Aham Rudrebhirvasubhischara (অহং রুদ্রেভির্বসুভিশ্চরাম্যহম্) Medwings Nrityagamani EP 6 | Subhangik
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Bridal Mysticism is walking with Universal Love, embracing Nature in her beauty and humanity in its entirety
Indian Computations change to Asthmanal Param
After Sunset, as Rise and Set are the Base
And the first lord after Sunset,
Is the 5th lord from Weekday
(Nishayam tu Vareshwarath Panchamadya)
There are 24 Kala Horas,
Each of roughly i hour,
The First LOrd is the weekday LOrd,
Moon, today being Monday.
Daily Duration by 12
Is one Kala Hora
Similarly NIght Duration by 12
Is a single Hora.
Known in the West as Planetary Hours,
Kala Hora SYstem can be made use of,
In prognostication, as the system Fourth,
Along with Dasa, Ashtaka Varga and Gochara.
As the auspicious Kala lords,
In my chart - JUpiter and Mars,
Can bring auspiciousness Galore,
Which can te tranlated into succeess.
ON the contrary, the negative K H lords,
Can bring inauspiciouness,
Which normally translate as,
Failure, sorrow and misery !
Stock Market, LOttery and Jackpot
Dont you need luck in these ?
Auspicious Planetary Hours can be selected,
For buying lottery tickets and speculation !
FInd out Positive Planets in your Horoscope,
Avoiding the Negative.
Better success percentage can be had,
if you do it this way !
Avoid Trika lords, 6 8 & 12,
Avoid planets debilitated
Avoid the malefic aspected
ANd weak in either Rasi or Amsa
Choose 1,5 and 9 Lords,
Choose Planets exalted
Choose benefic aspected
Choose planets retrograde !