Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Everything is He !

A story, pregnant with philosophic meaning, comes to us from Bengal.Once upon a time, there was a proud King. One day he called all his ministers and asked " Who is greater, me or God ?"

The pundits shook with fear. They requested him to grant them some time.

Next day a wise pundit told the King " Verily, thou art greater , O King, for thou can banish us from your kingdom, whereas God cannot, for all this is His and all this is He ".

This story, coming from Bengal, where Bhagavan Aurobindo was born, was not altogether unknown to Him, who said that all this is He ( All this is verily Brahman, say the Upanishads . Sarvam Brahmamayam ).

Aurobindo wrote

" He is Timeless and Time. He is Spaceless and all that is in Space, He is Causality and the Cause and the Effect. Brahman, the Iswara, is all this by His Yoga Maya !

For we find the the Indeterminate teems with mutations and differentiae. The One becomes an innumerable multitude. The Universal individualises itself and the Individual universalises itself. Being turns into Becoming, but is always Itself and other than Its Becomings. The Absolute becomes relative and the Relative becomes the Absolute. The Indeterminate determines itself as the Infinite and the Finite".

His greatest realisation was " The Absolute is everywhere, every finite is an Infinite"

This is in line with Lord Krishna's commandment to Arjuna

"How can you, O Prince, comprehend the vastness of this Universe?
I, who am all, who made it all, abide as its separate Lord 

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