Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Jupiterian Law or Brihaspathi Neethi

Suppose your son goes against you. Will you throw him out of the house ?

This is where Jupiterian Law or Brihaspathi Neethi or Jesusian Law comes into operation.

Love is giving and forgiving
Self is getting and forgetting !

Conquer by Love ! This is the message handed out to us by the millenial philosophers, millenial poets and millenial prophets !

Love is a Glory from Eternity's spheres
He is still the Godhead that can make all change

Love should never cease to be upon the Earth
Love is the bright link betwixt Earth and Heaven
Love is the far Transcendent's angel here
Love is man's lien on the Absolute !

Sai and Jesus say " Love your enemies, bless them that curse you and bless them that persecute you" !

Let us be arrayed from head to foot with their commandments. ' Conquer everything with Patience and Love" is their eternal message !

Byron said " Take away Love and the whole world becomes a tomb "

Jupiter is the preceptor of the celestials and represents the divine arts and sciences. The scientia intuitiva or intuive sciences are a great preparation for Eternal Liberation. Without the discriminative intellect or prajna imparted by him, no one can hope for Self Actualisation. He represents the Sreyo Marga ( the way of Being and of Bliss ) and Venus represents the Preyo Marga ( the way of Mammon and the flesh ). Both paths are followed by mankind !

Goethe echoed the same when he averred

Now lead me where some heavenly silence glasses
The purer joys around the Poet throng
Where Love and Friendship divinely fashion
The bonds that bless, the wreaths that crown his passion !

Yoga Sastra, Nyaya Sastra, Neethi Sastra, Vedanta Sastra, Jyothis Sastra and all such sciences are ruled by Jupiter or Brihaspathi. Sasanath Thrayathe ithi Sastram - meaning that Redeeming instructions are called Sastras ( like fatherly advice to a son ). Hence Jupiter or Brihaspathi is the greatest benefic, from the perspective of Self Actualisation. He represents Grace Divine, without which no Self Realisatoin is possible.

Love is a manna sent from Heaven, a spark of the Immortal Fire, sent by the Lord to elevate our low desire ! Let Almighty Love triumph on earth !

From the Center where the Heart of God is known
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men
Let Love triumph on Earth !

Let us Love All, Serve All, Help Ever, Hate None and Hurt Never, thereby fulfilling the Jupiterian Law !

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Alchemical Allegory

The story of Jesus is an alchemical allegory.

In Alchemy, there are seven stages ( These correspond to the Seven States of Consciousness of SCI & TM ).


After the first two steps of Sanctification and Purification, the aspiring soul goes through the stages of Putrefaction, Fermentation and Combustion.

These three are the processes of Chemisty, which is derived from Alchemy. The founding fathers of Chemistry were all alchemists, those who trasmuted baser metals into gold. Converting copper or lead to Aurum is theoretically possible. You can change the atomic number of any element by proton bombardment.

The aspirig soul has inner tumults and agitations and these are represented by these three processes.

Combustion is Passion, the Passion of the Redeemer. Combustion is crucifixon, wherein the rebounding karma catches the aspirant unawares.

The question is asked why an aspirant is always carrying the Cross. Arent you a fool to carry the Cross all the time? The answer is that it is a paradoxical state of pain and Bliss. On the Cross, the fifth stage of Alchemy, the soul acquiesces in the Universal Will and welcomes the Divine Will with bliss.

The next stage is Regeneration. Free Masons and Rosucrucians are all alchemists and they admit that Alchemy is derived from the Vedists of the East.
The final stage is At One Ment, at One with the Universal, which is also the purpose of Yoga.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bridal Mysticism is the greatest !

Amongst the Threefold Yog
Wisdom, Love and Action
Bridal Mysticism is the greatest !

Since the Essence of Beauty is Thee
And Self Actualisation comes effortlessly
In Mysticism Bridal, as Love is all in all !

Evam Bhothathaya hi bhakti bi hitho
Yoga sa yoga dwayal
Karma Jnana dwayath bhrisothamatharo
Yogeeswarayair geeyathe

Soundarasya rasatmake thava khalu prema prakarshatmika
Bhaktir nisramameva vishva purushair
Labhya rama vallabha !

Work is worship, duty is divine
One duty is one's Yog !
This be the rationale of Karma Yog
But its effect is distant and far !

Deeply subtle are thoughts Upanishadic
Vedanta is difficult to study
The Absolute Self is inconceivable
To finite and defining Mind !
Philosophic principles like
I Absolute AM, I AM that I AM
Only reality is Self
Are difficult to comprehend !
Hence the most practical
And the noblest
Is unalloyed love for Thee
Which is Bridal Mysticism
Where Self is the lover, Self is the Bride !

Nishkamam niyatha swa dharma charanam
Yath Karma Yogabhidam
Thad doorethya phalam Yadaupanishada
Jnanam cha labhyam puna

Thathva avyakthata sudurga macharam
Chithasya thasmath vibho
Thvat Prematmaka bhaktireva sathatham
Swadeeyasi sreyasi !

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Great Books

Do you feel stressed out ? Millions feel so. There is no need to panic, as there is a technique to heal your mind and strengthen your body. The technique is Yoga. You many ask How ? With a combined strategy of yoga stretches and meditation. You can feel the stress melt away as you practise the ancient art of Yoga and Meditation to help bring your emotional well beinto into balance and keep your body fit at the same time. Yoga has natural healing properties that can alleviate the symptoms of most common ailments. " A Beginners Guide to Yoga and Meditation " is a gem from Dr Shashi Patwardhan. A must for the novice.

Dr Shashikant's " A Practical Guide to Yoga " breaks the mold of all the other Yoga instruction books you have heard and read aloud, presenting proven steps to help you achieve Self Actualisation.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sai and I are both Being and Awareness

There are always two meanings in spirituality. One the gross, the outer and the subtle, the inner

Bahya Abyanthara bhedath dwividha

The subtle or the inner meaning is imparted by the Guru to the disciple.

The mystic meaning of SAI BABA is Sai and I Are Both Being and Awareness ( Sat Chit Ananda ) and He moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform.

What is this Being- Awareness - Bliss ? Let us hear what Aurobindo said " The ancients spoke of Ultimate Realtiy negatively.They said it is not This, it is not That ( Neti, Neti ). At the same time they took care to speak of it positively. They said It is This, It is That, It is All. ( Sarvam Brahmamayam ). Brahman, the Absolute, they said is Mind, is Matter, is Energy, is Cosmic Delight, is Sat Chit Ananda. But then Brahman the Absolute cannot be defined by any of these terms, not even by our broadest conception of Absolute Knowledge ( Sat ), Absolute Knowlege ( Chit ) and Absolute Bliss ( Ananda ).

Aurobindo's Dialectical Integralism is at par with Hegelian Dialectical Idealism and Marxist Dialectical Materialism !

Sai's path is Bridal Mysticism, that of conquering the world through Love. He says Jesus conquered by Love, Mohammed conquered by Love, Moses, Aurobindo and Vivekananda conquered by Love. Sai is a bit controversial here when he says Ramana Maharshi's method of Koham? ( Who am I ?) is difficult and cannot be practised easily, as we are sunk in the quagmire of worlidness. Love is simple Wisdom, Love is the Forgiver, Love is the Redeemer and the highest Wisdom is Love !

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A poem, " Forgive me, O Lord " !

Devi Sooktam or Durga Saptashathi is a major philosophical text. It is called Sapta Shati because it contains 700 verses like another colossus, the Song Celestial ( Bhagavat Geetha ).

The devotee asks for forgiveness. He says I know not Philosophy or Religion and I commit a lot of sins and please forgive me !

Aparadha Sahasrani
Kiryante Har nisam maya
Dasoyam ithi mam mathva
Kshamsva Parameshwari

I commit a lot of sins
Knowlingly or unknowingly
Consider me as your servant
And forgive my sins !

Avahanam na janami
Na janami visarjanam
Poojam chaiva na janami
Kshamyatham Parameshwari

I know not how to invoke Thee
Nor the concluding rites of Puja
I know not how to worship Thee
Please have mercy on me !

Mantra heenam Kriya heenam
Bhakti heenam Sureshwari
Yat poojitham maya devi
Paripoornam thadasthu me

O Mother I know not Mantra
Nor the path of Action
Nor Devotion's way great
Be satisfied by my prayer !

Aparadha Shatham Krithva
Jagadambethi Chochareth
Yam gathim Smavapnothi
Na tham Brahma daya Sura

After doing a lot of sins
If somebody calls Thy Name
Their destiny cannot be judged
By the Creator or demigods !

Saparadhosmi Sharanam
Prapthaswam Jagadambike
Idaneemanu kamyoham
Yadecchasi Tada Kuru

Full of offences am I
I take refuge in Thee
This trembling servant's Fate
Should be decided by Thee !

Yanyonyam Adhikam Kritham
Tat Sarvam Kshamayam Devi
Praseeda Parameshwaree

Lack of wisdom, memory, knowledge
Spurred my actions bad
Forgive those sins
And be satisfied with me !

Kameshwari Jagath matha
Sachchidananda Vigrahe
Grihanamrcha mimam preethya
Praseeda Parameshwaree

O Love, O Mother of the Universe !
Blissful art Thou in Thy nature
Accept my offerings divine
With happiness and be happy on me !

Guhyathi Guhya Gopthree Thvam
Grihanasma kritham Japam
Siddhir bhavathu me Devi
Thvat Prasadath Sureshwari !

The Secret of all secrets
Is known only to Thee !
May I become divine
Blessed by Thy Grace !

Love, the essence of the Universe !

Love is the greatest  dictum
True Universal Teacher is She !
Love is the greatest Meditation
Celestial Deity great is Love !

All Epics & Poesis symbolise Love
The essence of the Vedas is She !
All poems extoll Love
Love is praised by all Ethics !

Love is the greatest Heaven
The never changing principle is She !
She is the greatest Power
Love is All in All, the ALL !

Love cognised is Truth
In Action, She is Non-Violence !
She is the Mover of the Worlds
As Feeling, She is Peace !

In the 33rd Canto of the Divina Commedia , Dante sees the essence of the
Universe as one perfect Whole and the Whole as nothing but Love. Deeper and
deeper he penetrates into the mysteries of the Trinitarian Unity and sees
the unchanging glory of the triune Deity and the featured countenance of

The divine Aurobindo wrote

Love should never cease to be on the earth
Love is the bright link betwixt Earth and Heaven
Love is the far Transcendent's angel here
Love is man's lien on the Absolute !

" Take away Love and the whole world becomes a tomb " said Byron. Also

" Flower of the clove ! All the Latin I construe is " Amo ", I love !"

The highest quality is Intellectual Love or Amor Intelectualis or Jnana Bhakti. Love cometh from Wisdom. Even though Love is an outpouring of the heart, it is the result of intellectuality.

Said Dante " Love is the inevitable consequence of Knowledge ".

"To Love Almighty Love is given

All things to form and all to bear "  said Goethe

Universe rises in Love

It evolves in Love

Love is the Sovereign Power

The highest bliss for all is Love !

Love is expansion. Hatred is contraction. Love is Life. Hatred is Death. Love is Positive, hatred is negative !

Who has conquered everything with hatred ? Love conquers all !