisdom was underlined,
"Helping is Merit, Torturing is Demerit".

Thou incarnated as Bhagavan Kanada,
To impart the Wisdom of Vaisesika.Sastra.
Thou promulgated the Fivefold Atomic Theory
That atoms of Elemental Five make up Reality !

In Thy Manifestation as Lord Krishna,
Wisdom and Statesmanship met in Thee !
Initiated into the Mysteries of Yoga by Sandeepini,
Thou ruled as the greatest Philosopher King ever.

In Thy Incarnation as Lord Rama,
Wisdom and Sacrifice met in Thee !
Initiated into the Mysteries of Yoga by Vasishta,
Thou showed how a Philosopher King can sacrifice.

Thou manifested as Bhagavan Buddha,
To impart the Wisdom of  Nirvana Sastra
Renunciation Personified, Perfect.Exemplar,
Thou showed that Love is All Conquering !

In Thy Aspect as Death ineluctable,
Thou comest as welcome release !
Thou declared "I am Death",
So poets symbolise Thee  as Evil Tooth!

In Thy Aspect as Prakriti  Sagacious,
Thou art both terrible and sweet.
Thy natural calamities terrify all,
While Thy beauty, magnificent dazzle all.

Many Aspects & Manifestations of the One

They see the Self, in the Self, by the Self !
All betrays him who sees all elsewhere,
Than in the Self! What can entire Veda,
Do for him, who sees all in Non-Self ?

The Eternian sees everything,
Under the aspect of Eternity,
Under the aspect of Zodiac,
And under the aspect of Love.

Thou manifested as Bhagavan Vyasa,
To write Epic Poems and Mythology.
The essence of Wisdom was underlined,
"Helping is Merit, Torturing is Demerit".

Thou incarnated as Bhagavan Kanada,
To impart the Wisdom of Vaisesika.Sastra.
Thou promulgated the Fivefold Atomic Theory
That atoms of Elemental Five make up Reality !

In Thy Manifestation as Lord Krishna,
Wisdom and Statesmanship met in Thee !
Initiated into the Mysteries of Yoga by Sandeepini,
Thou ruled as the greatest Philosopher King ever.

In Thy Incarnation as Lord Rama,
Wisdom and Sacrifice met in Thee !
Initiated into the Mysteries of Yoga by Vasishta,
Thou showed how a Philosopher King can sacrifice.

Thou manifested as Bhagavan Buddha,
To impart the Wisdom of  Nirvana Sastra
Renunciation Personified, Perfect.Exemplar,
Thou showed that Love is All Conquering !

In Thy Aspect as Death ineluctable,
Thou comest as welcome release !
Thou declared "I am Death",
So poets symbolise Thee  as Evil Tooth!

In Thy Aspect as Prakriti  Sagacious,
Thou art both terrible and sweet.
Thy natural calamities terrify all,
While Thy beauty, magnificent dazzle all.