Sunday, May 31, 2020

Eternal Law is Universal Religion

Religion is derived from Relegere,
Which means going back to the Source.
Go back, go back and go back,
Till you reach the Vibrationless Origin !

Eternal law is a universal religion
Embracing all Religions in its fold.
Prophets of all religions are accepted as Rishies,
And worshipped as Divine personalities !

Jesus was a yogi who declared
Aham brahmasmi as Ego sum Alpha et Omega
The Prophet was another great Yogi,
Who was an epitome of excellence in all !

Lord Buddha occupies a prominent place,
As He is part of the Ten Incarnations.
He renounced Kingdom for Enlightenment,
And imparted Wisdom as the Four Noble Truths !

Eternal law is ecumenical and syncretic,
Incorporating Sarva Dharma Samabhava.
Some are indulging in calumny against her,
Which will be an exercise in futility.

There is only One Religion,,
And that is the religion of humanity,
There is only One Language,,
And that is the Language of the Heart !

There is only One  God
And He is omnipresent.
Quintessence of all Sastras,
Do Good, Never Evil !

This is in line with Shaw,
Who averred Only One Religion,
Even though thousands of interpretations,
Of it exist in the wide world.

Love All and Serve All,
As the greatest is Intellectual Love
Educate All, as Wisdom is Guru,
The Celestial Teacher of Teachers !

Hate None, Help Ever, Hurt Never,
As Man and Self are important.
Forgive Ever, as forgiveness itself,
Is manifestation of Love Intellectual !

Sufism, the Path of Love

Saturday, May 30, 2020

About Advaita Vedanta Sastra

The Philosopher is a rebel,
He is against the outworn fetishes
Of a purblind system social,
And he will fight for Justice.

God is the Second Principle,
In Advaita Vedanta Sastra !
God is partt of the Relative Triad,
Hence, only relatively real !

Absolute Brahman became Cosmic Mind,
Giving rise to Jagat, Jiva and Para.
Absolute became Relative, doing so,
And the Relative cannot be absolutely real !

The Same, the Same, friend and enemy,
Are the Same Substance and the Stuff .
Is such that the variations of form
Are unimportant indeed.

The Non Self isr defined first,
In order to differentiate it from Self.
From the Macrocosm to Microcosm.
All that you see is Non Self.

Absolute Reality and Relative Reality
Are two types of Reality
Maya, Mithya means Relative Reality
And Brahman, Absolute Reality.

Maya means everything is  Mind,
Mind is Substance, Perception is Essence.
Everything is externalised and internalised,
By Mind, the main enemy of Man !

In the Western, the Self,
Has been variously defined.
As Reason in Aristotle
And as Will Power in Nietzsche.

The Adi Sastra defined the Self,
As Attributteless,Actionless, Eternal,
Formless, Verity, Non Dual, Sublime,
Birthless, Deathless and Absolute !

Superconscient Stillness of Yoga

Monday, May 25, 2020

Duty is divine, Work is Worship - Karma Yoga

Doing one's duty itself is Yoga,
Karthvyam Yoga Uchyathe,
This is Rationale of Karma Yoga,
Union via Altruistic Action !

Vice Admiral Nelson's words were,
" England expects every man to do his Duty "
Its meaning was clear to all,
As work is worship and duty, divine.

Result of Karma Yoga is far,
Actualising via It is difficult
Philosophic principles are hard to grasp
Hence, Intellectual Love, Vibhakti, is noblest.

Rugged path to the Unmanifest, Jnana,
Is full of knowledgeable sorrow.
Avyaktahi Gathir Dukham,
So embrace Universal Love.

Intellectuality without Love is madness,
Love without Intellectuality is superstition.
Both integrated will yield Intellectual Love,
Et Amor Iintegrate is an Indian concept.

We have  two types of duties,
Duty unto Caesar and Duty unto Self.
Duties, worldly and divine.
And we have to do both effectively.

The Caesar of the outer world,
Must be given  all that  is lawfully his
At the same time, we have to strive,
Fot Self Actualisation, which is the Goal.

In Silence divine we have to climb,
From our own earths into our heavens,
We should stop ratiocinating,
And go deep within ourselves. 

Life alone is the field of Yoga,
Not a blissful Beyond.
Practical life, with all its dangers,
Is our field,and we are gong to win.

Yoga is the Art of  Self Finding,
An integration at seven levels of Being.
Excellence in Action = Yoga,
So be thou a Yogi, Tasmat Yogi Bhava !

Bhoomi Vandanam | Paris Laxmi | WORLD EARTH DAY |